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Test for unit 4. 1. _____ is the branch which deals with the form and structure of the principal domestic animals. 2. To _____ the structure of the organism in light of the connection between form and function, anatomy uses the data of physiology.

Test for unit 4

1. _____ is the branch which deals with the form and structure of the principal domestic animals.

a) physiology

b) biology

c) anatomy

d) topography

2. To _____ the structure of the organism in light of the connection between form and function, anatomy uses the data of physiology.

a) understand

b) understanding

c) understood

d) to understand

3. Two chief methods of study ____ employed – systematic and topographic.

a) am

b) has

c) are

d) is

4. In the former the body is regarded as consisting of systems of ____ or apparatus which

are similar in origin and structure and are associated in the performance of certain functions.

a) tissue

b) organs

c) vessels

d) veins

5. The approach of systematic anatomy _____ to divide the organism artificially into parts using the analytical method.

a) had

b) has

c) are

d) is

6. Arthrology (Arlhrologia), the description of the _____.

a) joints

b) ligaments

c) skeleton

d) tissue

7. Osteology (Osteologia), the description of the ______.

a) joints

b) blood

c) skeleton

d) tissue

8. As ____ is a part of nature, anatomy, the science studding animal`s structure, is part of biology.

a) human

b) animal

c) bacteria

d) plant

9. Besides systematic anatomy there ____ topographic anatomy which studies the spatial relationships of the organs in the different body regions.

a) fore

b) are

c) is

d) a

10. It presupposes a fair knowledge of _____ anatomy.

a) topographic

b) normal

c) pathological

d) systematic

11. The consideration of anatomical facts in their relation to _____, physical diagnosis, and other practical branches is termed applied anatomy.

a) medicine

b) surgery

c) physiology

d) nature

12. Animal body ____ the complex of living matter.

a) are

b) at

c) is

d) am

13. The structure of living matter _____ not only the form but the function, not only the

morphological but the functional peculiarities of the organism.

a) will comprise

b) comprised

c) comprise

d) comprises

14. Angiology, the description of the _____.

a) organs of circulation

b) skeleton

c) muscles
d) nervous system

15. Anatomy that studies the normal healthy organism is called _____, as distinct from pathological or morbid anatomy, which is concerned with the study of the sick organism and the morbid changes in its organs.

a) physiology

b) anatomy

c) normal anatomy

d) medicine

16. The term topographic anatomy ______ the methods by which the relative positions of the various parts of the body are accurately determined.

a) designates

b) designate

c) designated

d) to designate

  17. As animal is a part of nature, anatomy, the science studding animal`s structure, is part of _____.

a) physics

b) medicine

c) microbiology

d) biology

18. 1) integument 2) surgery 3) skeleton 4) genital

4 d) половой

3 c) скелет

2 b) хирургия

1 a) кожа

19. 1) neurology 2) applied 3) cell 4) digestive

4 d) пищеварительный

3 c) клетка

2 b) прикладной

1 a) неврология

20. 1) sense organs 2) morbid tissue 3) urinary 4) accessory structures

4 d) вспомогательные структуры

3 c) мочевой

2 b) патологическая ткань

1 a) органы чувств

21. Составьте предложение 1

1 a) Anatomy is the branch

2 b) which deals with the form

3 c) and structure

4 d) of the principal domestic animals.

22. Составьте предложение 2

1 a) As animal is a part of nature,

2 b) anatomy, the science studding

3 c) animal`s structure,

4 d) is part of biology.

23. Составьте предложение 3

 1 a) Animal body

2 b) is the complex

3 c) of living

4 d) matter.

24. Составьте предложение 4

1 a) The approach of systematic anatomy

2 b) is to divide the organism

3 c) artificially into parts

4 d) using the analytical method.

