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Performance.   association is a mechanism of intuition


Examples of concepts are individual views. They are not very active by nature, since they have only their active sensitive names. The rest of the meaning of any representation has the form of passive knowledge. They are active only when the view name is raised.



Representation of a perceived object is a perceived and meaningful image of a specific object in a fragment of a specific situation. The show has its own sensitive name. (1. 5. 0. ) 76     


The mind is dialectical, and it does not remember objects outside the situation. This allows one or another type of situation to be reconstructed with representations that correspond to different situations.



                                    ORIGIN OF THE CONCEPT

When an image of an object arises in perception, about which there is no concept, but there is an idea, then the process of understanding is significantly slowed down due to thinking. This is due to the fact that a representation is a specific single experience, that is, an example. It does not have such an active structure and associative connections to automatically act as a concept.


Concepts use representations of the same name as their examples. Their place in concept examples. The concepts themselves arise only from separate representations.



Speech knowledge is not inherited. (1. 5. 0. ) 77


Each of its concepts the mind has to create, not inherit. He creates them from existing representations, so that every time he does not disassemble by thinking what the concept itself (automatically) can do. (1. 5. 0. ) 78    


Then the mind has more time to control thinking, attention and much more, which forms every rational human act.




A stable connection of related concepts is called an association. The need for the emergence of related concepts is exactly the same as the need for the emergence of the concepts themselves.

Similar sensitive signs of different concepts themselves (automatically) actively respond to the same " own" sign of the image of perception or thinking, which is in the center of attention of the mind. Thus, the presence of many similar sensitive features in individual concepts is an objective basis for the formation of their connection. Associations work only when the mind gives some representation priority in the process of thinking. Then the voluntary attention of the mind is focused for a relatively long time on this idea as an object of thought. But this activates his concept of the same name, and then related related concepts.



Concepts that have several of these sensitive features are called related concepts. Stable active connections of concepts based on one or more of the same features are called associations. The concept of the same name with the object of thought and which is in the stage of prolonged arousal due to the attention of the mind is called the central concept of association. (1. 5. 0. ) 79 


The relatively slow and partial activation of the elements of the association is the main condition for its emergence and effective action. In contrast to the short-term outburst of activity of a concept when recognizing the image of " one's" object, the central concept is active here not for hundredths of a second, but many times longer. The essence of the association is precisely to designate the range of concepts associated with its central concept by the same attributes. Associations are perfectly visible to the mind, which, in order to expand the meaning of the central concept, is able to transfer its voluntary attention from one associated concept to another. Associatively related concepts have their main function precisely in the fact that they are able to give the subject of the central concept the broadest sense. The broad sense of the subject is completely unnecessary for its recognition. As we have seen, it only interferes with recognition. One concept successfully copes with the recognition of the image of " one's subject". A broad sense of the subject is needed only when solving some problem.


P80. The principle of association

Association - a related concept associated with the central concept of association on the basis of one or more of its similar sensitive features. The central concept of association is in an agitated state as long as the voluntary attention of the mind is directed at it. Related concepts have only those of their excited sensitive features that are of the same name to the features of the central concept. The association arises and exists as long as the arbitrary attention of the mind is directed to its central concept. (1. 5. 0. ) 80


The mind " sees" the connections of associated concepts by their excited signs. And he shifts attention from one concept of association to another as the problem is solved. Association is the real basis for thinking and intuition. Without a true theory of association, a correct explanation of the mechanisms of intuition and thinking is completely impossible. The science of informatics has a strong interest in associative connections. “Unfortunately, despite many years of studying the associative model, it was not possible to create a coherent theory of associative search and associative reasoning. The exception is an important but particular class of associations called conditioned reflexes". (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M. : Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 153) However, it is completely incomprehensible how one can investigate these connections without having a true model of the concept at all. Psychology lacks correct definitions of association for the same reasons.



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