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Dialectic  law  of quantities. P227. Dialectical law of quantity. P228. The law of quantitative certainty of a material object


Everything is connected, and most of the physical parameters of a material object are the quantities of its connections with others.


P227. Dialectical law of quantity

Any material object necessarily possesses an infinite number of its quantities. Moreover, the vast majority of them belong not only to this object, but at the same time to other entities of Being that are in connection with it. (2. 10. 2. ) 227


Any material object is connected by its fields with many other material objects. For example, the parameter of the force of interaction between two objects must simultaneously belong to the other object. Strength is a parameter of interaction, while any interaction is a connection.

The object itself as a whole is its structure. It inherits spatial metrics from the place in space where it is in a certain moment of its reality. And at the base of the structure is matter. Take away the matter, the structure will immediately disappear. And that means he himself.


P228. The law of quantitative certainty of a material object

 Any material object is necessarily a participant in numerous connections with others. It possesses its many forms of movement. It has its own elements and their fields. And all this necessarily has its simultaneous existence in the form of its quantitative aspects of the material object. Therefore, all its quantities at any moment of its existence necessarily constitute its absolute discrete certainty in Being. (2. 10. 2. ) 228


Hegel is absolutely right: “Quality is, first and foremost, determinacy identical with being, so that something ceases to be what it is when it loses its quality. Quantity is, on the contrary, a certainty external to being, indifferent to it. So, for example, a house remains what it is, whether it is larger or smaller, and red remains red, whether it is lighter or darker" (Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 1. M., " Thought" 1974. p. 216)

Certainty - this is by nature.






The content of any object is only its multilevel material structure. However, the quantities of a material object represent not only its structure (" object in itself" ), but also its connections and its movement. Ultimately, they represent the existence of an object in Being. And even if we “stop” all the quanta of matter of this object, then it will still need to change in its external parameters (quantities) due to

changing the parameters of its connections. And if even one of its parameters from an infinite set changes, then the object itself changes.


P229. The law of quantitative changes

 The reasons for the quantitative changes of any material object are not only its internal changes, but also changes in other bodies with which it is in communication. (2. 10. 3. ) 229


The quantitative definiteness of an object at any moment of its existence is the set of its physical parameters in this extremely brief moment.




The discreteness of any continuous physical quantity at any extremely short moment of its existence is that at any such moment any of its increments tend to literally nothing. Therefore, at any moment of its changes, any continuous physical quantity is considered conditionally unchanged. Actually, on the objective existence of extremely small increments of magnitude, the mathematical concept of a differential is based, as an increment of an independent variable. (Differential - from Latin differetia - difference, difference). Only here it is not a mathematical value that changes, but a physical one.

P230. The law of discreteness of quantity

 Any extremely small interval of the process of continuous changes of any physical parameter of any material object is the moment of these changes. Any increments of any such parameter and at any such moment of its changes are extremely small. This is the basis for the necessary discreteness of any parameter and at any moment of its changes. (2. 10. 4. ) 230

An extremely small increment of a continuous parameter is practically impossible to even determine what it is in magnitude. But it is always necessary to eat, otherwise then there would be no change.

“On this issue, first of all, Euler's opinion should be cited. Based on Newton's general definition, he firmly believes that differential calculus considers the ratios of increments of magnitude, but that the infinitesimal difference as such should be considered zero. - How this should be understood is evident from the above; an infinitesimal difference is zero only as a definite quantity, and not a qualitative zero; but as a zero in quantity, it is rather a pure moment of only a relationship" (Hegel. Science of logic. T. 1. M., " Mysl" 1970. p. 342)



We can say that the extremely small increment of any continuous physical parameter of any material object is the quantitative differential of this parameter. It necessarily arises at every moment of changes in the carrier of this parameter and is a necessary reason for the transition of the carrier of this parameter to the next state. The term " quantitative differential" means quantitative increments of a physical parameter at an extremely brief moment of one state of its carrier. It doesn't look like zero.



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