7. What new facts have you learned from the text about nutrition and animal health? Answer the question.
7. What new facts have you learned from the text about nutrition and animal health? Answer the question. 8. Give the general opinion of the group about the relationship between proper nutrition and health. Tell about it. Test for unit 3 1. Early sailors … their sailing vessels with limes when going to sea for long periods. a) stock b) stocks c) stocked d) will stock 2. What is the process by which animals eat food and use it to live, grow and reproduce? a) feed b) nutrition c) obesity d) ration 3. What is the reason for animal's anorexia? a) too little nutrition b) too much nutrition c) proper nutrition d) vitamins 4. Scurvy … a disease of the gums and skin caused by a deficiency of vitamin C in the diet. a) was b) are c) has been d) is 5. The amount and content of food eaten by an animal in one … is referred to as the animal's ration. a) hour b) day c) year d) morning 6. Feed is animal food. It represents … single cost item in the production of livestock. a) the largest b) largest c) larger d) large 7. … is animal food. a) nutrition b) ration c) silage d) feed 8. The amount and content of food eaten by an animal in one day … to as the animal's ration. a) referred b) is referred c) was referred d) has referred 9. Vitamins are … for normal body functions of human and animal alike. a) animal food b) elements c) complex chemicals d) rates of gain 10. Minerals … for normal body functions of human and animal alike. a) animal food b) elements c) complex chemicals d) rates of gain 11. When the amount of feed consumed by an animal in 24 hours contains all of the needed nutrients in the proper proportions and amounts, the ration is referred to as a balanced ration. a) потребляющей b) употребляющее c) потребленной d) потребляемой 12. When the amount of feed consumed by an animal in 24 hours contains all of the needed nutrients in the proper proportions and amounts, the ration is referred to as a … a) balanced ration b) feed efficiency c) rate of gain d) obesity 13. Such diseases … deficiency diseases. a) is calling b) are calling c) is called d) are called 14. Vitamins are complex chemicals and minerals are elements essential for normal body functions of human and animal alike. a) существенные b) основные c) необходимые d) ценные 15. When the amount of feed consumed by an animal in 24 hours … all of the needed nutrients in the proper proportions and amounts, the ration … to as a balanced ration. a) contain … is referred b) contain … are referred c) contains … is referred
d) contains … are referred 16. In simple terms, anorexia is a result of too little nutrition, and obesity the result of too much or improper … of food being eaten. a) sorts b) types c) forms d) varieties 17. Slow growth, poor reproduction, lowered production, and poor health are generally the result of … -than-adequate animal rations. a) less b) more c)higher d) lower 18. " You are what you eat" is … axiom that is true to a considerable extent, especially as it relates to good health of both humans and animals. a) _ b) the c) a d) an 19. Scurvy is a disease of the gums and skin caused by a deficiency of … in the diet. a) vitamin A b) vitamin B c) vitamin C d) vitamin D 20. Scurvy is a disease of the gums and skin caused by a deficiency of vitamin С in the diet. a) малокровие b) глухота c) сибирская язва d) цинга 21. … are elements essential for normal body functions of human and animal alike. a) Feed b) Nutrition c) Vitamins d) Minerals 22. Составьте предложение 1 2b) proper nutrition and health. 3c) has long been recognized 1а) the relationship between 23. 1) proper nutrition 2) balanced ration 3) rate of gain 4) to a considerable extent 1a) правильное питание 2b) сбалансированный рацион 3c) скорость прироста 4d) в значительной степени 24. Составьте предложение 2 1a) not all types of animals 2b) require 3c) the same vitamins 4d) and minerals 5e) to maintain good health) 25. 1)feed 2) poor 3) balanced 4) proper 1a) efficiency 2b) reproduction 3c) ration 4d) nutrition 26. Составьте предложение 3 1a) Numerous diseases 2b) may result 3c) from improper amounts 4d) or balances of vitamins 5e) and minerals 27. Составьте предложение 4 1a) Scurvy is 2b) a disease of the gums 3c) and skin caused 4d) by a deficiency of vitamin С 5e) in the diet 28. Составьте предложение 5 1a) Early sailors 2b) stocked their sailing vessels 3c) with limes 4d) when going to sea 5e) for long periods 29. Составьте предложение 6 1a) In animals 2b) proper nutrition 3c) is just as 4d) important as 5e) it is in humans 30. Составьте предложение 7 1a) This unit explores 2b) the relationship 3c) between good nutrition 4d) and 5e) good health UNIT 4. Anatomy VOCABULARY osteology [" ɒ sti′ ɒ lə ʤ i] остеология skeleton [′ skə lə tɒ n] скелет arthrology [a: θ ′ rɒ lə ʤ i] артрология joint [′ dɒ ɒ int] сустав myology [mai′ ɒ lə ʤ i] миология accessory structures [æ k′ sə sə ri ′ strΛ kt∫ ə z] вспомогательные структуры splanchnology [" splæ η k′ nɒ lə ʤ i] учение о внутренностях
viscera pl. [′ visə rə ] внутренности (кишки) digestive [di′ ʤ estiv] пищеварительный respiratory [ris′ paiə rə tə ri] дыхательный urogenital [" juə rɒ ′ d enitə l] мочеполовой urinary [juə ′ rinə ri] мочевой genital [′ dʒ enitə l] половой angiology [ " æ nd i′ ɒ lə d i] ангиология circulation [" sə: kju′ lei∫ n] циркуляция (крови) neurology [nju′ rɒ lə ʤ i] неврология nervous [′ nə: və s] нервный aesthesiology [i: s′ θ ezi′ ɒ lə dʒ i] эстезиология sense organs [′ sens′ ɒ: gə ns] органы чувств integument [in′ tegjumə nt] кожа, наружный покров surgery [′ sə: ʤ ə ri] хирургия applied [ə ′ plaid] прикладной morbid tissue[′ mɒ: bid] патологический ткань cell клетка
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