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P178. The law of the substantiality of the field

P178. The law of the substantiality of the field

 Any material body necessarily possesses the fields of its constituent elementary particles. This is true not only for the body, but also for any system of elementary particles. (2. 7. 2. ) 178


As the quanta of matter are the material substance of the body, so the fields of these quanta are the substance of the physical fields of this body.


The gravitational field is a long-range field. On a cosmic scale, they form high material levels of Being (planets, star systems, galaxies, etc. ). Not a single cosmic body without its gravitational field is not only impossible, but also incapable of having its own orbit. This field is central, since the forces of its action are necessarily directed towards the center of its source.


The body's electric fields are also long-range fields. Moreover, for comparable sources they are incomparably stronger than gravitational fields. This ratio has a fantastic value, which can be expressed as a number with forty zeros! But in cosmic processes, these fields do not have the same meaning as the gravitational fields. The thing is that the electric fields of matter have opposite signs, and thus they weaken each other's actions to the very minimum. And for one reason: there are exactly the same number of electrons in matter as there are positrons. We do not notice the total electric charge of an ordinary apple, although we feel its heaviness. But if anyone knew that if all the energy of the electric fields of the apple were released, then its value would be equivalent to the energy of the explosion of a hydrogen bomb! Here is the process of annihilation, where 100% of the internal energy is released. Whereas in the fusion of helium nuclei from hydrogen energy is released by an order of magnitude less. But the internal energy of the forces of gravitational connection of all elements of this apple is so small that it can be compared only with the internal energy (energy of annihilation) of only one atomic electron!

Without electric fields, an electron would simply not be able to have its atomic orbit. And then it is clear and without explanation: neither an atom, nor a molecule, nor a crystal, nor a stone are necessarily possible without electric fields.



These fields are central, since the forces of action of each of them are necessarily directed towards the center of their source.

Pay special attention to the fact that the fields weaken each other's actions, but they do not destroy each other. This is the nature of the independent action of the fields. It’s like the forces do not destroy each other, but weaken.

  Forces and fields act independently, but they do not weaken or become stronger because of this.  


Body magnetic fields. These are the fields of moving charges. The thing is that a stationary charge does not have a magnetic field. He has only an electric field. But, as a result of the movement of the charge, its electric field begins to rotate. Why? Because of the hyperspace metric. Here is the normal component of the rotation of the electric (now electromagnetic) field of the charge and is called its magnetic field.

The radial component of the electromagnetic field is called the electric field. It is always directed towards the center of the charge. The normal component of the electromagnetic field is called the magnetic field. It is always tangential to its source.      



2. The principle of the material foundation of the field. Its essence is that no physical field can be an independent object, since it is completely unable to arise and exist separately from its material source. Any physical field necessarily begins only from its material source, but not from an empty place. Any field of a quantum of matter, which is any elementary particle, we call a material field.


Any field of any elementary particle is called material, because this particle is a quantum of matter. And this field belongs only to her. (2. 4. 2. ) 117

Any material field always and begins only with an elementary particle.

But! There is a wide variety of elementary particles, while there is no wide variety of physical fields at all. This means that there are necessarily smaller particles of matter, which are the direct sources of their fields. There should be as many types of fields as there are quanta. Let's call them quanta of corporeality. These are quanta of the lowest level of the structure of any body. Quantums of matter are composed of them. The main thing is that these quanta no longer have their own structure - otherwise they cannot be the quanta of the lowest level. Fields necessarily have no structure, since they have no boundaries of action. So their primary sources must not have their own structure.


P116. The principle of the material field

 Any field of any elementary particle always and necessarily consists of the same type of fields of its constituent quanta of corporeality. (2. 4. 2. ) 116

There are as many types of quanta of corporeality as there are types of physical fields. An exception is the magnetic field. But it is a derivative of the electric field of a moving charge. It is not a fundamental field, since it is derived from the motion of the charge. There is no movement of the charge - there is no magnetic field either. Therefore, clarification is needed here. There are as many types of quanta of corporeality as there are types of fundamental physical fields. All fundamental fields are central. The vectors of their tensions must be directed towards the center of their source.

3. The principle of the bodily foundation of the field. Three reasons for the material fields of an elementary particle are quite obvious: its mass and its positive and negative electric charges. This corresponds to three types of fundamental physical fields: gravitational and two types of electric fields (positive and negative).

 As a result, three types of field sources correspond to three types of fundamental fields. The magnetic field of a charge is a form of manifestation of its electric field and does not belong to the number of fundamental fields.


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