Everything! The circle is complete. Although this is not quite a circle, but rather a loop, a cycle of the next spiral of cognition.
Everything! The circle is complete. Although this is not quite a circle, but rather a loop, a cycle of the next spiral of cognition.
P60. The principle of the development of philosophical knowledge Each new and true philosophical knowledge necessarily arises only in the mind as a result of the activities of the philosophical concept of the scientist. Then it is translated into a passive form of the text and increases the system of passive philosophical knowledge. This new in the process of extracting knowledge expands the concepts of scientists. Subsequently, this new is already involved in the creation of the next new knowledge. (1. 4. 4. ) 60
Each new and true knowledge is a new element of knowledge. Thus, the development of knowledge occurs in a cyclical manner. P61. The principle of cyclical development of scientific knowledge Development of knowledge occurs cyclically, since new knowledge obtained as a result of one cycle of some research, already in the next cycles of such research acquire its instrumental value. (1. 4. 4. ) 61 Feedback is the effect of the result of the process on the further development of the process itself. P62. The principle of positive feedback in the development of philosophical knowledge New and true philosophical knowledge in the form of concepts and ideas necessarily have a positive effect on the development of a passive form of philosophical knowledge. (1. 4. 4. ) 62
However, there is also negative feedback. And this does not require special ingenuity to understand that new, but untrue knowledge does not give anything to the development of private science, except for harm. Only a new and true philosophical principle and theory really expands the system of philosophical knowledge. Laws are established only by nature, and man can only formulate them correctly in principles and theories. But first, they must still be seen with the mind, and not just with the eyes! P62a. The principle of dialectical intuition Dialectical vision (instantaneous and accurate understanding) of an object in its variety of connections with others is dialectical intuition. (1. 4. 4. ) 62a THE NECESSARY DIALECTIC CONDITION OF TRUE KNOWLEDGE The true principle is the reliable foundation of knowledge. But this is not enough. In order to avoid mistakes, a complete and closed system of principles is required, where there are no significant gaps. For example, it is impossible to explain matter without knowing the truths of the nature of the physical field and space. And vice versa. Everything needs to be connected. This is the key dialectic formula discovered by Heraclitus.
However, the existing philosophical knowledge is poorly formalized. There are few unambiguous and true principles in it. It is poorly systematized due to conflicting theories of different philosophies. In addition, there are far more falsities in modern philosophy than truths, true principles and true theories. Actually, it was only because of the abundance of falsehood that modern philosophy stopped in its development. There is only one way out.
A unified and complete system of true philosophical principles is needed, covering all the key points of Being. This is precisely the necessary dialectical condition for true philosophical knowledge.
TRUTH AND FALSE ARE AN INSURABLE CONTRADICTION The author of truth is always alone. He is always the first creator of it. And there is no need to list everyone who repeated this truth. If truths are diamond grains, then true principles are already products with properly cut diamonds. It is difficult to confuse them with fakes.
Falsehood and truth are a necessary contradiction. This philosophy easily falsifies what really hinders it. But she doesn't like such a thankless job. It is much easier and more noble to collect all the truths that were first formulated by this or that philosophy.
The first method of detecting falsehood. If it is not clear to anyone how the falsity is made obvious, then use the simple law of consistency of true knowledge (21).
The second method of detecting falsehood is to examine the subject of the false position and the facts of this or a similar subject. Create truths corresponding to these objects and facts. And everything will quickly fall into place.
The third method of detecting falsehood is given by this philosophy. Since it has a closed system of true philosophical principles (about a thousand). And in this regard, she is the most perfect " Occam's razor". Although here is no longer a razor, but a real scythe. The old man will be glad!
LIE - THE PLAGUE OF THE XXI CENTURY The whole problem is that today the flow of information compared to 90 has increased 1000 times. Increased thanks to digital technology. An example of a modern flow of information is a modern street crowded with tens of thousands of cars where only 10 cars were driving in 1990. We already live in a completely different world. We have to adapt.
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