25. Myology (Myologia); the description of the _____ and accessory structures.

a) organs of circulation

b) skeleton

c) joints

d) muscles

26. Neurology, the description of the ______.

a) nervous system

b) organs of circulation

c) urinary organs

d) skeleton

27. As animal _____ a part of nature, anatomy, the science studding animal`s structure, is part of biology.

a) at

b) are

c) an

d) is

28. Anatomy is the branch which _____ with the form and structure of the principal domestic animals.

a) dealing

b) dealt

c) will deal

d) deals

29. The approach of systematic anatomy is to _____ the organism artificially into parts using the analytical method.

a) divided

b) dividing

c) divide

d) divides

30. Выбрать правильный специальный вопрос.

a) What do splanchnology include?

b) What does splanchnology include?

c) What splanchnology include?

d) What did splanchnology include?

Unit 5. Animal physiology


muscular system - мышечная система

circulatory system - кровеносная система

respiratory system - дыхательная система

nervous system - нервная система

urinary system - мочевыделительная система

endocrine system - эндокринная система

digestive system – пищеварительная система

reproductive system - половая система

nutri­tion - питание

cartilage - хрящ

ligament - связка                   

brain – головной мозг

bone - кость

marrow - костный, спинной мозг

blood - кровь

cell - клетка

consumption - потребление

voluntary muscles - произвольные мышцы

involuntary muscles - непроизвольные мышцы

protein - белок

heart - сердце

vein - вена

lymph glands - лимфатические железы

nostrils - ноздри

nasal cavity - носовая полость

pharynx - глотка

lungs - легкие

spinal cord - спиной мозг

hearing – слух

sight - зрение

smell - запах

taste - вкус


1. Find the conformity:

internal functions   костный мозг
proper nutri­tion основной компонент
cartilage and ligaments рацион животного
soft organs кровяные клетки
main component мышечная система
bone mar­row потребление человека
animal rations мягкие ткани
blood cells хрящи и связки
muscular system правильное питание
human consump­tion внутренние функции

2. Find the combination according to the sense and write down them:

bone system
voluntary glands
amino muscles
involuntary mar­row
build­ing blocks of materials
circulatory acids
lymph cord
multicompartment muscles
spinal muscles
waste stomachs

3. Border the words, translate the sentences: thevariousbodysystemssuchasthe skeletalmuscularcirculatoryrespiratorynervousurinaryendocrinedigestiveandreproductivesystemsmustallbeproperlyfedandworkingtogetherinorderfortheanimaltobehealthyandproductive.

4. Change, where it’s possible, the words with the preposition «of» into the Possessive Case: vital processes of animals, the purpose of the skele­tal system, strength of bones, the lean meat of the animal, the cells of the body, the functions of the body tissues, the stomachs of swine.

5. Complete the sentences, using the text: 1) Bone is the main component of …. 2) The material inside bones is called …, and it produces …. 3) Muscles are composed largely of …. 4) are nutrients made up of amino acids and are build­ing blocks of muscles. 5) secrete disease-fighting materials from the body. 6) are sugars and starches that supply energy to the animal. 7) … is then taken from the lungs and distributed to the cells of the body by the circula­tory system. 8) The nerves transmit messages to the … from the outer parts of the body. 9) The function of the urinary system is to remove waste materials from the …. 10) are chemicals that regulate many of the activities of the body. 11) Oxytocin is a … from the hypothalamus gland.


6. Find two parts of the sentence:

This system stores food temporarily,            in animals of agriscience importance.
Ruminants are classes of animals that are unable to break down large amounts of roughages.
A roughage prepares food for use by the body, and removes waste products from the body.
Monogastric animals is grass, hay, silage, or other high-fiber feed.
Poultry rations must have stomachs with more than one compartment.
There are three basic types of digestive systems be high in food value because they have no true  stomach and have very little room for storage of  food that has been eaten.


The internal functions and vital processes of animals and their organs are re­ferred to as animal physiology. The various body systems, such as the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, urinary, endocrine, digestive, and reproductive systems, must all be properly fed and working together in order for the animal to be

healthy and productive. To this end, proper nutri­tion is a must.


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