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Radiation hygiene

Test 1. After an accident on atom-electric station people take drugs of Iodum. What is the purpose of this measure?

А. To boost regular processes       

В. To strengthen a bactericidal action of tissues

*С. To prevent a hypoplasia of a thyroid gland

Д. To increase a resistance of an organism

Е. To strengthen protector effect

Test 2. On production demanding apart an adherence of measures of ecological safety, there was a serious crash accompanying with ignition, explosions, considerable contamination of the environment by products, dangerous to life. For heaviest of the injureds the following signs were observed: energization, headache, instability of vegetative functions, erythropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, lowering of cytophagous activity and framings of antibodies, bleeding sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, inflammation of the language and gums, necrotic anginas, pneumonias and other violations. What is the carrying on etiological factor of the circumscribed syndrome?

А. Damage caused by blast wave

В. Damage caused high temperature

С. Toxic and chemical substances in air and nutrition

D. Mental stress        

* Е. Radial damage

Test 3. M-r S, 45 years old lives on radioactive polluted territory, converted to the doctor behind advice concerning the use of vegetables, which promote leading out from an organism of radio nuclides. Give the guidelines in view of chemical composition of vegetables and their contents in a diet.

А. Pepper sweet. *В. Carrots C. A potatoes D. Tomatoes Е. A water-melon

Test 4. The gamma-radiography with the help of a cobaltic defectoscope is yielded for quality control of details. Define sort and danger of a used source for worker.

A. Open B. Not radioactivity С. Batchly generating radiation D. Dangerously internal exposure *Е. Closed, causing an external exposure

Test 5. In a radiological department for intracavitary therapy will be utillized the gamma-ray irradiation plant such as «Agate», source - isotope of cobalt, which is in a steel ampoule. What from the enumerated ways of protection of staff from influence of ionizing radiation it is necessary to utillize first of all in view of a type of a source?   

*А. Screening of a source and workstation          

В. Capsulation of installation 

С. Planning measure (zones of a location) 

D. Equipment of locations by effective cooling 

Е. Usage of resources of individual protection and cleansing of staff

Test 6. Specify a limit of an effective dose for one year for a category And (person, permanently or temporarily working immediately with sources of ionizing radiation) according to norms of radiation safety (NRS-97) 

*А. 2 ber/year B. 4 ber/year С. 0, 2 ber/year D. 1 ber/year             Е. 0, 5 ber/year 

  Test 7. The citizen A. (28 years, body height 175 sm, mass of a body of 74 kg), working on the object with radiation by the wizard of change, at a radiation crash, which had local character, from permission of the local sanitary - epidemiological server has received an individual effective dose, which answers two limits of an abnormal dose, was directed on a medical commission for solution of a problem about possibility of further operation with industrial sources of ionizing radiation. At passing medical inspection from citizen A. were not the complaints concerning health. The experts, who carried out inspections consider him practically healthy. Term the most valid variant of the answer citizen A. to operation with sources of ionizing radiations:  

*А. Is admitted without limitations 

В. The exposure is admitted conditionally with limitation of a dose 

С. The exposure is admitted conditionally with limitation of time 

Д. Is admitted conditionally with limitation of operation with open sources 

Е. Is admitted to operation only with the closed sources 

  Test 8. To a radiological department the farmer А. converted with the request to carry out the analysis of a potatoes on contents of radio nuclides and to produce the hygienic conclusion concerning possible implementation of ready production. The outcomes of the analysis have shown, that contents radioactive substances of cesium - 137 in a potatoes are equaled 40 Bekkerel/kg, and стронция-90-8 Bk/kg. Define most exact variant of the conclusion.  

А. The potatoes can be used only on a forage to cattle

*В. The potatoes can be used without limitations 

С. The potatoes can be utilised for production of ethanol 

D. The potatoes can be utilised for production of Amylum 

Е. The potatoes can be utilised for production chips




Test 1. The girl 14 years old has deviations of physical development. Length of a body below average, excess of a mass of a body of 2 degree. In anamnesis - adenoid disease, rheumatic disease with infrequent peakings. Recently shows the complaints on colicy pains in epigastric area, feeling of gravity, dryness in a mouth, nausea, vomiting, sometimes repeated. The diagnosis - « gastritis» is set. To what group of health to refer the child?

