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Situational tasks. Situational task N 1. In a classroom by the area 40 m2 get busy 40 schoolboys. All school desks have the yellow marking. Differention of desk and chair makes 1/5 growth of children

Situational tasks.

Situational task N 1

The worker of chemical combine, 35 years old, appealed to the doctor of policlinic with complaints about the bad feel, insomnia, decline of memory, sense of causeless alarm and fear. Experience of work on this production 5 years. At the inspection is exposed astenic-vegetative syndrome, asymmetrical tremor of hands, in the cavity of mouth is gingivitis and stomatitis, black border on gums. Lumfocytosis and monocytosis is exposed in blood.

      Diagnose the professional poisoning. How to confirm the diagnosis of professional poisoning, what way of influence of harmful factors on an organism? What documents must be processed by the doctor in this case? What rehabilitation and prophylactic measures are needed in regard to this worker and on the whole at a chemical combine?

Situational task N 2

In a classroom by the area 40 m2 get busy 40 schoolboys. All school desks have the yellow marking. Differention of desk and chair makes 1/5 growth of children, distance of seat +2 sm. Light factor – 1/10, Coefficient of natural illumination – 1%, General artificial illumination – 100 lux.

Give the hygienic estimation of classroom. What functional violations or diseases can arise up at children? How to improve hygienic conditions in class?

Situational task N 3

    In the operating block of hospital there is operating hall on 2 tables (area 54m2). Ventilation is influx-extraction (+4, -5). Local luminosity of the operating field - 1500 lux. General artificial luminosity - 200 lux. Temperature of air during the operation - 260C, relative humidity - 80%. Content of CO2 -0, 15%, general microbe number in air before the operation 1000 in 1m3.

   Give the hygienic estimation of operating block. How to improve hygienic conditions in operation hall?

Situational task N 4

At the annual clinical inspection in a district policlinic of the worker of storage of agrochemicals of agriculture enterprise from him are exposed the complaints about head pains, weakness, sickliness in area of liver, unsteady chair, nausea. In a worker it is asteno-vegetative syndrome, symptoms of hepatitis. In the biochemical laboratory of hospital at the analysis of blood is marked the decline of activity of cytochromoxidase on 45%, erytropenia and leucopenia, lymphocytosis.

       Diagnose the professional disease. What is way of influence of harmful factors on organism in this case? How to confirm the diagnosis of professional disease? What document is under an obligation to design doctor in this case? What prophylactic and rehabilitation measures are needed for this worker and storage of agrochemicals on the whole?

Situational task N 5

It is set at the sanitary inspection of the working conditions of medical personnel in the x-ray cabinet of policlinic, that the dose of external irradiation of personnel for a week made 150 mili BER, what at calculating on a year gives 7, 5 BER.

     Give the hygienic estimation of conditions of work of medical personnel in the x-ray cabinet. What occupational disease it is possible at personnel under these conditions? What remote effects of influencing of radiation can arise up, what are it display? What measures of radiation defense must be strengthened in the x-ray cabinet?

Situational task N 6

Hospital ward of general type on 4 beds has area 20 m2. In a chamber is 1 window: 5m2, CNI – 0, 75%. Sound level at night - 25 dB. Common lamplight: 50 lux, local - 80 lux. Frequency of natural ventilation is 1, 5\h, the concentration of CO2 is 0, 15 %.

       Give a hygienic estimation to the chamber. Name necessary measures for creation optimal conditions in a hospital ward for patients.

Situational task N 7

Nursery school is in the center of micro region. There is 20 m2 of lot land on one child. On the area there are the green planting, occupying 50% areas. In a group room area is 60m2 on 30 children of preschool age. CNI - 1, 5 %, light coefficient – 1: 5, luminosity by luminescent lamps – 200 lux. Temperature of air – 24°C, humidity – 70%.

Give the hygienic estimation of nursery school. What is your recommendation on optimization of hygienic terms in nursery school?

Situational task N 8

The|diseased| patient A. 34 years, worker of chemical combine, appealed to|by| the doctor|physician| of policlinic with complaints about the bad feel, insomnia, decline|lowering| of memory, sense|feeling, sentiment| of causeless alarm and fear. At the inspection is exposed the signs of asteno-vegetative syndrome, asimetric tremor|| of hands|arms|, in the cavity of mouth is gingivitis and somatitis|, black border|edging| on gums. Lymphocytosis| and monocytosis| is exposed in blood.

Diagnose professional poisoning, what way of influence of harmful factor on an organism took place? How to confirm the diagnosis of professional| poisonings?

What documents|papers| must be processed by the doctor|physician| in this case? What prophylactic and rehabilitation measures are needed in regard to this worker and on the whole|all in all| on a chemical combine?


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