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NOTE: The term "scientific knowledge" is synonymous with the term "scientific knowledge".


Science is one and is a multilevel system of all scientific knowledge, presented in a passive sign-schematic form. (1. 3. 2. ) 24


Passive texts belong to Science, active knowledge belongs to scientists and devices. Knowledge develops only in an ideal (mental) form, and is stably and reliably stored in the form of texts, diagrams and other unchanging blocks of information. Cities and peoples disappear, but passive texts remain. This is the most precious heritage, it is a traditional form of knowledge transfer through centuries and millennia.


NOTE: The term " scientific knowledge" is synonymous with the term " scientific knowledge".


Any scientific knowledge is an information object with its own content, quantities and qualities. The content of an object is primarily necessary for its quantities, qualities and connections. Any object consists only of its elements. They alone make up its structure.



The content of any particular science, like the science of philosophy, is necessarily a multilevel system of its passive knowledge. Sections are made up of theories. True theories are systems of their facts, truths, true principles, and true reasoning. (1. 3. 2. ) 25 


The content of an object is always and is the object itself. Mentally remove its content from the object, and nothing will remain of it. The content of an object is always the connection of all its elements. This is the law. Mentally remove all of its constituent elements from the object, and nothing will remain of it. And if the elements of a material object are not in connection, then such an " object" simply will not arise.

The structure of any object is always its content. This is the law. Mentally remove its structure from an object, and nothing will remain of it, since the structure of an object always and necessarily consists of the elements of this object.


 Structure and system are always and necessarily the same thing. Therefore, the terms " system" and " structure" mean the same thing. If you look at the connection of elements from the inside, then such a connection is better called a system. If from the outside, then such a connection is better called a structure.



The theory of the subject is the main element of scientific knowledge. Every element of every level of passive scientific knowledge is essential. Nevertheless, the most interesting element here should be recognized as theory, since it explains its subject much more fully than fact, truth and true principle.



The theory of an object is an invariable sign-schematic model of the type of an object. This is the main element of scientific knowledge. (1. 3. 3) 26


The changed theory is a different, newer theory. Nothing special here. It may be added that there are active theories as well. For example, a concept is a real active theory of its subject, capable of expanding due to associative connections with related concepts of the mind.



The subject area of the theory is primary to the theory itself. This necessary relationship is not direct, but has a number of steps.


Each fact is secondary to a certain state of its subject. This state alone is the necessary basis for its fact.


Each truth is secondary to its own fact. And only this fact is the necessary basis and criterion for this truth. From another fact, only another truth is possible. Information is easily copied. And copies of truth have only their own truth as their source. So every copy of the truth has its necessary foundation.


Each true principle is necessarily secondary to the series of truths from which it arose. And only these truths are its real foundations. Similar principles, if they have a different genesis, are not copies at all and are not the same.



Only relevant facts and truths are necessary foundations of a true principle. There are no other necessary grounds. The law of the necessary basis of the principle. (1. 3. 4. ) 27      


The inference scheme of the principle is not its necessary basis. But untrue principles have no positive meaning.


P 28

The true principle of an object is a short passive and true meaning of the term of that object. (1. 3. 4. ) 28       


 The meaning of an object is information about its content, quantities, qualities and connections. The object itself does not need a meaning, since it has its own content. But the meaning of the term of the object is simply necessary, otherwise the term will only denote itself.



The term simultaneously denotes an object, and the type of object, and its meaning.

Why "... and the type of item"? Yes, only because any object has many of its kind. This set can be called a species or genus.  

The sense and image of perception of the perceived object is also necessary. Concepts provide a reasonable meaning to the image of perception. They interact with " their" way of perception (synthesis). They interact on the basis of the sameness (similarity) of the attributes of a concept and an image (like is cognized by like). This act is called understanding. By understanding the image of a perceived object, a person understands this object as well.



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