P200. The law of material connection
P200. The law of material connection Any material connection is always and necessarily a system of its material elements. She is always a material object. It always and necessarily has its own internal forces and energy and therefore is the material interaction of its elements. Any material connection, in turn, can be simultaneously the object of other connections with other material objects. (2. 8. 4. ) 200
Since all bodies consist of elementary particles, the main subject of action is precisely the elementary particle with its fields. 2008-12-22
THE LAW OF UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION Everything is connected, and the greatest, universal material connection of things is the Material Unity of the World. This is the material component of all Being. Of course, space and hyperspace must also enter into Being itself, but they are not participants in this material connection, for they are not sources of fields and forces. Matter exists only in space, since nothing exists in hyperspace except fields. In turn, fields exist only in hyperspace, since physical space does not even allow them to arise. The position of the Material Unity of the World was developed by Marxist philosophy: “The material unity of the world is revealed in development, in the interaction of moving objects, which connects them into a single system. The general principle of development, noted V. I. Lenin, must be combined with " the general principle of edinstv amir, nature, motion, matter, etc. ". … Different levels of organization of matter (elementary particles, atoms of a molecule, crystals, macro-bodies, galaxies) are material objects that are links in a single chain of development of matter in space and time ”. (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. p. 55) Golden words.
P201 Being necessarily includes the universal connection of all material objects, as well as space and hyperspace. The latter are not participants in material ties, but only their necessary conditions. (2. 8. 5. ) 201
We have already considered the various levels of organization of matter. But what kind of organization of matter is possible only due to the fact that matter is the source of the forces of any material connection. That is why " everything is connected. "
P202. The Law of Universal Connection Material Unity of the World - it is always and necessarily there is a universal and multilevel material connection. Its zero material level is made up of elementary particles. Next comes the level of atoms. Then there are molecules, etc. This connection is necessarily a Universal Material Interaction, and thus in each of its new real state, it necessarily generates new and new changes in its elements of various material levels. (2. 8. 5. ) 202
Everything material necessarily " flows" precisely by virtue of this law. The formula of this law is precisely the universal principle of development that Lenin dreamed of, for material changes in the Universal Connection are precisely its development. They always point in the same direction.
P203 The first (lowest) bodily level of the Universal Connection is the quanta of corporeality that make up the content of any elementary particle. (2. 8. 5. ) 203
But the spaces are no longer included in any connection, although they are necessary conditions for all connections.
All physical fields are one valid and necessary equivalent of all corporeality. The quantum of corporeality and its field are one and the same essence, but existing in different spaces. The quantum field acts by forces on its own quantum and thus is the equal opposite of its bodily source. If the field is mentally added to its quantum, then what? Doubling entities? No. Only their mutual destruction will take place, which will not leave traces: after all, 1+ (-1) = 0. The sum of the quantum of corporeality and its elementary field is always equal to zero. But for this it will be necessary, perhaps, at the same time to destroy all hyperspace.
P204 The sum of all quanta of the corporeality of the Universe and their elementary fields is always and necessarily equal to zero. The total energy of all inhabitants of space and hyperspace is zero. (2. 8. 5. ) 204
Hyperspace was formed together with corporeality in one Big Bang. For the silent disappearance of hyperspace, it is required to collect the critical mass of corporeality at one point. It is possible that it will be a " black hole". But then there was another explosion, but in the opposite direction.
Nature does not like emptiness, otherwise she is bored 2008-05-15
Lecture 9 Motion as applied to matter is change in general. Hegel
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