2. Give the English equivalents to the Russian words in brackets.
Anatomy is the branch which deals with the form and structure of the principal domestic animals. To understand the structure of the organism in light of the connection between form and function, anatomy uses the data of physiology. Two chief methods of study are employed – systematic and topographic. In the former the body is regarded as consisting of systems of organs or apparatus which are similar in origin and structure and are associated in the performance of certain functions. The approach of systematic anatomy is to divide the organism artificially into parts using the analytical method. The divisions of systematic anatomy are: 1) Osteology (Osteologia), the description of the skeleton; 2) Arthrology (Arlhrologia), the description of the joints; 3) Myology (Myologia); the description of the muscles and accessory structures; 4) Splanchnology (Splanchnologia), the description of the viscera. It includes the following subdivisions: 4. 1) Digestive system (Apparatus digestorius); 4. 2) Respiratory system (Apparatus respiratorius); 4. 3) Urogenital system (Apparatus urogenitalis): a) urinary organs, b) genital organs (Organa genitalia); 5) Angiology, the description of the organs of circulation; 6) Neurology, the description of the Nervous system; 7) Aesthesiology, the description of the sense organs and common integument. Besides systematic anatomy there is topographic anatomy which studies the spatial relationships of the organs in the different body regions. The term topographic anatomy designates the methods by which the relative positions of the various parts of the body are accurately determined. It presupposes a fair knowledge of systematic anatomy. The consideration of anatomical facts in their relation to surgery, physical diagnosis, and other practical branches is termed applied anatomy. As animal is a part of nature, anatomy, the science studding animal`s structure, is part of biology. Animal body is the complex of living matter. The structure of living matter comprises not only the form but the function, not only the morphological but the functional peculiarities of the organism. Anatomy that studies the normal healthy organism is called normal anatomy, as distinct from pathological or morbid anatomy, which is concerned with the study of the sick organism and the morbid changes in its organs.
1. Complete the following sentences. Choose the ending according to the text. 1)Anatomy is the branch …. 2) Two chief methods of study are …. 3) The approach of systematic anatomy is …. 4) Topographic anatomy studies …. 5) The term topographic anatomy designates….
2. Give the English equivalents to the Russian words in brackets. 1) To understand the (структура) of the organism in light of the (связь) between form and function, anatomy uses the data of physiology. 2) The approach of (систематическая) anatomy is to divide the organism artificially into parts using the analytical method. 3) The consideration of anatomical facts in their relation to (хирургия), physical diagnosis, and other practical branches is termed (прикладной) anatomy. 4) Anatomy that studies the normal (здоровый) organism is called normal anatomy, as distinct from pathological or (патологический) anatomy, which is concerned with the study of the (больной) organism and the morbid changes in its organs.
3. Answer the following questions. 1. What is anatomy? 2. What does anatomy deal with? 3. What does anatomy use to understand the structure of the organism? 4. What sciences is anatomy connected with? 5. What are the chief methods of study? 6. How many parts does the systematic anatomy consist of? 7. What is physiology? 8. What is histology? 9. What is embryology? 10. What is osteology? 11. How is arthrology termed in Latin? 12. What is myology? 13. What is the Latin for splanchnology? 14. What subdivisions does splanchnology include? 15. What is the Latin term for urogenital system? 16. What organs does it include? 17. What is angiology? 18. What is neurology? 19. What does aesthesiology describe? 20. What does topographic anatomy study? 21. What is applied anatomy? 22. What is normal anatomy? 23. What is pathological anatomy? 24. What is microscopic anatomy? 25. How many levels is the animal organism studied at? What are they? 26. What is morphology?
4. Write the numbers (см. Приложение 4): 1. The Celsius freezing point — ___________ 2. Days in April — ___________ 3. The number of letters in the English alphabet — ___________ 4. An unlucky number — ___________ 5. Teeth in the normal human mouth — ___________ 6. The number of years in a millennium — ___________ 7. The number of months in a year — ___________ 8. Days in December – ___________ 9. Degrees in a right angle — ___________ 10. Books in a trilogy — ___________ 11. Minutes in an hour — ___________ 12. Legs has an octopus — ___________ 13. The number of cents in a half-dollar — ___________ 14. Players in a soccer team — ___________ 15. Number of hours in a day — ___________ 16. Celsius boiling point — ___________
5. Write the sentences. Animals in a running competition. Horse – number 1, Dog – number 5, Cat – number 6, Sheep – number 2, Wolf – number 4. Lena was the _____________. Peter was the _____________. Joe was the _______________. Jane was the ______________. Spike was the _____________. 6. Pronounce and write dates in English (см. Приложение 4):
06. 01. 1978 01. 06. 1453
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