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A) Найдите среди слов в правой колонке синонимы к словам в левой колонке.

1) part 2) manufacture 3) to use 4) various 5) essential 6) amount 7) fat 8) tough a) portion, a) consume, a) identify, a) essential, a) useful, a) quantity, a) small, a) coarse, b) protein, b) provide, b) apply, b) desirable, b) important, b) volume, b) firm, b) smooth, c) proportion c) produce c) define c)different c) common c) category c) stout c) velvety

Б) Подберите к словам в левой колонке слова с противоположным значением из правой колонки.

1) lean 2) large a) soft, a) small, b) hard, b) wide, c) fatty c) deep
3) include 4) wide a) call, a) narrow, b) come, b) long, c) exclude c) slow
5) tough 6) fat a) smooth, a) fresh, b) delicate, b) delicate, c) firm c) slender
7) fine 8) coarse a) bright, a) tender, b) elastic, b) mature, c) coarse c) light

14. Подберите к следующим терминам их определения:

1) beef 1. The provider of meat known as pork
2) pig 2. The flesh of mature cattle
3) poultry meat 3. Difficult to masticate
4) meat 4. Animal tissues which are suitable for use as food
5) tough 5. The flesh of a young cattle
6) ingredient 6. The flesh of domestic birds
7) veal 7. A substance used to make a mixture
8) calf 8. A young cattle
9) marbling 9. An organ of movement which is highly contractive, extensible and elastic
10) muscle 10. Visible intramuscular fat located in the connective tissues

Найдите в тексте A предложения с прилагательными и наречиями, определите их степени сравнения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Найдите в тексте А предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено в форме страдательного залога. Выпишите их и определите временные формы.

17. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста А. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста, используя разговорные фразы: It seems to be wrong; That’s not quite so; As far as I know; That’s right.

1. The most commonly consumed meats are identified by the live animal from which they come.

2. Meat from lambs and sheep is produced on a much smaller scale than either beef or pork.

3. The world’s second largest provider of meat is horse.

4. It is water that makes the beef lean tasty, tender and juicy.

5. Grass-fed calves produce high-quality veal.

6. Lamb delicate flavour is influenced by the feed.

7. Pork is one of the most popular types of meat.


18. Закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста А.

1. The term «meat» is used to describe ….

а) muscles and fat

b) the flesh or other edible parts of animals

c) ham and sausages


2. Meats are often classified by ….

a) physical properties

b) colour and smell

c) the type of animals


3. Meats are marketed as ….

a) fresh or processed goods

b) additives for other foodstuffs

c) fast food

19. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту А.

1. What is the general definition of meat?

2. What are the main soft tissues of meat?

3. Meat is subdivided into several categories isn’t it? Name those categories.

4. What are the most widely consumed types of meat?

5. What are the main characteristics of beef / veal / pork / lamb?

6. How is high-quality veal obtained?

7. How are meats marketed?

Составьте таблицу, в которой укажите названия мяса из категории “red meat” и отличительные свойства каждой разновидности.

Разновидность «красного» мяса Свойства

21. Составьте план пересказа текста А. Выпишите ключевые слова к каждому пункту плана. Перескажите текст, пользуясь планом и ключевыми словами.

Прочитайте заголовок текста В и переведите его на русский язык. Просмотрите текст, обращая внимание на выделенные слова. Это поможет Вам ответить на вопрос: Какие птицы входят в категорию: а) домашняя птица; b) дичь? Найдите в тексте абзац, в котором говорится об особенностях потребления мяса дичи. В чем заключается эта особенность?

Text B

Poultry and Game

The flesh of birds and game forms a large part of the meat diet of man and, in this respect, ranks next to the flesh of mammalia. It is chiefly characterized by an absence of fat, although domesticated birds are covered with fat by abundant feeding, but wild birds are lean and practically devoid of fat. The flavour of different birds varies considerably, but generally depends upon the manner of feeding.

Poultry includes chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea-fowl, and pigeons.

Chickens are divided according to size and age. There are: spring chickens, birds not more than 6 months old; roasters, birds from 1.5 to 3 years old; and boilers, which are principally hens over 3 years old.

Turkeys form the most important part of trade in Britain. The

flesh of turkeys, compared with that of chickens, is dense and coarse in texture, but improves in flavour with being allowed to hang for a short time.

Ducks. The flesh of the domesticated duck contains a quantity of fat, if abundantly fed. Young ducks or ducklings are ready for the market at the age of 3-4 months. Young ducks have very smooth downy skins of a light colour.

Geese. The best table breeds are grey and white. The flesh of the goose is strong in flavour, and if beyond its full growth, coarse, fat, and indigestible. The flesh of the gosling may be insipid if too young. The best age is 3-6 months.

Guinea-fowl. This bird is a native of Guinea in Africa, where it is wild and in abundance. The flesh is darker than chicken, somewhat resembling pheasant. It is at its best when 6 months old.

Pigeons. The flesh of pigeons, unless young, is dense, firm, indigestible, and of a very heating nature. The best age to kill is when the birds have attained their full feathers, which is usually 8-10 weeks.

Although poultry, with the exception of chickens, are allowed to “hang” for some days to improve their flavour and make them tender, they are not consumed in a decomposing state, as is the case with game. Poultry in a state of decomposition is regarded as unsound.

Game may be divided into furred and feathered one, the former being deer (venison) and hares and the latter, pheasants, grouse, partridges, wild ducks and other game birds. Game birds are subject to close seasons, although imported game can be sold throughout the year.

It is the usual custom to consume game in a state of putrefaction. The reason for this being that the flesh is rendered soft and easy of digestion. The time for hanging different game varies; thus a pheasant is usually allowed to hang for a week, a partridge five days, hare three days, etc. Some gourmets, however, will consume with great relish, say, a grouse that is really in an advanced state of decomposition. It is a difficult matter to decide at what stage of decomposition game actually does become unfit. The usual practice is to seize game

that is maggoty and the flesh is green, soft, flabby, and putrid.




23. Найдите в тексте B ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. How is the flesh of birds and game characterized?

2. What factor influences the flavour of different birds?

3. What poultry are allowed to “hang” for some days in order to improve their flavour?
4. It is the common practice to “hang” game isn’t it?

5. What is the usual custom to consume game?

6. Why is game consumed in a state of putrefaction?

7. Would you like to consume, say, a grouse in a state of decomposition?



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