P219. The law of material changes
P219. The law of material changes Any material object, even in its two neighboring states, can never be identical to itself. In each of his states he needs to be different. (2. 9. 5. ) 219
This is a short version of this law.
Any state of a material object is extremely informative, since it is a discrete definiteness of an object at one specific moment in time. To analyze material motion, we desperately need discrete and thus distinguishable material beacons that exist as sources of facts. 2005-02-27
GENERAL CHANGES Universal Change is a necessity in the form of the Law of Universal Connection (202). 2008-11-20 Lecture 10 According to the established custom, sweet and bitter according to custom, warm according to custom, cold according to custom, colored according to custom, in reality, they are atoms and emptiness.
QUANTITY • Physical quantity • Number • Principle of objectivity of quantity • Determination of quantity • Dialectical law of quantity • Quantitative changes • Discreteness of quantity • Parametric matrix of the state of a material object • The law of quantitative changes PHYSICAL QUANTITY In philosophy, the term " quantity" does not mean at all an abstract number from the essence, but the number of something that exists. Any material object necessarily has its own quantitative and qualitative aspects. The quantitative aspects of a material object are its physical parameters (physical quantities). 1. The amount of matter. Any material object is always a multilevel material structure. She is all its content. If you mentally take away from the object its material structure, then instead of it there will be only empty space. Elements of the zero level of the structure of a material object are its elementary particles. The elements of the first level of the structure of a material object are its atoms. The latter consist of its elementary particles. The elements of the second material level are its molecules. They are made up of his atoms.
But if you mentally “remove” all matter from a material object, then there will no longer be atoms, or molecules, or the material object itself, since it is its own structure. One and the same quantum of matter of a material object simultaneously belongs not only to its object, but also to its atom, and to its molecule, and to the multitude of quanta of matter of its object (the amount of its matter), and to the multitude of quanta of the matter of Being (to its kind). In this regard, Democritus said very accurately: " According to the established custom, sweet and bitter according to custom, warm according to custom, cold according to custom, color according to custom, in reality - atoms and emptiness. " (Sextus Empiricus. Works. Vol. 1. M., " Mysl", 1976. p. 87)
The matter of some object belongs to the first (atomic) level of this material object. At the same time, this same matter belongs to the second (molecular) level of this material object. At the same time, this same matter, but in the form of a multitude of elementary particles, is a physical parameter (quantity) of this material object. At the same time, this same matter belongs to a multitude of stable elementary particles of Being (genus). But we are talking about the same amount of matter! And if this quantity is mentally removed from the object, then immediately its structure, and its atoms, and its molecules, and the object itself will disappear.
P220. The principle of objectivity of material quantity All elements of any level of any material structure must simultaneously exist and as a set of its same type of material elements (quantity). In addition, they necessarily simultaneously exist as elements of a multitude (kind) of their own kind in Existence. (2. 10. 1) 220
What is primary, an element or a set of it? Of course, the element, since it is not the set that gives rise to the element, but vice versa. What is primary, an object or its element? Of course, the element is primary, since it and similar elements generate this object, but not vice versa.
P221 Any element of a material object is necessarily primary in relation to its object and in relation to the set of similar elements of its object (quantity). (2. 10. 1. ) 221
It is not the object and not the quantity that is the reason for the existence of this element, but vice versa.
2. Any amount of connection of a material object with another must not belong to one object, but to him and to another simultaneously. After all, a connection is not a thread-rope between objects, but the objects themselves in connection. Any material connection is always and necessarily there is a material interaction, where the objects of communication are one whole, which has its own obligatory attributes: matter, motion, forces of interaction, energies and fields. (Bond energy is always negative. ) Any force of connection always and necessarily has its own resultant. After all, strength is a physical parameter of the action of interacting subjects. There is no action without opposition. Any material connection is determined by matter, the places of communication objects, the forces of their interaction, movement and internal energies.
And in general, any material connection is always and necessarily a system of interacting material objects.
Let's return to the quantitative aspects of the material connection. That is, to its physical parameters. The forces of connection refer to many of her forces. Communication energies - to its many energies. Communication distances - to the set of its distances. Communication speeds - to its many speeds. Matter of connection - to the multitude of its matter. Communication fields - to the set of its fields. And this is only because any material connection is always and necessarily a material object itself.
3. The objective existence of any physical quantity (quantity) consists in the fact that at its foundation there is always some physical essence.
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