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P64. The principle of a philosophical concept

P64. The principle of a philosophical concept

 A philosophical concept is a figurative-speech model of the type of its subject, presented in the form of active knowledge of the mind. Philosophical ideas about such subjects are necessarily included in the content of their (of the same name) concept as examples of philosophical experience. (1. 5. 0. ) 64



1. Any concept has its own active sensitive features and automatically determines the images of " their" objects in perception, thinking and intuition.

In perception, the immediate object of a concept is the image of the perceived object. And if the image of a perceived object has a set of features similar to all active features of a certain concept, then this concept automatically defines this image as " known. "

In thinking, the direct object of reason is the image of a conceivable object. Thinking is like perception, as pointed out by Aristotle. Unless it (this is a process consisting of dozens of actions) is mainly aimed at studying the images of impressions and representations that replace the images of perceived objects to the mind.


2. The structure of a concept is its content. If we understand the content of an object, then we understand the object itself.

A concept is an informational object.


NOTE: Структура понятия (Concept structure). Ядро (Nucleus). Чувствительный именной признак (Sensitive name sign). Чувствительный предметный признак (Sensitive subject feature). Примеры (одноимённые представления) (Examples (views of the same) name)).


3. The sensitivity of each active feature of a concept is based on the active rule of this feature. It has the form " if A - then B". And if the feature of the image of a perceived object in perception is similar to the active feature of a certain concept, then this feature of the concept itself (automatically) comes into its active state. Thus, the feature of a concept automatically determines the feature of the studied image of perception as “known”.

4. An active rule of the type “if A - then B” is a rule of life, since not only every concept is necessary is a system of similar rules, but every receptor is always based on such a rule.


The sensitivity of any sensitive feature of a concept is necessarily based on active rules. Any concept is necessarily a system of its active rules. (1. 5. 0. ) 65

5. The main sensitive feature of a concept is its name. After all, when we understand several terms in a second, then there is no thinking at all. And there is only the automatic activity of concepts. And if some sensitive name sign of a concept (just a name) determines the image of " its term" in perception, then it will automatically come to the stage of brief excitement and transfer the core of its concept to such a stage. Thus, the subject of perception becomes clear to the mind. After all, a concept is an element of reason.


1. A person understands concepts. Nothing new? How then would you order to understand that even such a simple term as “understanding” is problematic today. " Note that in linguistics, as well as in psychology, the term" understanding " is not defined in any way. " (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1994. р. 161)

So the simplest explanation should be given here.


P 66. The principle of the act of consciousness

Any act of understanding the image of a perceived or conceivable object is an act of an excited state of the concept of this type of object. It is an act of intelligent consciousness of this image. There is no need for an objectless consciousness. (1. 5. 0. ) 66


And since the phase of activity of a concept in perception or in thinking is only a few hundredths of a second, a person is faced with such a phenomenon as a stream of consciousness. Concepts consistently define their objects (images of perception that are in the center of attention), and thus these objects become understandable to the mind. Yet the mind is largely composed of them. The main thing is that the stream of consciousness consistently explores all the images that are in the center of attention. If it were parallel, there would be no stream, but a real whirlpool!


P67. The principle of consciousness

 The stream of acts of consciousness is always and necessarily a stream of successive flashes of activity of various concepts in determining (understanding) the images of " their" objects in perception, thinking and intuition. This stream is called consciousness. (1. 5. 0. ) 67

Passive (not excited) concepts are not aware of anything and do not belong to the elements of consciousness.                                                                                    

The receptor senses. The concept is feeling. The feeling of “one's own” image in perception or in thinking is an excited state of this concept. Everything here is very clear and without theory. But these principles and provisions had to be formulated by psychology. Why is she silent? Yes, only because she does not know the real structure of the concept. She does not even know what an active rule is, although it is the basis of the psyche.

A concept is an informational object. And the structure of an object is the object itself. This is its content. But an object that is not defined in its content is only a phenomenon. " An indefinite subject of empirical contemplation is called a phenomenon. " (Kant I. Soch. T. 3. M., " Mysl", 1964. р. 127)

2. Concepts that have a similarity of their active features with the features of the perceived image, themselves come into a state of excitement. And a person instantly understands the subject of perception in the light of the meanings corresponding to this subject of active concepts.


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