Leave only the truth and bring it into the system. Into a multilevel system (applied, theoretical, philosophical levels). Then the volume of scientific knowledge will be reduced by several orders of magnitude! This is 100 times! After all, not true knowle
Leave only the truth and bring it into the system. Into a multilevel system (applied, theoretical, philosophical levels). Then the volume of scientific knowledge will be reduced by several orders of magnitude! This is 100 times! After all, not true knowledge and repetition have absolutely no meaning in science.
SECTION TWO ONTOLOGY (Dialectical physics) Lecture 1 According to the established custom, sweet and bitter according to custom, warm according to custom, cold according to custom, colored according to custom, in reality, they are atoms and emptiness. Democritus THE SCIENCE " DIALECTIC PHYSICS" • New phenomenon in science • At the fundamental level of scientific knowledge • Truths are easier than falsehood • The discovery of hyperspace is a leap of scientific knowledge to its new quality • What is the main problem? NEW PHENOMENON IN SCIENCE In December 2008, a new science “Dialectical Physics” appeared in Brest. Otherwise it is called " Ontology". This is the science of everything that exists. " Ontology" is the first science of philosophy. In fact, all interconnected objects of the surrounding world exist only simultaneously. And this requires a completely new level of logic. So, the two sciences ontology and dialectical logic as part of the new teaching were built simultaneously, that is, in parallel, and their principles form a single crystal of new and true knowledge. Everything is connected and this is the strength of the dialectical sciences. This is a new phenomenon in science. It is very important, since dialectical physics explores the world around it at the fundamental level of scientific knowledge.
AT THE FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE Dialectical physics explores the world around us at the fundamental level of scientific knowledge. The most important circumstance for the emergence of " Dialectical Logic", " Ontology" and this philosophical doctrine in general were the ideas of Parmenides of Elea (c. 540 - 470). Here were opened: • the nature of physical fields and the laws of their essence; • hyperspace and the laws of its essence; • laws of the essence of space and time; • laws of quantitative and qualitative changes in objects; • laws of origin and existence of information; • laws of the essence of the electron, its charge and mass; • the essence of matter and antimatter has been discovered. 211 new principles of dialectical physics and 68 principles of dialectical cosmology are formulated here.
TRUTH IS EASIER FALSE Truth is simpler than falsehood. They are easy to see and understand. Yes, and doubts do not torment when you follow the path of truth. See how easy it is to make true discoveries. For example, there are only three types of center boxes. The field does not start from an empty place, but only from the smallest particles of matter (corporeality). Three types of central fields - three types of quanta of corporeality. Gravitons are one type. Positive and negative bodily quanta of electric charge are two more types. The first are gravitational corporeality. The second and third are electrical corporeality. Everything else, except for spaces, consists only of them. Mentally remove these three types of quanta of corporeality from the Universe, and there, except for spaces, nothing else will remain. At the base of all reality are only quanta of corporeality and emptiness. (I repeat after Democritus. ) That's all. Field and hyperspace theory fits into a dozen pages. And all this is only thanks to only one truthof Democritus! Sweet is only considered so, bitter is only considered so, warm is only considered so, cold is only considered so, color is only considered so, in reality - atoms and emptiness. (Democritus) After that, the search for Democritic atoms took no more than an hour! The opinions of physicists are secondary here. The truths of the field and hyperspace are already there. There will be no other truths that are contrary to them. Truths are eternal and incapable of mutual contradictions.
THE DISCOVERY OF HYPERSPACE IS A LEAP OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE INTO THEIR NEW QUALITY Many obvious things seem incredible to scientists because of their perfect simplicity. The theory of hyperspace itself is quite obvious and simple. For more details see book 1 (dialectical physics), section 2, chapter 2, pp. 89 - 101.
Important findings of this theory · An electron in ordinary three-dimensional space is a body (material point), and in hyperspace it exists only in the form of its electric field, which occupies the entire Universe. · In hyperspace, there are no distances, but there are directions. · The fields of all things consist of the fields of their elementary particles. · The electric field of each elementary particle is directed only to the center of this particle and compresses it. · Only its own field acts directly on the particle, but nothing else. Other fields deform this field, and thus it acts on its own material particle-owner with some force. That is, the mechanical interaction of the particles directly occurs only through their own fields. But the direct interaction of particles is already a quantum interaction, but not mechanical.
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