CHANGES. • Self-movement. • Object of material changes. • Variety of material changes. • Traffic. • Process and result of changes
CHANGES • Self-movement • Object of material changes • Variety of material changes • Traffic • Process and result of changes • General changes SELF-MOTION Everything bodily and material is necessarily in motion. Electrons move in their atomic orbits, otherwise the existence of atoms would be impossible. Atoms vibrate in molecular structures. Free elementary particles move in space in the form of streams of cosmic radiation. Radiation quanta (photons) in their motion carry away huge flows of energy from hot stars to cold planets. The reason for the beginning of any movement of bodies is the forces of interaction of bodies with their fields. P206 All spatial changes of bodies (movement) have only primary causes of the forces of the gravitational or electrical nature of the interaction of these bodies at a distance. (2. 9. 1. ) 206
The primary cause of any mechanical movement of a material body is only material or bodily interaction. P207 The primary causes of the forces of material interaction of bodies are only the fields of elementary particles belonging to these bodies. Forces of material interaction, but without the participation of fields, do not exist. (2. 9. 1. ) 207 Forces transmitted through the fields of interacting bodies are the main source of any mechanical motion.
P191. First impulse principle The field of an elementary particle is always and necessarily the main source of every force, and hence the energy of any material connection. (2. 8. 2. ) 191
OBJECT OF MATERIAL CHANGES There are no material changes in nature that take place without a material object, for changes without an object are changes in nothing. Otherwise, what is it that moves? “The subject is a moving substance. The various forms and types of matter itself can be cognized, again, only through movement; only in motion are the properties of bodies revealed; there is nothing to say about a body that is not in motion. Consequently, the nature of moving bodies follows from the forms of motion. ... Movement as applied to matter is change in general" (Hegel G. V. F. Works. T. 1. M., " Mysl", 1970. р. 215) A completely materialistic approach!
P208. The principle of the object of material changes The object and source of its material changes can only be that which consists of matter. At the heart of the continuous changes of all material bodies are the forces of action of the fields of elementary particles and the already existing mechanical motion. (2. 9. 2. ) 208
The same can be said for the object of bodily change.
P. The object and source of their bodily changes can only be that which consists of corporeality. At the heart of the continuous changes of all bodily bodies are the forces of action of the fields of quanta of corporeality and the already existing mechanical motion. The principle of the object of bodily change. (2. 9. 2) 209
The same can be said for the physical field. P210. The principle of the object of change for the field The object of its changes is any physical field. The continuous changes of fields are based on the actions of the same type of fields on each other. (2. 9. 2. ) 210 Fields of the same type directly act on each other, as a result of which the hyperspace configuration of the intensity of each of them changes. This is the first and foremost reason for any bodily or material interaction. 2008-12-21 VARIETY OF MATERIAL CHANGES The variety of material changes consists in the variety of material objects and their connections. P211 Everything material, due to the actions of its fields, is not only necessarily connected, but due to the forces of interaction that arise inevitably, it is always subject to its continuous changes. (2. 9. 3. ) 211
Many of the changes in the subject are imperceptible, but this does not mean that they do not occur. For example, a rock by the sea is an example of immobility. But it consists of matter, where only atomic electrons move in their orbits at a speed commensurate with the speed of light (about 1/137 с ). It is invisible to the naked eye, but it exists. Further. In this rock, under the influence of the external environment, the most numerous chemical reactions occur. And it is also imperceptible. Further. On the scale of the geological era, the rock gradually turns into stones, sand, clay, etc. And all this happens completely imperceptibly to the human eye. Further. This rock, relative to celestial bodies, makes a real space journey, since, being an element of the Earth, it moves in outer space. And it is also imperceptible to the eye. It is simply impossible to list all " further". 2008-12-21 TRAFFIC The terms " change" and " movement" in Marxist philosophy are for some reason synonymous. “In reality, the movement of matter is not a simple mechanical movement, but all the changes that occur with material objects. This includes the transformation of one chemical substance into another, and the development of one type of living organisms into another, and the change in the social order, etc. " (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. p. 46) Of course, any change in a material object is due to the mechanical movement of its elements. But things must be called by their proper names. Any movement is always and necessary a change, but not always the other way around, and only the spatial change of an object should be called movement.
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