P123. The principle of prohibition of speed in hyperspace
P123. The principle of prohibition of speed in hyperspace Changes in physical fields in hyperspace, due to the absence of distances in it, are instantaneous. (2. 4. 2. ) 123
The metric is not an entity. The essence of hyperspace is itself, with its own metric.
P168а The metric of space is all of its physical properties and qualities. Its physical parameters are its quantities, which are not elements of its metric. (2. 6. 0. ) 168a
A similar metric principle also exists for hyperspace.
P181а The metric of hyperspace is all its regular properties and qualities. Its physical parameters are its quantities, which are not elements of its metric. (2. 6. 0. ) 181a
But this does not mean at all that the metrics of space and hyperspace are the same or similar. Ordinary space occupies the entire Being. All Being also occupies hyperspace. Thus, these two spaces intersect at every point of ordinary physical space, and at the same time do not violate each other's metrics. Due to the absolute immutability of the first and second, they intersect completely indifferently to each other.
9. The principle of complementarity. In fact, this is how it was formulated long ago by N. Bohr: “Niels Bohr, trying to resolve the wave-particle contradiction, introduced the so-called principle of complementarity. It is based on the fact that neither waves nor particles ever exhibit simultaneously in the same experiment both wave and corpuscular properties. In each case - be it any radiation or a stream of electrons - for a complete description of the phenomenon it is necessary to use both the wave and the corpuscular model, but each of these models has its own sphere of application" (Acosta V. et al. Fundamentals of modern physics. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. р. 109) The essence of this principle boils down to the following: if we add its field to a material particle as a part of it, then this will be a violation of the Law of Conservation.
P182 The field of a particle is not necessarily a part of it. Complementarity law. (Brief formulation. ) (2. 7. 2. ) 182
Bodily particles exist in ordinary space as corporeal points and thus they obey its metric. A solid point always takes the place of some point in space. These same bodily particles simultaneously exist in hyperspace, but already in the form of elementary fields. Thus, they (but already as fields) are necessarily subject to the hyperspace metric. Any quantum of corporeality really simultaneously (like the Two-Faced Janus) exists in two forms. This means: any elementary field must not be added to its source (body particle); any field of an elementary particle cannot be added to this particle; any field of a material body cannot be added to this body. Otherwise, in any case, an unjustified doubling of the essence will turn out. This is a consequence of the law of complementarity.
10. The principle of the essence of the material field. Any material field is necessarily an entity, and not a reaction of space or some kind of ether.
P183. The principle of the essence of the material field The field of the solid base of an elementary particle is not necessary bodily due to the metric of hyperspace. The content of this field is necessarily its own bodily basis, existing simultaneously in hyperspace, but already in the form of a material field. (2. 7. 2. ) 183
Everything bodily that lies in the very fundamental principle of any bodily structure of an elementary particle simply necessarily exists simultaneously both there and there, due to the existence of hyperspace itself. Actually, this is what the law of complementarity is about.
11. The principle of the content of the material field. There is a theorem of Ostrogradskiy - Gauss: “… the flow of the intensity of the electrostatic field in vacuum through an arbitrary closed surface, drawn in the field, is proportional to the algebraic sum qhv of electric charges covered by this surface. ... The Ostrogradsky - Gauss theorem is used along with the principle of superposition of fields to calculate electrostatic fields in a vacuum". (Yavorskiy BM and Detlaf AA Handbook of physics. M.: " Nauka". 1990. р. 177) However, the full flow of intensity of any material field is the equivalent of its own bodily foundation. This is true not only for the electric, but also for the gravitational field. The full flow of the intensity of the material field each time necessarily has its bodily equivalent (its bodily basis) in a specific place in physical space. This stream has arisen and exists only because of its bodily foundation and from nothing else. Other fields distort this stream, but do not cause changes in its magnitude. P184. The principle of the content of the material field The full flow of intensity of the material field of a particle is necessarily the content of this field. This is the field itself and in full. Only it is the subject of direct interaction of a particle at a distance. (2. 7. 2. ) 184
The total flux of intensity of any field of any particle does not necessarily depend on the distance from its source, but only on the magnitude of the source itself. Actually, this is what the Ostrogradsky - Gauss theorem is about. Not only an elementary particle has its bodily basis, but also any material body, for example, the planet Earth. After all, at its bodily level of substance, it consists only of quanta of corporeality. And the total flow of the Earth's gravitational field is the same everywhere (outside of it). It does not depend on distance.
12. The principle of existence of quanta of corporeality. It is based on the structure exclusion law in hyperspace (121). And already not a single material or bodily structure in the form of a field can necessarily exist.
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