3. Bone … the main component of the skeletal system
3. Bone … the main component of the skeletal system А) is Б) are В) am Г) to be 4. The respiratory system … oxygen to the blood of the animal А) providing Б) will be provide В) provide Г) provides 5. … system provides food and oxygen to the cells of the body and filters waste materials from the body А) digestive Б) muscular В) circulatory Г) urinary 6. The … system is made up of bones joined together by cartilage and ligaments. А) muscular Б) skeletal В) circulatory Г) digestive 7. Muscles may be voluntary or … А) nonvoluntary Б) unvoluntary В) involuntary Г) not voluntary 8. Muscles are composed largely of … А) protein Б) carbohydrates В) minerals Г) vitamins 9. The … system provides oxygen to the blood of the animal. А) skeletal Б) muscular В) digestive Г) respiratory 10. The senses … hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste. А) am Б) is В) are Г) be 11. The function of the … system is to remove waste materials from the blood. А) respiratory Б) urinary В) circulatory Г) digestive 12. The heart, veins, arteries, and lymph glands comprise the circulatory system. А) Сердце, почки, артерии и лимфатические железы составляют кровеносную систему. Б) Сердце, вены, артерии и лимфатические железы составляют систему кровообращения. В) Сердце, капилляры, аорта и лимфатические узлы входят в кровеносную систему. Г) Сердце, вены, артерии и лимфатические железы обеспечивают кровеносную систему. 13. Bone is the main component of the skeletal system. А) важная часть Б) поддерживающий компонент В) главный компонент Г) один из компонентов 14. Monogastric … a stomach with one compartment. А) meaning Б) means В) to mean Г) mean 15. The function of the urinary system is to remove waste materials from the blood. А) Функция кровеносной системы проводить нужные вещества в теле. Б) Функция кровеносной системы выводить отходы из крови. В) Функция выделительной системы заключается в удалении ненужных веществ из тела. Г) Функция выделительной системы заключается в удалении ненужных веществ из крови. 16. The respiratory system provides oxygen to the blood of the animal.
А) Дыхательная система поддерживает кислород в крови животного. Б) Кровеносная система проводит кислород в крови животного. В) Дыхательная система обеспечивает кислородом кровь животного. Г) Кровеносная система обеспечивает кислородом кровь животного. 17. The digestive system of swine, horses, and many other animals is called … А) polygastric Б) monogastric В) multicompartment Г) one compartment 18. The nerves … messages to the brain from the outer parts of the body. А) transmitting Б) transmitted В) transmit Г) have transmitted 19. Muscles are composed largely of protein. А) состоят Б) требуют В) нуждаются Г) имеют 20. The central nervous system … the brain and the spinal cord. А) included Б) include В) including Г) includes 21. 1) Internal 2) Monogastric 3) Urinary 4) Bone 1a) functions 2b) animals 3c) system 4d) marrow 22. 1) physiology 2) bone 3) ligaments 4) cell 1a) физиология 2b) кость 3c) связки 4d) клетка 23. 1) spinal cord 2) taste 3) smell 4) lungs 1a) спиной мозг 2b) вкус 3c) запах 4d) легкие 24. 1) voluntary muscles 2) involuntary muscles 3) nostrils 4) cartilage 1a) произвольные мышцы 2b) непроизвольные мышцы 3c) ноздри 4d) хрящ 25. 1) lymph 2) nasal 3) waste 4) poultry 1a) glands 2b) cavity 3c) materials 4d) system 26. 1) proper 2) blood 3) human 4) disease-fighting 1a) nutrition 2b) cells 3c) consumption 4d) materials 27. The skeletal system …. a)is made up of bones joined together by cartilage and ligaments b) is the main component of the skeletal system c) operate in the body without control by the will of the animal and function even while the animal sleeps d) can be controlled by animals to do such things as walk and eat food 28. Muscles are …. a) secrete disease-fighting materials from the body b) sugars and starches that supply energy to the animal c) composed largely of protein d) provides oxygen to the blood of the animal 29. The nervous system of animals …. a) includes the brain and the spinal cord b) is to remove waste materials from the blood c) controls the functions of the body tissues, including the organs d) is grass, hay, silage, or other high-fiber feed 30. Составьте предложение 1. 1a)Monogastric 2b) means 3c)a stomach 4d) with one compartment
Unit 6. Major classes of nutrients VOCABULARY liquid - жидкость rigidity - твердость tissue - ткань amino acids - аминокислоты reproduction - воспроизводство sugar- сахар starche - крахмал soft tissues - мягкие ткани fertile soils - плодородные почвы
to dissolve - растворять, растворить appropriate – соответствующий carbon - углерод hydrogen – водород to convert - преобразовывать, превращать calcium - кальций phosphorus - фосфор sodium - натрий chlorine - хлор potassium - калия sulfur - сера iron - железо iodine - йод cobalt - кобальт copper - медь fluorine - фтор manganese - марганец molybdenum - молибден selenium - селен zinc – цинк clotting of blood - свертывание крови palatability – вкусовые качества flavor - вкус 1. Find in the text word – combinations with the following adjectives, translate them: largest, internal, chemical, responsible, chemical, important, possible, complex, various, expensive, specific. 2. Write a comparative and superlative for the following words (см. Приложение 6): large, many, important, little, slow, essential, simple, available, small. 3. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. There … more varieties of wild plants in this region a century ago. 2. There … a poultry farm not far from the city which provides fresh eggs for it. 3. There … two horses and a cow on a farm now. 4. As the territory of Russia is large, there … different requirements for growing crops in northern and southern regions. 5. There … one main source of energy in Britain in the past. It was coal (уголь). 6. Scientists are working at new types of fertilizers, so there … more effective fertilizers in the future. 7. There … great changes in machinery for farming in recent decades. 8. There … only few domesticated animals in ancient times. 9. There … many changes in the system of crop production since scientists began to study this problem carefully. 10. Farmers believe that there … an increase in yields of crops next year. 4. Find in the text the equivalents for the following words, translate the sentences with them: белки высокого качества, здоровое воспроизводство, сложные сахара, добавленные минералы, побочные продукты животных, увеличить молочное производство, поглощать тепло, мягкие ткани. 5. Divide the sentences: Thereforethequalityofproteinsfedtoanimalsmustbe consideredcarbohydratescomeinseveralformswiththesugarsbeingthesimplesttheskeletonis composedmostlyofminerals. Water is the largest component of nearly all living things. Growing plants are usually 70 to 80% water. Similarly, the muscles and internal organs of animals contain 75% or more of water. Water is the solution in which all nutrients for animals are dissolved or suspended for transport throughout the body. Water reacts with many chemical compounds in the body to help break down food into products usable by the body. Water provides rigidity to the body, allowing it to maintain its shape. The liquid solution in each cell is responsible for this rigidity. Water is also important in regulating the body temperature of animals through perspiration and evaporation. Because of the ability of water to absorb and carry heat, body temperatures of animals rise and fail slower than would be possible otherwise. Water is the least expensive nutrient for animals. Yet, most animals can live only a matter of days if they do not have access to it.
6. Continue the sentences: 1. Water is the largest component of …. 2. Water is the solution in which …. 3. The ability of water to absorb and carry heat, …. 4. Most animals can live only ….
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