Answer the following questions.
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 27 из 27 1. Why is complaining about faulty goods never easy? 2. When does a shopper have a right to complain? 3. What arrangement can be made to satisfy the complaining customer? VII. Read and translate the following texts. Some hints and tips on smart shopping for clothes Our interest in clothes goes far beyond their use as a shelter. For most of us clothes are an expression of our personalities. We express ourselves in the styles and colours we pick and the combination of clothes we put together. At the same time we use clothes to express our individuality. We also use them to show our membership in special groups. You can see that clothes serve several important purposes. This is why, when choosing clothes, we need to keep both functional considerations such as durability, comfort and ease of care in mind as well as considerations such as style, pattern and colour. None of us can really afford to neglect our appearance. Just as we use clothes to express ourselves, other people use them as a way to find out what kind of people we are. To be well dressed, we need something more than a miscellaneous collection of slacks, sweaters, skirts, and shoes. To really meet our needs, a wardrobe must be planned in relation to the kinds of things we do and the kind of places we go. To begin with, we must consider all our different activities and the kinds of clothes we need for each. Clothes for one of the categories may also serve another category. For example, clothes for school usually are also suitable for informal parties. Clothes for dress-up social occasions may be suitable for church. Most of us can afford to buy only a few new items each year. This is why it is important to make every choice count. There are, however, some buying techniques that can help you stretch a limited clothing budget. Choose versatile items. Versatile items are ones that have several different uses. They may be suitable for more than one season of the year — an example is a raincoat with a zip-in lining for cold weather. Or they can be worn for different types of occasion — an example would be a basic dress whose appearance can be changed by wearing different accessories. Coordinate colours and styles. If your money is limited, you will also give thought to the ability of wardrobe items to look good in different combinations. This kind of versatility comes from concentrating your clothing choices on a particular group of colours and styles that go well together. Stick to basic styles. Many clothing items are discarded long before they are worn out because their style looks out-of-date. So choose styles that remain in fashion for several years especially when you buy expensive items such as sport jack or a good dress. Simpler, less extreme designs can be counted on to be in good taste and attractive for several years. Selecting clothing. A number of product characteristics need to be taken into account in choosing clothing — colour, style, fiber and fabrics, durability and ease of care.
Consider all your different activities, the kind of clothes you need for each, and make a list of your wardrobe items based on the principles stated in the above text. Some hints and tips on smart shopping for food Using a shopping list. The first step in smart food shopping is to prepare a shopping list of the items we need to complete the meals we have planned. This shopping list should also include staple items we need such as salt, sugar, and paper towels. With a shopping list, we can avoid several costly mistakes. We can make certain we get everything we need and avoid extra trips to the store. A shopping list also will help us avoid impulse purchases that will run up our grocery bill. A shopping list also can help us avoid overbuying perishables so that we can eliminate wasteful spoilage. Choosing a place to shop. An important part of smart shopping is the choice of a place to shop. Price and quality do differ among stores. Price competition among supermarkets tends to keep prices from differing too much among different stores. Price differences are larger between supermarkets and small neighborhood and convenience stores. These smaller stores are open long hours, and their average sales are small. This raises their operating costs. Since the stores’ total sales are small, their extra operating costs result in higher prices. Smart shoppers will try to hold their purchases from these higher-priced stores to a minimum. Many city and country dwellers don’t have supermarket-type stores nearby. The extra savings from supermarket shopping may make some extra effort worthwhile, especially for large orders. Choosing a supermarket may be difficult. Some stores try to draw in shoppers with attractive specials. These stores usually make up for these specials by charging higher prices for other items. Other stores advertise “everyday low prices" or "discount prices." To make up for their lower average prices, these stores may not offer good specials. Understanding the information on the label. Information included on the labels of food products is strictly controlled by law. Food shoppers will find labels to be one of their most useful and reliable sources of information. Labels provide such important facts as the ingredients and the relative amounts of each that were used, the net weight of the package contents, the name of the processor or distributor, and federal inspection information. Vocabulary to pick – выбирать, искать to neglect – пренебрегать; не заботиться miscellaneous – разнообразный slacks – слаксы, широкие брюки (мужские или женские) to dress up – одеваться официально; наряжаться raincoat – непромокаемое пальто, плащ zip-in lining – пристегивающаяся подкладка out-of-date – несовременный, старомодный, устаревший staple items – основные продукты питания impulse purchase – непреднамеренная покупка to overbuy – покупать в слишком большом количестве
perishables – скоропортящийся товар spoilage – порча или гниение пищевых и скоропортящихся продуктов price competition – конкуренция цен to keep a price – держаться установленной цены price difference – различие в ценах convenience store – магазинчик, работающий допоздна operating costs – текущие расходы discount price – цена со скидкой, цена ниже номинала Содержание UNIT 1 About myself UNIT 2 My working day UNIT 3 My weekend UNIT 4 Home UNIT 5 Russia UNIT 6 The United Kingdom UNIT 7 The USA UNIT 8 Travelling UNIT 9 Russian meals UNIT10 How to behave at table UNIT 11 English meals U NIT12 American meals UNIT 13 Shopping at the department store UNIT 14 Shopping at the supermarket UNIT 15 My shopping Список используемой литературы 1. Дроздова Т.Ю. Everyday English. Санкт-Петербург. Антология, 2011. 5. Дудорова Э.С. Практический курс разговорного английского языка. С.-Петербург. Издательство РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена, 2012. 3. Меркулова Е.М. Английский язык. Чтение, письменная и устная речь. Санкт-Петербург, Издательство «Союз», 2011. 4. Письменная О.А. Английский для международного туризма. Москва. Издательство Славянский дом книги, 2010. 5. Сербиновская А.М. Английский для турбизнеса и сервиса. Москва, Издательство Дашков и Ко, 2009.
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