14. Переведите на английский язык – получить образование
14. Переведите на английский язык – получить образование a) to do well b) to try the best c) to get an education d) to be interested in 15. My parents ___ me to pursue a career of an accountant, while I prefer being a vet. a) want b) wants c) wanted d) wanting 16. Выберите правильное предложение: a) The faculty of veterinary medicine trains vets, physicist and vet san experts. b) The faculty of veterinary medicine trains vets, microbiologists and vet san experts. с) The faculty of veterinary medicine trains vets, microbiologists and chemist. d) The faculty of veterinary medicine trains vets, physicist and chemist. 17. The students of our University attend laboratories, library and a reading hall. a) stand by b) attention c) attend d) study 18. Переведите на русский язык фразу - educational establishment a) учебное заведение b) учебная комната c) учебное здание d) ученое заведение 19. I also like animals, like to ___ of them. a) care b) hunt c) take love d) take care 20. In four years I`ll be a ___. a) vet san expert b) veterinarian c) microbiologist d) doctor 21. I ___ that education is very important nowadays. a) thinking b) was think c) think d) will thinking 22. Let me introduce myself. a) разрешите спросить b) позвольте мне представиться c) можете рассказать мне d) дайте мне сказать 23. The University City has 2 ___ and a conference-hall. a) student hostels b) libraries c) parks d) laboratories 24. The laboratories are _______ with the most up-to-date equipment. a) provided b) will provided c) provide d) provides 25. Veterinarian also veterinary-sanitary examination of meat on the market. a) conducted b) conducts c) will conducted d) conducting 26. I ______ interested in animals and their structure from the very childhood and I’ve had a natural impulse to help them. a) had been b) have c) have been d) had 27. The hostels _______ with the most up-to-date equipment. a) are provided b) is provide c) are provide d) is provided 28. I’ve _____ the University in 2019. a) entered b) enter c) will enter d) were entered 29. The University ___ 11 buildings which contain a great amount of study rooms, laboratories and 2 museums. a) had b) have c) has d) having 30. Составьте предложение 1 1a) This summer 2b) I have 3c) finished 4d ) the secondary school UNIT 2. My future profession: veterinarian
VOCABULARY to admire v - восхищаться to admit - зачислять, принимать assignment - задание convenient - удобный correspondence - здесь: заочный curriculum - учебная программа department - здесь: отделение disease - болезнь, заболевание embankment - набережная exihibition - выставка facilitites - здесь: удобства graduation - окончание highly - высоко to leave - оставить, покинуть lecturer - лектор qualified - квалифицированный relative - родственник (hall of) residence - общежитие secondary (school) - здесь: средняя (школа) state adj (exam) - государственный to suffer - страдать unified adj (exam) - единый (экзамен) to wander - бродить
This year I left the secondary school. My favorite subjects at school were mathematics and biology but most of all I was interested in animals and their life. That is why I decided to become a vet. On graduation from my secondary school, I took Unified State Examinations in several subjects. I applied the results of my Unified State Examinations in Biology, Russian language and Mathematics to St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. As my results of the Unified State Examinations in these subjects were high enough, I was admitted to the academy. The academy is a higher medical school that trains specialists for different branches of veterinary medicine. Now I am a first year student and I study at the day department. Besides day department, there is an evening department and a correspondence department at the academy, too. I entered St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine because my dream was to help animals suffering from different diseases. I am not from St. Petersburg, I am from Petrozavodsk. There is no higher veterinary school in my town, so I came to St. Petersburg to get higher veterinary education. I decided to apply to the academy, as it is one of the best veterinary schools not only in St. Petersburg, but in Russia as well. I do not have any relatives in the city and now I live in a hall of residence. My hall of residence is located in Oleko Dundicha Street. This hall of residence is not very convenient and modern but it has all necessary facilities in it. There are two more students in my room. They are from different towns in Russia. They also came to St. Petersburg to study at the academy. We are rather friendly and always help each other with our home tasks. At the weekends when we have free time we go to the movies or theatres, museums or exhibitions or we just wander along the streets of the city admiring its beauty. I am very happy to be a student of the academy. It is very interesting to study here, though not easy.
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