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  philosophy is a dialectic science


This is the only science that is truly capable of presenting its truth in the fullness of its connections with other truths. The reason for this is the absolute completeness of its subject area.

For example, psychology does not have such a completeness of the subject area as philosophy does. Therefore, she has many insoluble problems. For example, mental phenomena are based on the laws of origin, receipt, transmission, transformation, storage and use of information. Most importantly, active information governs bodily activities.

But nothing is said about the essence of information in psychology!

 The truths about its origin and properties are inaccessible to psychologists, since the subject of this science is narrow for the creation of such a theory. How can it be clear to a psychologist that information arises only as a result of material interaction of a material source object and a material carrier object? The limitation of the subject interferes.

All this is truly understandable today only to a philosopher - a dialectician.



 Primary information (primary data) is some signs of a certain state of the material source object, represented by some signs of the carrier object in the form of traces of the material interaction of these objects. (1. 4. 2. ) 51                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

This is its essence. This is the law of nature. Information theory is contained in the Ontology of this philosophy. But even to an inexperienced reader it is clear even now that there are no contradictions in this principle. It is clear to him that specific information cannot exist without its specific material carrier. It is clear to him that data are always traces of material interaction.

 Information is always specific, since its material carrier is always specific. Each letter a in this text is specific, although it has many similar letters a.

Information can be " transmitted" by a whole chain of intermediate objects. But again, but. Primary data in such a " transfer" basically perishes, and secondary data necessarily arise.

Another thing is when data is transmitted by a signal. Then the primary data simply " travel" on their material medium.



 Data is the " matter" of information. They are necessarily incapable of internal changes, but only for the emergence, unchanging existence or death. (1. 4. 2. ) 52


Thus, information exists. After all, if the given is not capable of permanently preserving its state, it is no longer the given. It’s like a fact.

The first true idea of the material nature of information was expressed by Aristotle (the idea of a fingerprint).   

K. Shannon's mathematical theoryof information does not stand up to the simplest criticism. After all, the information is real. She is being. And the amount of information needed has objective criteria.


I hope the reader understands that dialectics is everything at once. Dialectics makes it possible for each object to see its connections, relationships, its quantity and quality. Dialectics represents the meaning of any object in the form of its branch on the Tree of Knowledge of Science. If you understand this, you will also understand dialectics. By the way, the Knowledge Tree of Science is a completely real thing - it is Science itself. The trunk is philosophy; branches - special sciences; leaves - books; roots are scientific facts.

                        It grows under the rays of the Sun of Truth.  

Look what lies the science of logic preaches to us. By its own definition, the subject of logic is thinking!? " Logic (from the Greek. Logos - word, concept, reasoning, reason) - in the broadest sense of its subject - examines the structure of thinking, reveals the underlying patterns of movement to truth". (Logic: Textbook for universities / V. F. Berkov et al. Mn.: Tetra Systems, 2000. р. 6)   But thinking is a mental process. And the area of ​ ​ mental phenomena is completely outside the subject area of ​ ​ this logic. Moreover, " the laws of movement [of thinking] towards truth" are generally illusory here, since logic had not said a word about truth before. She did not say anything definite about her after. Like, truth is truth. What is still unclear here? This is how this logic defined itself through thinking and truth completely unknown to it.

These are the cases. They occur precisely when the subject of research of a particular science is far beyond the limits of its subject area. And this most often means that it is beyond its competence.



The limited scope of any particular science is the objective reason for its inability to describe the universal connections of phenomena. (1. 4. 2. ) 53

 And this limitation was generated by private science only by the fact that it itself limited its subject area. In this regard, philosophy is fundamentally different from private science.


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