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P29.  The law of the necessary foundation of the theory


 The meaning of a perceived object is the knowledge given to it in the process of perception by the concepts corresponding to it. (1. 3. 4. ) 28a


The passive sense of a term is knowledge about the subject of this term that exists in the text or on another passive medium.

The active meaning of the term is the knowledge that exists in the concept of the same name.

You can't put it any easier. All the necessary elementary provisions on meanings and signs fit literally on half a page.

 Each true theory is secondary to its facts, truths and true principles. Only relevant facts, truths and true principles are its necessary foundations.

P29.  The law of the necessary foundation of the theory

Only relevant facts, truths, and true principles are the necessary foundations of a true theory. (1. 3. 4. ) 29

A similar approach to the systemic content of scientific knowledge is also demonstrated by knowledge specialists: “Epistemological chain: fact -- generalized fact – empirical law – theoretical law”. (Gavrilova T. A., Khoroshevsky V. F. Knowledge base of intelligent systems. SPb: Peter. 2000. р. 85) 

Thank you for the apt term " epistemological chain". But the term " generalized fact" is puzzling. This is an absurd term, since the fact is necessarily singular and concrete in nature.  In general, the " vertical" epistemological chain of the emergence of truth can be continued in the form of a " horizontal" epistemological chain of the emergence of a true theory. Everything is connected here.

However, this is not enough for a true theory. After all, any fact, and any truth, and any true principle can be associated in theory with false statements. Here the law of consistency oftrue knowledge comes to the rescue (21).

However, this is not enough! For in theory it is possible to connect truths in a completely different way than the objects of these truths are connected in Being.


The theory of an object is a sign-schematic model of the type of an object. Truths arise from facts. And the object of fact is only the state of the object. Only facts, truths and true principles are the necessary foundations of a true theory. So any true theory of a changing subject is necessarily based on facts.


The theory of the subject always plays the role of " absolute truth". In it, the truths of such objects are connected in such a way as if they arose from one object.


P30. The cognition principle for theory

 Such objects necessarily have a similar content, and hence many similar features. On the basis of which, many facts and truths about such objects are valid and necessary foundations of a theoretical model of the type of object. (1. 3. 5. ) 30


This is thesecond formulation of the main law of knowledge, but already applied to theory.   


In reality, the " theoretical type" of a changing object does not exist at all, since the facts are taken either from different similar objects, or from one, but in different states. But like is cognized by like. And the theoretical model of the type of object always corresponds to the type of its object on the basis of supporting features. This is a very important point of cognition. It is based on the " transfer" of features from a number of similar objects to the same theoretical model. This is possible only because every object of one kind is always a species model of another.


P31. The law of analogy

  Objects of one kind necessarily have a similarity in their content, and hence, the similarity of many essential features. What is the basis for each object of one kind to be a species model (type). (1. 3. 5. ) 31


  Do not confuse the analogy (similarity) of objects of the same kind or kind with the speech representation of the object. For example, a fence at one house is in many ways similar to a fence at a neighboring house. But it is not at all analogous to the inscription " fence". There are no signs that are alike.


The subject and its theoretical model are not similar, but only correspond to each other. There are significant differences between the subject of the sign and the sign itself. More precisely, there is nothing alike between them. But there are rules for the term:

· the rule for designating an object (if an object is of type A, then term B);

·  the rule for the designation of a similar object (if the object is of type A, then the term B);

·  the rule of designating the meaning of an object (if the meaning is A, then the term is B);

·  the rule of recognizing the term itself (if the term is B, then the meaning is A).

The important thing here is that all these rules " work" only in one direction. And this phenomenon should not be neglected. In fact, this phenomenon is of a psychic nature. It is based on the peculiarities of the rules of neurons, " working" mainly in one direction. The rules of neurons (active rules) constitute the elementary basis of the psyche.

   The meaning of an object can be contained either in its concept, or in a fragment of the text. And the term of an object is simultaneously a sign for this object, and for a similar object, and for the meaning of this object, and for the meaning of a similar object.

  Recognition of the term itself occurs in the process of its perception. There the sense of the concept of the same name is given to the image of the perceived term. When reading, a person recognizes several terms in a second. And thus he understands the text. The same happens with the recognition of the terms of oral speech.


 The dialectical law of the theory is based on the fact that in reality there are no abstract objects. Everything is connected.


  If this is a body, then, due to its material substance, it necessarily possesses material elements and fields. It acts by forces on many other bodies. The material elements of the body form its multi-level material structure.


  If this quantity (physical parameter of the body), then it belongs to its body. And in each of its states this body has a huge set of discrete physical parameters. Actually, they determine each state of any body in Being.


  If this is a quality of the body, then it necessarily belongs to its body, as the source and bearer of its quality. Quality does not exist apart from its objects.



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