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The philosophical worldview should be available to everyone


The meaning of a concept is its content. (1. 5. 0. ) 68

 Kant was the first to say something like this: " Concepts are related as predicates of possible judgments to some idea of ​ ​ an undefined subject. " ( Kant I. Soch. T. 3. M., " Thought", 1964. S. 167)   Gold words! That's all understanding, moreover, in a few words! What is still incomprehensible here? Kant understood it correctly, but today for some reason everyone does not understand it?



3. A person philosophically understands an object from the standpoint of the philosophical knowledge he has, that is, from the standpoint of his philosophical concepts and ideas. And such a worldview should be available to all people.


 Understanding by a person of objects of perception or objects of his own thought by means of concepts and representations of a philosophical concept is called a philosophical worldview or philosophical consciousness. (1. 5. 0. ) 69

The philosophical worldview should be available to everyone


 Philosophy, due to its ideological mission, should strive for an unambiguous and everyday terminology. (1. 5. 0. ) 70


Philosophy is a science not only about everything, but for everyone

                                                  NAME OF CONCEPT

The name of a concept is also its active sensitive speech feature, it is at the same time an active element of the core of this concept. (This is its “double” configuration. ) It is capable of passing into an excited state when an image of the term of the same name appears (in perception, thinking or intuition). And already the activity of this feature alone is enough to " turn on" a brief act of activity of the core of one's concept.

But the term is always passive. And there is nothing to call him by name. These are completely different things. Parmenides was the first to notice:                  “Here I complete my trustworthy word and thought.

I am about the Truth: from now on, teach you the opinions of mortals,

Listening to the deceitful structure of my elegant poems.

Mortals decided so: to name two forms,

There should not be one of them - and this is their delusion" (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 297)

  But it looks like he hasn't been heard yet! And where, then, is the development of philosophical thought over the past two thousand years?!


P71. Concept name principle

 The name of a concept is always and must be both its central sensitive speech feature and, at the same time, an active element of the core of this concept.

                                                                                                             (1. 5. 0. ) 71

The name of a concept is its sensitive naming convention plus the name of the kernel. The representations included in this concept also have their sensitive similar names.


The term is not a name, but its passive spoken or written representative. He directly matches only his name, because it came from him. And the objects correspond to their names in force of the agreement. “Names matter by agreement, because by nature there is no name. And a name arises when it becomes a sign, for although articulate sounds express something, as, for example, in animals, none of these sounds is a name ". (Aristotle. Works. T. 2. " Thought", 1978. р. 94)

Concept names are active entities. Their place is in the mind. They are nature's greatest inventions. They are the main elements of inner speech. It is only through the names that reason has arisen.



 A term should be called only the name of an object, or the name of a concept, or the name of a feature, or the name of a representation that exists as an element of oral or written speech. (1. 5. 0. ) 72


So the terms " name" and " term" should be distinguished. The place of the name is only in the mind. On the subject it is not, especially since the scientific terminology should strive for its uniqueness. " The language of science requires that the phenomenon under study (system, process) be described at an exact level that does not allow for fundamental discrepancies". (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M. : Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 114)


The names of objects in the logical operations of thinking are a thousand times

more convenient than the concepts of objects themselves. They are compact and take up little space in the RAM of the logical thinking unit.



The name of an object exists only as its active sign in the mind. (1. 5. 0. ) 73


  It is transformed by a person into a term in oral or written speech.



The name of an object in the logical operations of the mind replaces the meaning of the concept or representation of the same name to this object. (1. 5. 0) 74


If we compare the amount of data for the name of an object and its eponymous representation or concept, we get one in a thousand, or even more.


P75. The principle of verbal thinking (Hegel's idea)

Thinking in the names of objects is a thousand times more economical than thinking in the meanings of the concepts of the same name, which is a necessary basis for the emergence of speech, thought and the mind itself. (1. 5. 0. ) 75


For the first time this phenomenon was studied by Hegel: “When pronouncing the name“ lion ”we do not need either contemplation of that animal, or even its image, but its name, as we understand it, is an ugly, simple idea. We think in terms of names. The word as sounding disappears in time. … To think without words, as Mesmer once tried to do, is therefore an unreasonable undertaking; she almost drove this man, according to his own admission, to madness". (Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 3. M., " Thought" 1977. р. 302 - 303)





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