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 dialectic principles of philosophy


Philosophy is fundamentally capable of possessing a closed system of its principles. This system is fundamentally not doomed to its incompleteness due to the absolute completeness of the subject area of ​ ​ philosophy. (1. 4. 2. ) 54

Private science is fundamentally capable of possessing only a limited system of its principles. That is, by its fundamental incompleteness. (Play on words, but to the point. ) Any special science literally sees only what it knows about. As F. Bacon said: “Almost all scientists differ in that they deduce from any fact only what they know, and are not able to discover in it what they don’t know”. (Bacon F. Soch. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1971. р. 385) Golden words.

The subject of any particular science is only a part of the subject of the science of philosophy, and this is the main problem. More precisely, this is a dialectical problem of private science, for the solution of which it is necessary to organize an interdisciplinary seminar. Then, within the framework of some interdisciplinary problem, the activities of interested representatives of various special sciences are concentrated. Which often leads to the emergence of a new private science.


The dialectical art of the philosopher everywhere gives positive results, since he relies on the universal connection of the phenomena of Being, and does not rest helplessly on the boundaries of his subject area. Dialectical art should be understood as the art of connecting truths and true principles in accordance with the connections of their objects in Being. The essence of this art lies in the ability to understand oneself and explain to others any subject of truth in a universal and necessary connection with all others. The dialectician reflects Being in every real object.

  Dialectic art is the highest manifestation of the dialectical approach.


Everything is connected. This is the whole essence of the dialectical approach. As Parmenides said: “I don’t care where to start, for again there

I'll be back". (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 295) 


 The dialectical approach is the art of presenting an object in knowledge in such or similar way as it really exists in Being. The dialectician correctly reflects Being in every real object. The principle of the dialectical approach. (1. 3. 6. ) 34

  Everything is connected. The sphere of material phenomena is necessarily connected with the sphere of informational phenomena. But the material world obeys its own laws, and the information world obeys its own. For example, in the material world there is no law of coding, and in the world of information there is no law of the force of interaction.





The complete system of true principles of philosophical knowledge, in connection with the unlimited completeness of its subject, allows philosophy to be fundamentally competent in any questions. (1. 4. 2. ) 54a

 A principle is a speech formula. This is the foundation of any philosophical method. Like is cognized by like.


 The principles of philosophy, but translated into the form of concepts and ideas of the scientist, are the necessary tools of philosophical knowledge. (1. 4. 2) 55

On paper, these principles don't work. The Paper Principles are for storage and teaching. On paper, they are invariable elements of the science of philosophy. And in consciousness - by elements of philosophical reason. More precisely, the philosophical concept of reason.

Where do other philosophies have their unambiguously formulated true principles? One, two, and got it wrong. Whereas physics and mathematics have thousands of them.

P56.  The main task of the science of philosophy

 Philosophy as a science must formulate a closed and complete system of its true scientific principles. (1. 4. 2. ) 56


" Closed" is without breaks. That is, philosophy should not carefully, on soft cat's paws, “bypass” the key moments of Being. For example, without information theory, we would simply be unprofessional and ashamed to begin the study of the psyche. And without field theory it would be a shame to talk about matter.


True scientific principles are the stages of knowledge

If Lenin called categories “steps”, points of reference through which a person penetrates deep into things and which allow him to master a complex network of phenomena of reality, then philosophy assigns the role of such “steps” to true scientific principles. Otherwise, what kind of science is this that does not have a sufficient system of its unambiguous and true formulas (principles)?

False scientific principles are steps into nothingness.






A philosophical view of a problem is a top-down view of the problem. This view is strategic. It allows you to see any problem in general, and not just in detail. There are no interdisciplinary problems for him. In turn, the philosophical view is a consequence of the fact that the scientist has in his mind a perfect system of philosophical concepts and ideas.



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