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P187. Parmenides' law. The laws of logic are valid only for logical connections and their subjects. . The field of an elementary particle

P187. Parmenides' Law

 Objects of any connection must exist simultaneously. (2. 8. 1) 187

Objects of one connection should belong to only one moment of changing reality or one moment of Being. " Fr. 8 25. Everything is continuous in this way: the being has closed with the existing" (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. p. 296). That is how one should understand what has been said. Therefore, the above principle is a paraphrased truth expressed by Parmenides.

Kant said something similar: " Things coexist because they exist at the same time" (Kant I. Soch. T. 3. M., " Mysl", 1964. р. 275) This is equally true for both material and informational communication.


The essence of the mechanical interaction of bodies consists in the fact that, according to the law of the field substantiality (178), they necessarily possess the fields of their matter quanta. And the quanta of matter act on each other at a distance by virtue of the law of material interaction (109).


Mechanical interaction of material bodies at a distance is always and necessarily the action of bodies on each other by forces through their own material fields. This is the same as the material interaction, since the material body consists of elementary particles. (2. 8. 1. ) 188


All individual forces of action of elementary particles of material bodies are geometrically added to the resultant forces of their interacting bodies. There is simply no other mechanism for the interaction of bodies at a distance.



Mechanical material interaction of bodies is necessarily mediated by their material fields. But the direct interaction of particles is already quantum reactions that do not belong to the field of mechanical phenomena.

The mechanical interaction of elementary particles through their electric fields is a necessary condition for the existence of atoms, molecules, etc. The electrical interaction of bodies is incommensurably stronger than their gravitational interaction and is the main thing in the formation of various minerals and everything that surrounds us. The forces of gravitational interaction are primary only on a cosmic scale. It is only thanks to these forces that stars and planets, star systems and galaxies exist.


There is a misconception that the forces of electrical interaction are short-range, and the forces of gravitational interaction are long-range. No. The point is that all the forces of gravity do not weaken each other due to their one sign. More precisely, since they have no sign at all, just as the inertial mass has no sign. But the forces of electric fields of different signs weaken each other. Considering the fact that there are approximately equal numbers of electrons and positrons, there are simply no grounds for giant electric fields of the same sign. A planet consisting of electrons of the same sign is impossible.


   Further, in " Cosmology", we will be convinced of the reasons for the existence of gravity of only one sign. The fact is that Zeuston and its antiparticle have the same inert properties. And their gravitational fields do not " contradict" each other. In the same place, in " Cosmology", we " parted" with graviton, recognizing the need for the existence of gravity of only one sign.





There are two higher kinds of connections: material connections and informational ones. The former are very different from the latter in the content and qualities of their objects. After all, only elementary particles are the matter of things, while data is the " matter" of information entities. Data do not have fields, so their interactions have a completely different nature than the interactions of material particles.



Material connections are always and necessarily subordinate only to the laws of the material World. (2. 8. 2. ) 189



The laws of logic are valid only for logical connections and their subjects.

                                                                                                          (2. 8. 2. ) 190

The laws of logic are completely unlawful to material entities. They are actually not needed there, since everything material is subject only to the laws of material nature. The essence of the matter is that objects that have their material content, thanks to the fields of their constituent elementary particles, are active participants in material interaction. And data is inherently passive. Without a corresponding active logical rule, they do not know at all how they can or cannot interact. And in general, the activity of any data is always determined by the activity of their material carriers.

In general, material objects themselves are capable of creating material connections, but informational ones are not. For the formation of information links, the corresponding material processes of their carriers are needed.




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