Essence of the concept. Dialectic approach. Actually, the Beginnings were created as a new system of methods for obtaining true, systemic, complete and in many respects new scientific knowledge.
ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT The structure of a concept is its essence. And only now can we talk about the concept as a truly understandable subject, and not just as a phenomenon. P 80 The structure of a concept is necessarily a connection between its concepts and representations, and representations are included in the content of concepts of the same name as examples, and the concepts themselves are linked in association by their similar active sensitive features. A non-excited sensitive sign of a concept does not participate in the formation of an association. (1. 5. 0) 81 DIALECTIC APPROACH Here the question is quite pertinent, what is the mind and what is its significance in the philosophical consciousness?
P82 Mind is a capable (skillful, smart) mind. Whereas the mind is a mental organ, the content of which is made up of concepts, representations and logical blocks of intelligent perception, thinking and management of intelligent behavior. (1. 5. 0) 82
Smart or stupid - these are the limits of the “smart” quality measure. The scale of this quality can be set either by a series of linguistic values, or by a range of numerical values from 1 (completely smart) to 0 (completely stupid).
However, in addition to speed, the mind also requires the truth of the conclusion, and the dialectical depth of judgment. Here, the result is more important than time. P34 The principle of the dialectical approach The dialectical approach is the art of presenting an object in knowledge in such or similar way as it really exists in Being. The dialectician correctly reflects Being in every real object. (1. 3. 6) 34 The dialectical approach is a consequence of such an organization of the knowledge of the mind, when they are true and related in accordance with their objects in reality. The basis of the dialectical approach is a true philosophical concept. And it, in turn, consists of true concepts and ideas. The scope of the concept is commensurate with the number of concepts and concepts. But volume is quantity, while the concept itself is structure. Well-structured and true concepts of a philosophical concept are an active, living model of Being. They themselves (automatically), without much effort, explain their objects both in their content and in their connections in Being. However, true concepts and ideas are fluid and short-lived. And only the science of philosophy is capable of preserving and increasing its true knowledge for centuries and millennia. If we discard all falsity and systematize true philosophical knowledge, then it will take on a rather compact form. Actually, this is what we are doing. It is also necessary for the education of a quick, accurate, creative and at the same time dialectical mind.
Actually, the Beginnings were created as a new system of methods for obtaining true, systemic, complete and in many respects new scientific knowledge. 2009-02-04
SMART FASTER, TIME DOESN'T WAIT! THE TOPIC PRIORITY ABSOLUTE: The challenges of the modern information world with all inevitability require a new and perfect organization of human consciousness. Otherwise, a person will simply soon turn into a slave to a device with artificial intelligence or with an artificial psyche, which is tantamount to his degradation and death as a species. Today, everyone can successfully resist lies and spam in the modern muddy stream of information. But this requires a perfect organization of the knowledge of the mind. You need perfect intuition (instant thinking). And such an organization of knowledge of reason and intuition can only be provided by a complete, correct and systematic scientific worldview. Only a system of true worldview in consciousness is capable of organizing the mind in such a way that it can automatically (intuitively) sort information, cut off lies and spam, and put only the most valuable things in the appropriate sections of knowledge.
Only a correct and complete philosophical worldview allows you to organize all the knowledge gained and life experience into a single and consistent system of active knowledge of the mind. And already only such a system of human concepts is able to automatically (intuitively) instantly sort information, cut off lies and spam, and automatically put only the most valuable in the appropriate sections of knowledge. And it is quite possible to form such a worldview in 2 semesters by studying the new true teaching " PRINCIPLES OF MATERIALIST PHILOSOPHY". These are 1000 new principles and a hundred new theories. This knowledge is intended for the person of the future, for the person of the information age, in fact, in which we are all already. That's the whole solution to this problem. What's in the way? Take it, read it, organize your consciousness correctly yourself. A person creates his own concepts in the process of learning and life experience. There is no other way just yet. The problem of perfect intuition (accurate and instant thinking) will soon become the problem of human survival as a species. Not to mention the importance of smart people for any country. After all, what kind of people is such a country.
And knowledge of the mind does not teach. Nor does it teach scientists. He said so, and this that way. And everyone said only scientific truths! But this does not happen! Why list all opinions in science?
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