Without concepts and representations corresponding to the object of perception or thinking, a person is only able to distinguish objects, but not to understand them. For him, such objects appear as phenomena. And if these concepts and ideas are not comple
P57 A true philosophical worldview is the ability of the mind to understand any phenomenon of the surrounding reality and any conceivable representation by means of the true philosophical knowledge available in it, for there is no such subject in Being that would not be included in the subject sphere of philosophy. (1. 4. 3. ) 57
Science, philosophy and knowledge of reason in the form of philosophical concepts and representations have the same subject area. Here, the decisive role is played by the completeness of the truth of philosophical concepts. An untrue philosophical worldview is charlatanism. For example, Marxist philosophy is capable of explaining anything, but wrong. This is its fundamental difference from other sciences.
P58 The sphere of the scientific philosophical worldview - this is necessarily the subject sphere of the science of philosophy. (1. 4. 3. ) 58 A person who fully possesses true philosophical concepts and ideas is, as it were, in the center of this sphere. With his complete, true and dialectically systemic knowledge, he confidently embraces Being. And if there is no philosophical knowledge about such objects of perception or thinking in the mind or there is negligible amount of them, then no philosophical worldview will work. Then the meanings of objects will be given by other knowledge that is stored in the mind.
Without concepts and representations corresponding to the object of perception or thinking, a person is only able to distinguish objects, but not to understand them. For him, such objects appear as phenomena. And if these concepts and ideas are not complete enough or are not true enough, then a person is capable of having only vague ideas about an object.
For example, “THE WORLD OUTLOOK is a system of ideas about the world and a person's place in it, about a person's attitude to the surrounding reality and to himself, as well as the basic principles determined by these ideas. life positions and attitudes of people, their beliefs, ideals, principles of knowledge and activity, value orientations. M. is a method of spiritual and practical assimilation of the world by man in the unity of his theoretical and practical attitude to reality". (Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1989) The " system of ideas" is not the ability of the mind, but a part of it. Here the worldview function of the knowledge of the mind is confused with the knowledge itself. Yes... It's just a pity to look at such delusions of scientists. With such a worldview, it is a shame to open the mouth of an ordinary person, let alone a scientist.
PHILOSOPHICAL WISDOM A person with a wide range of true knowledge has always been called wise. “First, we assume that the wise, as far as possible, knows everything, although he does not have knowledge of each subject separately. Secondly, we consider the wise one who is able to cognize the difficult and not easily comprehensible for a person (after all, what is perceived by the senses is characteristic of everyone, and therefore it is easy and there is nothing wise about it). Thirdly, we believe that the wiser in any science is the one who is more accurate and more capable of teaching the identification of causes, and, [fourthly] that of the sciences, to a greater extent wisdom is that which is desirable for its own sake and for knowledge, rather than the one that is desirable for the sake of the benefit derived from it, and [fifthly], the one that dominates - to a greater extent than the auxiliary one, for the wise should not receive instruction, but instruct, and he should not obey another, but to him - the one who is less wise". (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 68)
The term " wisdom" has not become obsolete at all. The child is not experienced, the old man is wise. Wisdom, as a worldview concept of consciousness, is usually called the concept of common sense. This is the " spontaneous metaphysics" of each person. In more observant people, it is developed to a perfect degree. The term " philosophical wisdom" should not be taken out of use. He should leave the unambiguous meaning of true philosophical knowledge, presented in the form of a complete system of true philosophical concepts.
P59 Wisdom is a broad and true worldview knowledge in the ideal form of the true concepts of the human mind. A wise person really has a broad outlook (worldview) due to his many true concepts. (1. 4. 3. ) 59
A person who is able to explain everything simply and correctly is called wise. A person who is able to explain everything is difficult, but wrong - a mere word of mouth.
THE DIALECTIC CYCLE OF THE SPIRAL OF KNOWLEDGE The development of the science of philosophy is always cyclical. Let's consider its development on the example of some one new and true fragment of philosophical knowledge. (A new fake piece of scientific knowledge is not a developmental factor. )
1. New and true philosophical knowledge is created only in the mind of a scientist. Only a developed philosophical concept generates fromfacts are a fragment of new and true philosophical knowledge. Thus, this concept itself increases, increases by the size of this fragment. So she gets her self-development. However, this applies to any scientific knowledge in the ideal form of the concepts of the human mind, since the texts are dead and are not capable of self-development.
2. Next. This piece of new knowledge changes its ideal representation to a textual form. (All texts are the thoughts of the author frozen for centuries. ) This is a step in the development of the science of philosophy. The development of any science takes place in a similar way. Private science is its passive knowledge. And each new and true scientific knowledge increases the system of knowledge of this particular science. The volume of knowledge is not the right word, since any science is, first of all, a dialectical system of its passive knowledge. And the amount of knowledge is just their amount. True knowledge forms systems due to the absence of contradictions, not true knowledge forms only a " volume", a list of opinions that do not fit well with each other.
3. Next. This very fragment of new philosophical knowledge is extracted from the texts by other learned philosophers. Thus, copies of this fragment of new knowledge appear already in the philosophical concepts of other scientific philosophers. Thus, this new knowledge is already involved in the creation of the next new philosophical knowledge. It, but in the ideal form of an element of the scientist's concept, is itself an instrument of cognition.
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