P127. The force law of the elementary central field
P127. The force law of the elementary central field The elementary field always and necessarily acts on its quantum of corporeality with forces and is almost the same from all sides, since other fields of the same type introduce perturbations into this process. (2. 4. 2. ) 127 17. The principle of direct action of the material field. Necessarily there is no mechanism of direct action on an elementary particle of foreign fields.
P129. The law of direct action of the material field Directly on an elementary particle, only its own material field must act, since other fields do not have any direct contacts with it. They are in different spaces. (2. 4. 2. ) 129
Therefore. P130 No, and there cannot be a mechanism for the direct action of fields on foreign sources. (2. 4. 2) 130
18. The principle of material interaction. It reflects the key moment in the existence of any material structure. After all, only because of the interaction of elementary particles with their fields, electrons exist in atomic orbits. This is the only reason why atoms form molecules. This is the only reason why material bodies exist as multilevel material systems. This is the only reason why there are planets and not bodily dust. This is the only reason why the planets have their own orbits, and thus there are star systems and galaxies.
P131. The law of material interaction The fields of the same type of elementary particles directly act only on each other, thereby strengthening their action on their own bodily bases on the one hand and weakening on the other. Thus, the force of interaction between two elementary particles is necessarily mediated by their material fields. (2. 4. 2. ) 131 In general, this law underlies the existence of all material bodies and processes. In essence, this law is the “law of the first impulse”, since any mechanical force is regulated by this very law. And any movement necessarily begins with the action of this force.
19. The principle of bodily interaction. It regulates the key moment in the existence of any bodily structure, including the elementary particle itself. After all, a quark and a compound elementary particle are multilevel bodily systems.
P132. The law of bodily interaction Any bodily system - it is always and necessary at the same time there is a bodily connection, and a bodily object, and bodily interaction. (2. 4. 2. ) 132
It is like that any material system always and necessarily simultaneously has a material interaction, and a material connection, and a material object.
You are welcome. Everything is at a glance. But why does this come not from a physicist, but from a philosopher? I am sure that the only thing that really prevented a true physical field theory is that A. Einstein mistakenly described in his theories a completely different space that really exists, and which is called three-dimensional physical space. Here is just the case when a mistake in one thing is a mistake in everything. Any true physics should start only with a true theory of physical space. For example, like Newton's physics. 2008-05-24
Lecture 8 Everything is continuous thus: the being has closed with the being.
MATERIAL CONNECTION • The essence of communication • Two higher kinds of communication • The field of an elementary particle is the primary source of strength • The essence of the material connection • The Law of Universal Communication
ESSENCE OF COMMUNICATION Many have the most contradictory opinions about the essence of communication. It seems like a connection is a thread-rope between interconnected objects.
P39. Communication law Connection of objects - it is always and necessary to eat these objects, which are in one connection. Any connection of objects is at the same time itself an object of other connections. And any connection object is capable of being a member of several connections at the same time. Moreover, all communication objects must exist simultaneously. (1. 3. 8. ) 39
Otherwise, what kind of connection is this, when one of its objects is, and the other is not? And there is no such thing as a real object. P186 The reality of an object is its presence. It is the object itself. (2. 8. 1. ) 186 For there is no more or less real object. He either is or he is not.
P84. The law of reality Any existing thing is necessarily real only in its last state, from a number of those that have already happened. (2. 1. 0. ) 84
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