Personal hygiene in conditions hot climate
PERSONAL HYGIENE IN CONDITIONS HOT CLIMATE It is necessaryearly morning rise, often acceptance soul (prevention overcooling) and washing clothes (the polluted clothes worsen heat exchange), cleanliness of a body (the high temperature and humidity of air promote occurrence dermatitis, cracks of a skin), employment physical culture and sports at cool o'clock, sufficient night and day time dream. HYGIENE OF LIVING ROOMS IN HOT CLIMATE The basic purpose - protection rooms from overheating. Optimum parameters of microclimate in premises in conditions of a hot climate (at temperature of air outside 300C and higher) must be: temperature 24-250C, humidity 45-55 %, speed movement of air 0, 1-0, 2 m/s. At temperature of environment more than 350C to achieve such parameters only by aeration (airing) it is impossible - it is necessary application air conditioning of premises (rooms). The complex building and sun-protection measures is necessary: apartment houses are better for building near to green plantings and reservoirs, orientation of windows - to the north, building materials should be heatproof: tree, brick, foam concrete, pise-walled materials. Building with an attic with good isolation and aeration is necessary. It is expedient to increase the sizes of rooms and their height. Colouring of external walls is recommended light for reflection of solar radiation; special canopies, a venetian blind above windows.
FINAL LESSON (MODULE CONTROL 3) 1. Control questions HYGIENE of WORK 1. Concept about serviceability, its dynamics in time and after work, reason of changes of serviceability. Methods of study serviceability of the man. 2. Changes in organism during work. Exhaustion, reason of its development (theories of exhaustion). Prevention of exhaustion on manufacture. 3. Professional harm factors and occupational diseases. Classification. Physical examinations working: kinds, purposes and organization. 4. Order of registration, investigation sharp and chronic occupational diseases and intoxications. Prevention such diseases. 5. Noise, its classifications, action on organism. Noise illness, its diagnostics and prevention. Maximal permissible level of noise for various premises (rooms). 6. Electromagnetic fields, it basic kinds and sources, action on organism. MICROWAVE - syndrome: displays and prevention. 7. Vibration, action on organism. Clinic and prevention of the vibrating illness. 8. Industrial poisons, classification it by level of toxity, specific action and ability to cumulation. The factors influencing on toxic effect of industrial poisons. 9. Basic parameters of sharp, half-sharp and chronic toxity industrial poisons and methods of it study in experiment. 10. Specific and remote effects of industrial poisons and methods of it study. 11. Way of receipt and removing industrial poisons. Ways of detoxication poisons in organism. Detoxication system and it parameters.
12. Combined action of industrial poisons, its kinds, methods of study and importance for sanitary estimation of industrial environment. 13. Kinds of harmful action of industrial poisons on working, prevention of professional poisonings. 14. Reason and display of poisonings by industrial poisons of irritating action (CO, ammonia, chlorine, oxides of nitrogen). 15. Reason and clinic of professional poisonings by heavy metals (lead and mercury); clinical and hygienic confirmation of the diagnosis. 16. Industrial dust, classification, action on organism, maximal permissible concentration of dust of different structure. Diagnostics and prevention pneumoconiosis. 17. Feature of work in agriculture and influence it on organism working. Basic occupational diseases, it reasons and prevention. 18. Pesticides, it purpose and classifications on toxity, by purpose and chemical structure. The ecological estimation of pesticides on stability and toxity. 19. Toxicological characteristic of the basic groups of pesticides (phosphorus-organic, chlorine-organic, carbamates, mercury-organic). Display enzymes. 20. Hygiene of work at a storage, transportation and application pesticides. Measures on prevention of poisonings by pesticides working and population. 21. Toxicological characteristic of mineral fertilizers (nitric and phosphoric). Hygiene of work at it application. RADIATING HYGIENE 22. Concept about a radio-activity, hygienic characteristic of kinds of radiation, screening materials. Natural and artificial sources of radiation. 23. Mechanisms of action radiation on organism, kinds of biological effects of radiation. 24. Radiosensitivity of bodies and fabrics (law Berganie). Groups of critical bodies. Limiting dozes of external and internal radiation. 25. Hygiene of work with the closed sources of radiation. Ways of protection medical personnel from beam defeats. 26. Hygiene of work with open sources of radiation. The hygienic requirements to radiologic laboratories. 27. Natural radiating background, its structure, levels, sources and dynamics of changes. Anthropogenous sources to its increase. 28. Influence of failure on Chernobyl atomic station on health of the population living on polluted territories, the nearest and remote effects. Features of nutrition of the population on radioactive polluted territories.
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