*А. To 3-rd  B. To 1-st   C. To 2       Д. To 4-th           Е. To 5-th

Test 2. The learning of a degree and harmonicity of physical development of children and teenagers will be carried out with usage anthropometric, physiometric and somatoscopic researches. To physiometric indexes of physical development refer:  

*А. Biotic capacity mild B. Weight of a body С. Form of legs and thoracal cell 

Д. Length of a body Е. Secondary sexual tags 

The test 3. To common measures of quenching concern:  

А. Physical education, walk, sponging down by water 

В. Gargle of a throat, physical education, rational clothes 

С. Rational mode of power supply, physical education 

*D. Creation of the optimal thermal mode in groups, rational clothes, walk, physical education 

Е. Creation of the optimal thermal mode in groups, physical education 

Test 4. In a class room by the sizes 6 х 10 м2 is placed 6 light sources arranged with filament lamps with power 150 wt everyone. The illumination on workstations changes in boundaries 70-80 lc. Give a hygienic estimation of synthetic lighting.   

*А. Synthetic lighting of the class irregular and poor: illuminance on workstations low 

В. Synthetic lighting of the class uniform: illuminance on workstations low 

С. Synthetic lighting of the class irregular, but sufficient: illuminance on workstations sufficient 

Д. Synthetic lighting of the class uniform and sufficient: illuminance on workstations sufficient 

Е. Synthetic lighting of the class uniform and sufficient: illuminance on workstations low

Test 5. The girl has 8 years length of a body 135 sm (+1, 5), mass of 38, 5 kg (+2), size of a thoracal cell 67 sm (+1, 2). Give an estimation of body height and harmonicity of development of the child

А. The child of high body height, is advanced is harmonic

В. The child of average body height, is advanced is harmonic

*С. The child average body height, is advanced is harmonic

Д. The child of average body height, is advanced disharmonic

Е. The child of high body height, is advanced disharmonic

Test 6. The class of school is arranged by desks " E" groups. The schoolboys of the class have body height 148-160 see. Estimate and justify a regularity of equipment of the class school desks.

А. Exact

В. The groups desks " E" correspond to body height 146-160 sm

С. The groups desks would correspond to body height 161-174 sm

*Д. The class is arranged not with an appropriate set desks, since desks of group " E" correspond to body height of children up to 130 sm, " E" group = 131-145 sm

Е. Are necessary desks of group " E"  

Test 7. The mode of day of children average group was characterized by the following metrics: 1) alternation of the regime moments - dream, reception of nutrition, wakefulness, 2) dream single, duration 2 hours, 3) two walks. Whether there corresponds the mode of day to age possibilities of children?

*А. Corresponds

В. Does not correspond on alternation of the regime moments

С. Does not correspond on a duration of day time dream

Д. Does not correspond by an amount of walks

Е. Does not correspond on duration of walks

Test 8. By results of medical-pedagogical overseeing the lesson of physical culture in 9 class constructs a physiological curve described by step-by-step increase of a pulse rate in the prelude, increase of a pulse rate on 80 % during a main part; the curve has 4 toothed sorts. Estimate organization of a lesson of physical culture.  

А. The lesson is constructed correctly             B. An exercise stress poor 

С. Exercise stress excessive                              Д. An exercise stress sufficient 

*Е. Long-lived intervals between exercises 

Test 9. For definition of school maturity for 6-7-year children the estimation of a level of mental development is carried out with usage morphologic and functional psycho-physiological criteria. What metrics testifies a level of mental development of children?  

А. Metrics of biological age В. Metrics of a state of the central nervous system 

С. Metrics of a state of health *Д. Metrics of the test Kern-Iracek 

Е. Metrics of mutual relation of processes of exitation and inhibition in a brain  

Test 10. In the spontaneous market are implemented desks of handicraft production. Desks are made of mild breeds of a tree, the cover has the governed declination (from 1 up to 450), height of desktop 0, 8 m, height of seat 0, 5m, distance of seat positive. What pathology can be generated for children, which will utilized desk for home occupations?  

А. Left-side scoliosis * В. a right-hand scoliosis С. Platypodia Д. Anemia 

Е. Hypermetropia 



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