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P45. The principle of a true logical rule


 Connections or relations without the objects of these connections or relations in the reality of things do not necessarily exist. (1. 3. 8. ) 44

 However, in reality, informational entities can have a kind of " shells of connections" as " empty" logical rules.

P45. The principle of a true logical rule

The most essential types of relations and connections of objects in Being, correctly (appropriately) presented in the form of knowledge, are the true logical rules. (1. 3. 8. ) 45

In theory, logical rules are passive, but in the psyche they are active. Any concept is a complex system of active logical rules. Even any receptor acts only because an active logical rule is laid in the basis of its automatic operation by nature.

  All terms in the text exist simultaneously

 They are not perceived simultaneously, which creates the illusion of a linear structure of the theory.


P46. The principle of consistency of theory

 Since the same terms of the theory denote the same objects or the same object, then these terms necessarily link the logical rules of the theory into a single system. (1. 3. 8. ) 46


On the one hand, the relationship between different terms in the text of the theory is ensured by the fact that each term is included in one or another logical connection. Otherwise, it is not associated with the text. On the other hand, all logical connections of the theory are connected by the same terms into a single structure of the text.

P47. The principle of the structure of passive knowledge

  All terms of the text exist simultaneously and are simultaneously related to each other in many logical respects. Identical terms must also denote similar objects and similar meanings, which is the real basis for the unified structure of the text. (1. 3. 8. ) 47  


The structure of passive knowledge is always real. And it can be represented as a flat structure. More precisely, in the form of a field of knowledge.



 Any theory is necessarily a field of simultaneously existing passive knowledge. This is the unchanging and broad sense of the subject of the theory. (1. 3. 8. ) 48


The purpose of a scientific theory is to form the true and broad meaning of its subject.




                                 CONSISTENCY OF THEORY

The consistency of a theory is the absence of contradictions in it. Any true theory of an object is only possible because the facts, truths and true principles of the theory do not fundamentally contradict each other.


P21. The law of consistency of true knowledge

Facts, truths and true principles of theory are fundamentally incapable of contradicting each other. (1. 2. 8. ) 21


Truth is only necessarily contradicted by falsehood. The false statements of the theory do not at all increase its completeness.

The second necessary condition for the consistency of the theory is the dialectical law of the theory. (33)


P33.  Dialectical law of theory

 How the primary sources of truths are necessarily or accidentally connected with each other, or belong to something by their nature in Being, or are in other relations, then, accordingly, should be connected in true principles and true theories among themselves and their are true. (1. 3. 6. ) 33

                            NOVELTY OF THEORY

Completely new theories are not that common. Usually, the development of the old theory takes place by adding new essential true provisions.


P49. The principle of the novelty of the theory

 New true provisions on the subject of the theory, revealing previously unknown essential aspects of the subject - this is new in theory. (1. 3. 10. ) 49


It is very difficult here to determine the degree of quality of the theory's novelty. Sometimes it is enough to introduce an " insignificant", previously unnoticeable, new truth of the subject of the theory, and this theory becomes completely different. But the new false positions do not make the theory better, so they cannot be factors of its novelty.    




Usually, new knowledge is discovered as a result of elimination of contradictions in existing knowledge, taking into account new facts and new theories. For example, all my ideas arose in the process of reading, where I mentally argued with the author. But to argue, you need to have a reliable argument. Such argumentation is provided only by sufficiently complete (for a specific topic) and true knowledge.

Confident argumentation is the opposite of doubt. Doubt is when two weak concepts argue in the mind. And a strong concept is a belief. They don't argue with this. The operating basis of the mind is its concepts, therefore, a reasonable choice of a decision regarding a new solution mainly depends only on how strong the reaction of the concept corresponding to this problem is.


 P. I 81.  The principle of persuasion

 A strong concept is called a belief. It is the reactions of strong concepts that determine the strength of the human spirit (mind). (1. 7. 2. ) I 81


Forget the principle of universal doubt. True and complete knowledge instantly eliminates doubt by itself. This is the principle of the mind of the XXI century.

  Lecture 4


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