Today, everyone can successfully resist lies and spam in the modern muddy stream of information. But this requires a perfect organization of the knowledge of the mind. You need perfect intuition (instant and accurate thinking). And only a system of a per
Today, everyone can successfully resist lies and spam in the modern muddy stream of information. But this requires a perfect organization of the knowledge of the mind. You need perfect intuition (instant and accurate thinking). And only a system of a perfect scientific worldview in consciousness is capable of such an organization of the mind, when it can instantly (! ) Automatically (intuitively) sort information, cut off lies and spam, and put only the most valuable in the appropriate sections of knowledge, without resorting to a long and tedious thinking process.
Lecture 5 Those who heard but did not understand are like the deaf: “Being present, they are absent, ” the proverb says about them. Heraclitus
PHILOSOPHICAL CONCEPT · I want young men to be wise · Principle of a philosophical concept · Concept · Understanding · Concept name · Performance · The emergence of the concept · Association is a mechanism of intuition · Essence of the concept · Dialectical approach · Get smarter faster, time is running out! I WANT YOUNG MEN TO BE WISE The philosophical view of the problem necessarily has its foundation. And this foundation is the philosophical concept of reason. There is an important principle of education, formulated by Heraclitus: " Much knowledge does not teach the mind. "
P I-131. The principle of systematization of knowledge (idea of Heraclitus) Only a correct philosophical worldview allows organizing all the knowledge gained and the acquired life experience into a single and consistent system of active knowledge of the mind. (2. 2. 3. ) I-131
Wisdom is the main sign of a perfect mind.
P. I-133. Principle of philosophical wisdom Wisdom is correct and complete active knowledge of the mind in the form of an active system of philosophical concepts. This is a philosophical concept. Compulsory philosophical education for young men is the only and necessary condition for their wisdom. (2. 2. 3. ) I-133
And only a system of a perfect scientific worldview in consciousness is capable of such an organization of the mind, when it can instantly (! ) Automatically (intuitively) sort information, cut off lies and spam, and only put the most valuable things in the appropriate sections of knowledge, without resorting to a lengthy process every time thinking. PRINCIPLE OF PHILOSOPHICAL CONCEPT The philosophical view of the problem necessarily has its foundation. And this foundation is the philosophical concept of reason. Philosophy is functional only in terms and concepts. It gets its development there. She's alive there. It's time to get used to the fact that a person has a living mind, the basis of which is living concepts. The main thing is that this concept has its own true concepts. False concepts are like crooked mirrors.
P63. Philosophical Concept Principle The philosophical concept is a system of active knowledge in the form of a system of true philosophical concepts and ideas of reason. This is philosophical wisdom. (1. 5. 0. ) 63
Since ancient times, philosophy has been called wisdom. And if we go back to the old, then wisdom is an euphonic term that also denotes the knowledge of a person who has a wide and true outlook. There is also a second meaning of the philosophical concept, as some independent, separate philosophical theory. But a concept is not a theory. The place of theory is on paper, and concepts are in the head. Still, a concept (lat. Conceptus) is a concept. There is no need to substitute concepts, especially in relation to the concepts themselves.
What today we call a philosophical concept, Hegel called the diamond network of metaphysics. “More precisely, the difference between the philosophy of nature and physics lies in the nature of the metaphysics they use. For metaphysics is nothing more than a set of universal definitions of thinking, like a diamond net into which we introduce any material, and only by this do we make it understandable. Each educated consciousness has its own metaphysics, that instinctive thinking, that absolute power in us, which we can master if we make it itself the subject of our knowledge. Philosophy as philosophy has in general other categories than ordinary consciousness; all the difference between different levels of education comes down to the difference in the categories used". (Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 2. M., " Thought" 1975. р. 21) Golden words! After all, each concept of a philosophical concept is a kind of set of definitions of its subject. This is the cell of the diamond network of metaphysical consciousness.
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