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P185.The principle of the existence of a quantum of corporeality

P185.   The principle of the existence of a quantum of corporeality

The quanta of corporeality do not necessarily have their own structure. They are at the very foundation of the bodily structure of an elementary particle and thus are necessarily the basis of its fields. (2. 7. 2. ) 185


Fields cannot be structure elements. Otherwise, what is this element, the boundaries of which go to infinity?



P93. Complementarity law

Only the quantum of corporeality is always and necessarily the basis of its elementary physical field. It always and necessarily exists both as a quantum of corporeality, and at the same time as its own field. The energy of the quantum of corporeality cannot be added to the energy of its field, since both the first and the second are always and necessarily the same essence, but simultaneously located in different spaces. (2. 2. 4. ) 93     


Each quantum of corporeality necessarily has its own elementary field. And the proper material fields of each elementary particle are necessarily composed (one in the other) from the elementary fields of the quanta of its corporeality.



 13. Principles of the foundation of an elementary field. The quanta of corporeality have been little studied. However, it is very clear that fields do not start from empty space.


P94. The principle of the foundation of an elementary gravitational field

The source of the elementary gravitational field is always and necessarily the quantum of gravitational corporeality (graviton). An elementary physical field is its own physical field of one quantum of corporeality. (2. 2. 4. ) 94

P95. The principle of the basis of the elementary electric field

 The source of the elementary electric field is always and necessarily the quantum of electrical corporeality (elementary charge). (2. 2. 4)  95


The set of quanta of the same type of gravitational corporeality of an elementary particle (gravitons) is necessarily its mass. Mass is quantity. This is the solid base of an elementary particle of the gravitational type. Mass is a necessary physical parameter of any quantum of corporeality, any quantum of matter and any material body.



The quantum of electrical corporeality of an elementary particle is an elementary charge. The quantum of the inert mass of an elementary particle is the graviton. Both the first and the second are elements of her bodily structure. But their elementary fields are no longer included in the number of elements of an elementary particle, since:


The elementary field is always and necessarily a quantum of corporeality, but at the same time existing not in ordinary physical space, but in hyperspace. (2. 2. 4. ) 97

This is another short formulation of the law of complementarity.



 The quantum of corporeality always and necessarily in physical space has the form of a quantum of corporeality. In hyperspace, it always and necessarily has the form of an elementary field. Just as in physical space fields do not necessarily exist, but only discrete (point) corporeality and bodies consisting of it, so in hyperspace there necessarily does not exist discrete corporeality, but only its fields. (2. 2. 4. ) 98



14. The principle of hyperspace. It is just one variation on the wording already available.


P99. The principle of hyperspace

A material point occupying an extremely small volume of physical space always and necessarily occupies the entire volume of hyperspace, but in the form of a field (fields). In hyperspace there are no physical measurements of length, width and height, which means that it necessarily does not exist and the structures of entities that fill it. (2. 2. 4. ) 99


I don’t want to repeat myself, but I have to, because it’s a pity to miss something.



15. The principle of the material field. The full stream of intensity of any central field always begins only from its base, and every time it is necessarily directed only towards it.


P128. The principle of the strength of the material field

 Any central field of any elementary particle is always and necessarily the full flow of its intensity, which necessarily acts on its own particle by forces directed at it. (2. 4. 2. ) 128


The material field is not at all a shadow of its particle, but always and necessarily acts on it by forces. And almost the same from all sides. It would act in the same way, but other fields interfere, since they introduce perturbations, which, in fact, is the effect of the action of elementary particles on each other at a distance.



16. The principle of operation of the elementary field. It is truly clear that the elementary fields of the quanta of corporeality necessarily act on their sources.


P126.  The principle of the content of the elementary field

The full flow of intensity of any field of any quantum of corporeality is always and necessarily the content of this field. This is the field itself in full and existing as a subject of interaction. (2. 4. 2. ) 126



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