1. Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text.
1. Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text. 1. This year I …. 2. Now I am …. 3. On graduation of my secondary school I …. 4. I study at …. 5. I entered St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine because …. 6. I am from …. 7. Now I live in … 8. There are two more …. 9. At weekends when we have free time …. 10. It is very interesting to ….
2. Translate the derivatives. Make up your own sentences with some of these words. 1. To graduate, graduation, graduating, graduated. 2. Examination, examiner, to examine, examining. 3. Special, speciality, specialist, specialize.
3. Choose the most appropriate word from those given in brackets. 1. This year I (entered, left, admitted) my secondary school. 2. This summer I (gave, took) Unified State Examinations. 3. Now I (go, study, live) at the academy. 4. Our academy is a special (higher, secondary, middle) medical veterinary school. 5. I (passed, study, entered) the academy as I (want, like, have) to be a vet. 6. Now I (sit, live, stand) at the (hotel, house, hall of residence) because I am not from St. Petersburg and I don’t have any (friends, parents, relatives) here.
4. Give the English equivalents to the Russian words in brackets. 1. I am (первокурсник). 2. I study at (Санкт-Петербургская государственная академия ветеринарной медицины). 3. I (учиться) at the day department. 4. This summer I took (Единый государственный экзамен) in many subjects. 5. (Я не из Санкт-Петербурга), I am from Novosibirsk. 6. Now I (жить в общежитии). 7. There are (еще два студента в комнате). 8. We are rather friendly and (часто проводить свободное время вместе).
5. Give the English equivalents of the following words and collocations in Russian: различные заболевания, средняя школа, дневное отделение, заочное отделение, удобное общежитие, свободное время, бродить по улицам, страдать от болезней, современные условия, первокурсник, родственник, биология, математика, русский язык.
6. Read and translate the text. MY WORKING DAY Every day I get up at half past six. Our classes start at nine o’clock. I live rather far from the academy and it takes me an hour and a half to get to it. I leave for the academy at half past seven. As a rule, I go to the academy by metro. It is the fastest and the most convenient means of public transport in St. Petersburg. Every day we have three or four classes: lectures, seminars or practical classes. We listen to the lecturer and take notes at lectures and we do laboratory works, perform experiments, read and translate texts, discuss different philosophical works and problems at practical classes and seminars. Around 1 p. m. we have a lunch break at the academy. There are many subjects in our curriculum: anatomy, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, biology and others. My favorite subjects are anatomy and English. I like anatomy because it is a very important subject for my future work as a vet and I like English because it is necessary to know English in the modern world, besides every highly qualified professional should know at least one foreign language. Usually our classes are over at half past four. After classes, I go straight home or sometimes stay in the library for another hour to get ready with my home assignment. When I come home, I have dinner, a little rest and then do my home assignments for the next day. Usually it takes me two or three hours to do everything. There are twenty students in my academic group. We are all good friends and help each other in different situations. Sometimes we spend our free time together. I should say that it is very interesting to study at the veterinary academy, but not so easy. I often get home very tired, but I like to study at the academy and I hope to graduate from it in five years with a diploma of a qualified vet. On Sunday, I usually get up later, have breakfast and do whatever I like: visit my friends, go shopping or stay at home and have a rest. When I have time, I like to read books, watch TV, surf the Internet or, when the weather is good, I go for a walk. I like to walk along the streets and embankments of our city and admire its beauty.
7. Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text. 1. Our classes start …. 2. It takes me an hour and a half to…. 3. Metro is the fastest and the most convenient means of …. 4. At lectures we …. 5. At 8 practical classes …. 6. There are many subjects in our curriculum: …. 7. My favorite subjects are …. 8. Usually our classes are over …. 9. On Sundays I …. 10. When I have time, I like ….
8. Choose the most appropriate word from those given in brackets. 1. I (learn, study, go) at St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. 2. Alex is a first (course, year) student. 3. Professor Ivanov (teaches, learns, studies) us to care for patients. 4. Usually I (come, walk) home at 5 o’clock. 5. It (spends, takes, gives) me two hours to do my home assignment. 6. Usually I (study, learn, teach) Latin terms in the evening before (taking, going, coming) to bed.
9. Give the English equivalents of the following words and collocations in Russian. Проводить эксперименты, делать лабораторные работы, любимый предмет, высококвалифицированный специалист, по крайней мере, довольно далеко, я трачу час, ехать на метро (трамвае, автобусе), быть усталым, свободное время, приходить домой, делать домашнее задание, практические занятия, смотреть телевизор, сидеть в интернете, как правило, химия, анатомия, биология, физиология, биохимия.
10. Выберите нужную форму местоимения, чтобы заполнить пропуск в предложениях (см. Приложение 2): 1. Is your bag new? Yes, bag is new. (1. your; 2. her; 3. my; 4. our) 2. I like... hat, Ann. (1. you; 2. your; 3. our; 4. their) 3. She is late! What is... name? (1. her; 2. his; 3. its; 4. their) 4. The farm is big. What is... name? (1. her; 2. his; 3. its; 4. their) 5. He is late! What is... name? (1. her; 2. his; 3. our; 4. their)
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