Hospital hygiene. Hygiene of children and teenagers. Hygiene of hot climate.
HOSPITAL HYGIENE 29. Concept about treatment-guarding mode in hospital and its basic components. The hygienic requirements to accommodation hospitals of a different structure. 30. Hygienic requirements to a site of hospital. Functional zones of hospital site. Historical types construction of hospitals. 31. Hygienic estimation various systems of hospital construction. The basic directions of prevention intrahospital infections. 32. Hygienic requirements to internal lay-out of hospital. Ward section and its lay-out. 33. Hygienic requirements to hospital ward (lay-out, microclimate, ventilation, illumination). 34. Hygienic requirements to a reception of hospital. It functions and structure. 35. Hygienic requirements to infectious branch. Features of a lay-out of wards in it and it reason. 36. Hygienic requirements to the operational block and operational (lay-out, microclimate, illumination, ventilation). 37. Concept about intrahospital infections, reason of it growth, structure, basic sources and ways of transmission. Prevention of such infections. 38. Hygiene of work of the surgeons and anaesthesiologists. Basic professional harm factors and prevention occupational diseases. HYGIENE of CHILDREN And TEENAGERS 39. Subject and tasks of hygiene of children and teenagers. Laws of growth and development of children. The schemes of age periodization. Problems of the acceleration. 40. Physical development of children and teenagers as criterion of individual health and health of children's quota as a whole. Methods of research of physical development. 41. Ways of estimation of physical development of children and teenagers. Methods of estimation harmonicity of physical development. 42. Hygienic requirements to accommodation, lay-out of a site and building of children's preschool establishments. Functional zones of a site. A principle of group isolation. 43. Hygienic requirements to a group cell in children's preschool establishments. The specifications of a lay-out, microclimate, illumination in a game room. 44. Hygienic requirements to toys in children's preschool establishments. 45. Principles of hardening and physical education of children. The control of adequacy of physical loadings. The basic reasons, display and prevention hypodynamia and hyperkynezia. 46. Hygienic requirements to a mode of day of children and schoolboys. Ways of adaptation to training at school. The requirements to the school time-table. 47. Medical-professional consultation at school, its task and organization in conditions of school and polyclinic. Groups of health of children and basic groups of trades. 48. Hygienic requirements to accommodation of schools and school site. Zones of a site. The characteristic systems of school construction. A lay-out of a building of school. 49. Hygienic requirements to a lay-out, microclimate, illumination of classes and educational studies at school. Advantages and lacks of cabinet system of education.
50. Hygienic requirements to school furniture, basic parameters and norms. Methods and marks of school furniture, requirement to accommodation tables in a class. 51. Feature of hygiene of nutrition of children and teenagers. The reasons of differences from nutrition of the adult man. HYGIENE of HOT CLIMATE. 52. Kinds of a climate of the hot countries and it influence on the person. Feature of a tropical climate. Feature of a climate of deserts. 53. Influence of a climate of the hot countries on thermoregulation of the organism (on processes of heat-production). 54. Influence of a climate of the hot countries on thermoregulation of the organism (on processes of heat-return). 55. Acclimatization to conditions of a hot climate. Prevention of adverse displays of acclimatization to conditions of a hot climate. 56. Kinds of violations of the thermoregulation of the organism in conditions of a hot climate, it reason and pathogenesis, prevention. 57. Influence of a hot climate on a water exchange. Drinking illness, clinic, prevention. Degidrotation of the organism in hot climate, its reasons and prevention. 58. Alimentary diseases in a hot climate (kvashiorcor, spru), it reason, clinic and prevention. 59. Food poisonings microbe nature in a hot climate. Influence of a hot climate on occurrence of food poisonings microbe nature. Prevention. 60. Food poisonings not microbe nature, characteristic for conditions of a hot climate (heliotropic toxicosis, aflotoxicosis). 61. Hygiene of work in conditions of a hot climate. Influence of a hot climate on occurrence professional poisonings and it prevention. 62. Ways of improvement of the microclimatic factors on manufacture in conditions of a hot climate and control it efficiency. 63. Epidemic value of water in conditions of a hot climate, attributes of water epidemics. 64. Control epidemic safety of water in conditions of a hot climate 65. Hygienic requirements to inhabited premises (rooms) in conditions of a hot climate.
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