And without the material interaction of bodies or material points, no mechanical force arises.
And without the material interaction of bodies or material points, no mechanical force arises. P196 Any force of interaction of two material points through their fields necessarily has its opposite, and these forces are always multidirectional and lie on one straight line between these points. (2. 8. 3. ) 196
Actually, each of the two resultants acts only on its own material point. Secondly, the essence of the interaction of two material points is precisely in the fact that the forces of interaction do not exist separately from them. There is no essence in nature so separate from matter. Matter is there. There is space. But there is no force without matter (or without corporeality) and cannot be. After all, a material point does not generate force, but acts by force on another material point. As well as the other point acts on the first. P197. The law of power Any force is always and necessarily a quantitative characteristic (physical parameter) of the interaction of material or bodily bodies. (2. 8. 3. ) 197
The source of material force is the field of an elementary particle. After all, it is a being, although it exists only in hyperspace. However, any field acts by forces directly only on its own particle. This must be remembered, since there is no mechanism for the direct action of the field on a foreign source of the field. Interacting sources of the same type of fields act on each other through these fields in such a way that their fields directly interact only with their sources and with each other's fields.
The fields of interacting sources act on each other, but not by forces, but by distorting each other's configuration in hyperspace.
Strength is a physical parameter of material or bodily interaction. And if you look at any formula for the emergence of force, then at least two material or bodily bodies must be involved there. Any material connection necessarily includes interacting bodies, and this always finds confirmation in natural phenomena. For example, gravitational interaction (communication). It manifests itself in the form of physical strength F = Two forces must be present here, which act on M and M. They are equal and directed in opposite directions. As vector quantities, in their sum they are always equal to zero. This formula is written for one force, and for the other (opposing) there is... the same formula. For the force of action is always equal to the force of reaction. Electrostatic force has a similar formula, as well as a similar pattern and a similar nature of occurrence. Unless the direction of forces there also depends on the sign of the charge.
Material interaction is characterized not only by forces, but also by energies. This question is clear to everyone and without a long explanation. For example, move the body 1 meter under the action of a force of 1 N. Here is the energy expended in 1 J. It is a pity, but modern physics mistakenly considers the possibility of the existence of energy separately from its material or bodily carriers.
P198. The principle of bond energy Any communication energy is always and necessarily a quantitative characteristic (physical parameter) of the interaction of material or bodily subjects. (2. 8. 3. ) 198
The laws of force and energy are fundamental laws of nature. They are " written" by nature itself, and a curious person is only given to see and present them in the form of principles. 2008-12-22
ESSENCE OF MATERIAL BONDING A material connection is a system of its material elements. It is always and necessary to eat a material object. It is always and necessary is the material interaction of its constituent material elements.
The system and the structure are one and the same in their content (in their essence). It is always the connection of its elements. It is always an object. The view of this object from the inside is like a system, and the view of an object from the outside is already like a structure. Call it whatever is more convenient for you - it will not change from this.
P199 A stable material connection is always and necessarily a material body (material object). (2. 8. 4. ) 199
An atom is the smallest material body. And all material bodies, starting with a molecule, have their own multi-level material structure. The hardest bodies, for example, diamond, are solid, because the bonding energies of the elements of their structures are high.
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