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Philosophical knowledge of the world is at the forefront of research

Philosophical knowledge of the world is at the forefront of research

on  fundamental problems of science   



  •  What is science?
  •  Philosophy is a dialectical science
  •  Dialectical principles of philosophy
  • Philosophy is a world outlook science
  • Philosophical wisdom
  • Dialectical cycle of the spiral of knowledge
  • Necessary dialectical condition of true knowledge
  • Truth and falsity are an insurmountable contradiction
  • Lies are the plague of the 21st century                                                                 


Science is a unified system of knowledge of all available sciences.


Science is one and it is a multilevel system of all scientific knowledge, presented in a passive sign-schematic form. (1. 3. 2. ) 24

Passive texts belong to Science, active knowledge belongs to scientists and devices. Knowledge develops only in an ideal (mental) form, and is stably and reliably stored in the form of texts, diagrams and other unchanging blocks of information. Cities and peoples disappear, but passive texts remain. This is the most precious heritage, it is a traditional form of knowledge transfer through centuries and millennia.

Knowledge develops only in the active form of concepts and representations of the mind, but they are stably and reliably stored only in the form of texts, diagrams and other unchanging blocks of information. Cities and peoples disappear, but texts remain. This is the most precious legacy. This is a traditional form of knowledge transfer through the centuries.

The science of philosophy does not belong to the number of special sciences because of its unlimited subject. It is for this reason that philosophy is at the center of the sciences as a worldview science. It can be said to be the central science. Private science has as its subject a part of existence, and philosophy has everything that exists. The definition of the entire body of sciences is obvious.



 Science is a system of knowledge of all private sciences and sciences of philosophy. (1. 4. 1. ) 50

Nevertheless, the term “Science” has been appropriated by Marxist philosophy with many false meanings: “SCIENCE, the sphere of man. activity, the function of a cut is development and theoretical. systematization of objective knowledge about reality. During the historic. development N. turns into a productive force of society and an important social institution. The concept of " N. " includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and the result of this activity - the sum of the scientific received to this moment. knowledge that together form a scientific picture of the world. The term " N. " is also used to designate certain areas of scientific. knowledge". (Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1989)  


First. “Science is a sphere of human activity”. Here the term “scientific activity” should be used instead of the term “Science”.

Second. " In the course of historical development, N. turns into a productive force of society and a major social institution. " But here is already complete idle talk, which you will not find anywhere else.

 Third. " The concept of N. includes both the activity of acquiring new knowledge, and the result of this activity - the sum of scientific knowledge obtained by the given moment, which together form a scientific picture of the world. " And here it is again not so. The sum of knowledge is, after all, an aggregate, a pile of knowledge, while scientific knowledge is systematized in its theories. Science is already a harmonious system of knowledge, consisting of special sciences and philosophy (in the center). It is a growing branchy tree.


False knowledge disgraces Science and should not be part of it.  Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary. “SCIENCE, -and, well. 1. The system of knowledge about the laws of development of nature, society and thinking, as well as a separate branch of such knowledge. Social Sciences. Natural Sciences. Humanitarian sciences. 2. What teaches, gives experience, lesson (in 3 meanings) (colloquial). Forward to you n. Let this case be for you. ║ adj. Scientific, th, th, (to 1 value). Scientific theories. Scientific society (voluntary organization of persons conducting research). ". (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999)  Everything is correct. No questions. Good dictionary.


The multiple meanings of a scientific term is the trouble of any science. This is the first sign of its weak formalization. And for world outlook science this is a double trouble, since the term here should be immediately understood by any person, and not just a scientist! The language of science requires precision. “The language of science requires that the phenomenon under study (system, process) be described at an exact level that does not allow for fundamental discrepancies. The most accurate mathematical models. At the other end of the accuracy scale are textual models that use concepts as unambiguous as possible". (Informatics: Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 114)




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