P179. The principle of the bodily foundation of the material field
P179. The principle of the bodily foundation of the material field Only the mass and electric charge of an elementary particle are necessarily the bodily bases of its fields. Other types of corporeality, as the immediate foundations of the fields, no longer exist. (2. 7. 2. ) 179
The corporal base is called so because it belongs directly only to the most elementary particle and constitutes its content. This principle is the key to the truths of the bodily principles of Being. There are even fewer of them than Empedocles assumed. In fact, only Democritus gave us this key: "... in reality, these are atoms and emptiness. " Gold words.
The bodily base of the field of a quantum of matter is quantity. This is a physical parameter. Any quantum of corporeality belongs to its elementary particle as its element. A particle is impossible without its elements of the lower level.
At the same time, any quantum of corporeality of an elementary particle belongs to many similar quanta that make up this particle. This is her quantity, which we have called her bodily basis.
At the same time, any quantum of corporeality of an elementary particle belongs to a multitude of similar quanta available in Being (their kind). But from the simultaneous belonging of this quantum to a particle and to different sets, this quantum of corporeality does not double or triple.
The bodily base of an elementary particle is an active base, since all its quanta of corporeality of one type belong to it. Only the quantum of corporeality is the direct source of its field. An elementary particle has its own fields, but their direct sources are its quanta of corporeality.
4. The principle of belonging of the material field. An elementary particle is necessary bodily. And since only the mass and electric charge of an elementary particle are the bodily bases of its fields, the following conclusion is obvious:
P180. The principle of belonging of the material field Any material field necessarily belongs only to its own particle on the basis that the bodily basis of this field is necessarily its own corporeality. (2. 7. 2. ) 180
This is exactly what lies on the surface of experience.
5. The principle of the existence of the material field. All elementary particles mechanically act at a distance on each other only through their material fields of the same type. There are simply no other mechanisms of interaction of this kind. Direct interaction of elementary particles within their radii is already quantum reaction. So quantum reactions do not belong to mechanical interaction at a distance.
P181. The principle of the existence of a material field Mechanical interaction of elementary particles through their own material fields is the action of these particles on each other by forces at a distance. This is the main and necessary condition for the existence of any material structure. (2. 4. 2. ) 181
On the basis of such interaction, there actually exist: an atom, a molecule, a star, and a galaxy. The fields of all material bodies are total fields consisting of material fields. No fields form structures. 2008-12-13 6. The principle of exclusion of a field in ordinary space. For bodies existing in ordinary space, there cannot be a mechanism for their mechanical action at a distance. And only because of its metrics. All bodily objects in physical space are discrete. Each of them occupies a volume of space limited by its own form, behind which there is emptiness and other bodies. And there are no other mechanisms for their interaction at a distance, except through their own fields. Only the hooks and loops of Democritus remain. P120. The principle of prohibition of the existence of a field in space By virtue of the metric of ordinary space, the existence of any physical field in it is necessarily impossible. (2. 4. 2. ) 120
In ordinary space, there is no ether, no probability fields. There are only " atoms", bodies consisting of them and emptiness.
7. The principle of the existence of hyperspace. Hyperspace is the necessity that manifests itself in the facts of the extension of the action of fields in physical space far beyond the limits of their discrete sources.
P124. The principle of the existence of hyperspace Without the presence of hyperspace, the action of matter at a distance is impossible. Hyperspace is necessarily a physical entity and, thus, it necessarily has its own content and its properties (metrics). (2. 4. 2. ) 124
Indeed, in ordinary space, a particle that occupies the entire Universe is impossible.
8. Principles of the hyperspace metric. Hyperspace can be imagined as a kind of point, since any quantum of matter immediately occupies its entire " volume". That is why all quanta of corporeality in hyperspace necessarily exist one in another, but not side by side.
Yet quanta of matter and other material bodies are necessarily structures of their elements. But structures in hyperspace are completely impossible. Otherwise, what kind of structure is this when all its elements are in each other?
The hyperspace does not belong to the ordinary space and thus is not the carrier of the metric of the ordinary space. Hyperspace and ordinary space are physical entities absolutely indifferent to each other. They do not interact in any way due to their absolute immutability.
Their metrics have the same immutability properties.
P122. The principle of the hyperspace metric Hyperspace does not necessarily have distances. (2. 4. 2. ) 122
P121. The principle of prohibition of structure in hyperspace By virtue of the metric of hyperspace, no structures in it are necessarily possible. It necessarily does not allow the existence of structures in itself due to the absence of distances in it. (2. 4. 2. ) 121
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