2. Licension tests. Hygiene of work
2. Licension tests Hygiene of work Test 1. In thermal shop of a machine-building factory the excess of obvious heat makes 81 kkal / m3 year. Temperature of air changes from 25° C up to 30° C (norm - 18-20° C), caloradiance — up to 1800 kkal / m2 year, relative humidity - 40-60 % (norm — 40-60 %), travelling speed of air — 0, 5-0, 7 m/s (norm - 0, 2 m/s). What influence from the indicated factors can cause disease of an eye as a cataract? А. Speed of driving of air В. Convection warm С. Temperature of air D. Relative humidity of air *Е. A caloradiance The test 2. The electric welder of mechanical workshops fulfils operations on welding and kerf of metal accompanying by intensive UV-radiation on a welding post arranged with effective mechanical cooling. What development of occupational disease is most probable for him? *А. Electooftalmya B. A dust disease C. Chronic overheating D. A vegetative-vascular dystonia Е. Thermal shock The test 3. On a workstation of worker the measurements of strength of electrical and magnetic fields making electromagnetic field, which forms by High-frequency-generator and posed apart 3 m. In what zone of exposure there is a workstation? A. * Induction. B. Undular. C. Interference. D. Alienation.. E. Reverberation. The test 4. The students B. and M. of medical faculty have received the task - to give a hygienic estimation of noise at industry shop, namely: to research noise level /student B. / and influence of it on an organism /student M. /. With what instrument the student М. must work? A. * Audiotestmeter. B. Actinometer. C. Radiometer. D. Noise-vibration-meter. E. Analyzer of spectrum of noise. The test 5. The constant broadband noise from external sources will penetrate into locations of hospital chambers and studies of the doctors in day time. The obtained outcomes of the measured levels of a sound (dB) in view of a background and appropriate corrections rated as audio comfort, providing in day time, for stay of the patients and operation of staff. Term from the sound, enumerated an admitted level, on the basis of which the given conclusion is formulated. A. * 35 dB. B. 45 dB. C. 85 dB. D. 60 dB. E. 75 dB. The test 6. In a tool shop the surface sharpening with usage of currents of high frequency is yielded. The working conditions are characterized by exceeding of limiting noise levels, EMF, contents of a dust (iron, molybdenum, silicon dioxide), visual power. At inspection worker the nervosism, violation of an endocrine regulation is diagnosed. The etiological factor is: A. * EMF B. hum C. ferruginous dust D. molybdenum dust E. silicon dioxide The test 7. In mechanical shop the turner near the revolving machine tool is exposed to effect of high levels of hum. In 6-8 years of operation on a speciality at him the neural bradyacuasia can be developed. Term the most significant preventive measures: A. * Measures of technological character
B. Planning measures C. measures of technical character D. measures of individual protection E. measures of medical prophylaxis The test 8. The drivers of a carrier both operators of transport computers and aggregates give in to effect of low-frequency transport vibration. In 5-8 years of operation on a speciality for them such illnesses can register: radiculites and ishialgya, function violations of a vestibular analyzer, and also early origin of the expressed fatigue. Term the most significant preventive measures: A. * the decrease of intensity of vibration is immediate in a source (at the expense of design refinements) B. resources external protection from vibration C. opportune scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment and mechanisms D. a rational duty and rest E. elimination of immediate contact with vibrant equipment, computers The test 9. At arrival on operation in the regional broadcasting company on a post of the speaker the citizen Н. was directed to treatment-and-prophylactic establishment for passing preliminary medical survey. The medical brigade should be generated from the doctors - experts: A. *Therapevtist, neuropathologist. B. Therapevtist, otolaryngologist. C. Therapevtist, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist. D. Therapevtist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist. E. Therapevtist, urologist, neuropathologist. The test 10. On preliminary medical survey for arrived on operation with source of noise and vibration the otosclerosis with the unfavorable prognosis is detected. The working conditions on a workstation are interlinked to operation of a lot of harmful production factors of a physical nature. Contraindication to operation on the given occupation is: A. local industrial vibration B. ultrasound C. * Industrial noise D. infrasound E. electromagnetic fields The test 11. In conditions of the occupied item on the man some unfavorable factors simultaneously operate: atmospheric contamination of various chemical and modular composition, hum, electromagnetic radiation and some other. The operation of these harmful factors is characterized as: A. complex B. *Combinated C. combined D. mixed E. additive
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