Lecture 11. QUALITY. • Objectivity of quality. • Various definitions of quality. • The ratio of conformity of quantity and quality
Lecture 11
Hegel QUALITY • Objectivity of quality • Various definitions of quality • The ratio of conformity of quantity and quality • Qualitative changes in the material object • Measure of quality • Determination of the type and grade of quality • Genera and types of material objects • Like is cognized by like OBJECTIVITY OF QUALITY Quality is the characteristic (distinctive) certainty of an object. The topic of quality is not difficult at all. First, the basis (cause) and the bearer of each of its characteristic features (quality) is necessarily only the material object itself. Secondly, any material object has many of its characteristic features (matrix of qualities). Third, the criteria for the quality of an object are other objects that have a similar quality, but expressed in an explicit form. For example, a body is round, because this quality is similar to the main quality of another object - a geometric figure called a circle. The quality level always ranges from 1 (full compliance with the quality criterion) to 0 (complete non-compliance). It is much more convenient to represent fuzzy values not as a numerical, but as a linguistic variable. Fourthly, quality, as a characteristic feature of its object, does not possess its substance (elements) at all. On the contrary, it is possessed by it, therefore quality both arises and is destroyed without violating the Law of Conservation. It is incapable of existing without its carrier only because of the absence of its substance. Fifth, the qualities exist objectively (do not depend on the criterion). It's like that no physical quantity depends on the standard. Sixth, the functions of a material object are also related to qualities, that is, the characteristic abilities of a material object in such a way to interact with certain objects adequately to their content. Seventh, any quality belongs only to its object. Another object may have a similar quality, but not this. Any quality of a real object is specific. Generally.
P240. The principle of objectivity of the quality of a material object Any quality of any material object is one of its characteristic (distinctive) features, the source, basis and carrier of which is necessarily only himself. Any quality of any real object is required concretely. (2. 10. 6. ) 240
DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS OF QUALITY Quality has no substance of its own. This is how the words of Democritus should be understood. " It is he who says: " According to the established custom, sweet and bitter according to custom, warm according to custom, cold according to custom, colored according to custom, in reality - atoms and emptiness" (Sextus Empiricus. Works. Vol. 1. M., " Mysl", 1976. p. 87)
Aristotle also correctly spoke about the essence of quality. “Quality I call that due to which things are called such and such " Quality" has many meanings" (Aristotle. Works. T. 2. M., " Thought", 1978. p. 72) “Quality also has an opposite; so, justice is the opposite of injustice, whiteness is black, and everything else is in the same way, as well as everything that is named after them such and such, for example, unfair is opposite to just and white is black. But this is not the case in all cases" (Aristotle. Works. T. 2. M., " Thought", 1978. p. 77) “Qualities admit to a greater or lesser degree. They say about one white that it is whiter or less white than the other, and about one fair - that it is more fair or less fair than the other" (Aristotle. Works. T. 2. M., " Thought", 1978. p. 77) Any of the many qualities of a thing - this is its certain immediate characteristic feature. And it is, more or less, similar to the characteristic feature of another thing. An excellent definition of the essence of quality was given by Hegel: “Quality is, first of all, the determinateness identical with being, so that something ceases to be what it is when it loses its quality. Quantity is, on the contrary, a certainty external to being, indifferent to it. So, for example, a house remains what it is, whether it is larger or smaller, and red remains red, whether it is lighter or darker" (Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 1. M., " Thought" 1974. p. 216) Marxist philosophy is completely confused on this simple issue. For example, " the quality of an object includes its various aspects (properties, structure, functions, etc. ), which in their totality form this object as a special, relatively independent (although inextricably linked with others). " (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. p. 91) The point is that quality does not include anything and does not form anything. It is possessed, but not vice versa. 2008-11-16
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