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Parametric matrix of the state


 Any extremely small increment of a quantitative parameter must be caused by continuous changes in its carrier. (2. 10. 4. ) 231


It is in this sense that Hegel's words should be understood: “Quantity contains both moments - continuity and discreteness. It must be put in both moments as in its definitions. It is already from the very beginning their immediate unity, that is, it itself is first of all posited only in one of its definitions - in continuity, and is, therefore, a continuous quantity" (Hegel. Science of Logic. T. 1. M., " Mysl" 1970. р. 273)



Any continuously changing physical parameter of a material object at every moment of its changes must be both a continuous process of its changes, and at the same time its discrete state. (2. 10. 4. ) 232


The discreteness of a continuous parameter does not prevent it from passing, due to the differential arising in each of its states, from one state to another, and thus simultaneously being a process of its own changes. Both aspects are simultaneously present here: continuity and discreteness. Is that quantized physical quantities change stepwise.



Any quantized physical parameter of a material object at every moment of its changes must be both a stepwise process of its changes and, at the same time, its discrete state. (2. 10. 4. ) 233


 But no one counts the quanta of matter, so quantized material changes can be represented as changes in continuous parameters.



  If we talk about real things, then each physical parameter of a material object is real only in its last state, from a number of those that have already happened. The law of reality is necessarily valid for everything that exists, including quantity.


Each existing material object is real only in its last state, from a number of those that have already occurred, where it necessarily possesses all of its real discrete physical parameters. (2. 10. 5. ) 234

The matrix of the state of a material object is a set of all its physical parameters. And it is called a set only because they (physical parameters), not being elements, are not capable of forming a structure. Matrix (from Latin matrix (matris) - uterus). In mathematics, this is a rectangular table consisting of rows and columns of its elements (numbers, formulas). Above it, you can multiply by a number, add, multiply. This is what looks like a state matrix the most. New knowledge requires new terms. The term " a set of all quantities of a certain definite state of a material object" requires its short synonym.


Each physical parameter of any matrix of the state of any material object, due to its discreteness, must have its own discrete numerical characteristics. (2. 10. 5. ) 235

This is very important, since all quantities of a material object at any moment of its existence constitute its absolute certainty in Being.

P236. The law of the matrix of the state of a material object

Any matrix of the state of any material object is necessarily its absolute discrete certainty in Being. (2. 10. 5. ) 236



P237. The law of the uniqueness of the state of a material object

The matrix of any state of any material object cannot necessarily be repeated. Accordingly, not a single state, not a single material object can ever be repeated. (2. 10. 5. ) 237

Otherwise, it would be necessary to repeat the states of all material objects of Being, since this matrix of state necessarily includes the parameters of all connections of the object in this state. After all, in Being, everything is connected.



Any material object has an infinitely large set of different parameters, and a significant part of them belongs not only to it, but also to those with which it is in communication. For example, the distance between objects is a parameter of their connection. The distance is one, but there are two objects, that is, this distance simultaneously belongs to both the first and the second objects as a quantity. This is a very important point.


 Any material object in each of its states necessarily possesses an innumerable set of its physical parameters, and they in their absolute majority simultaneously belong not only to this object, but also to other essences of Being. (2. 10. 5. ) 238


This is the nature of quantities in reality. Therefore, the dialectician is obliged to see every thing in Being. Her separate research is not the reason for her “separate existence”. There is no such existence. Thus, in the light of the laws of the matrix of state, the very principle of the law of quantitative changes in a material object (229) can already have its finished form.


P239. The law of quantitative changes

 The reasons for the quantitative changes of any material object are not only changes in its matter and its movement, but also changes in other bodies with which it is in communication. The matrix of any state of any material object must never be repeated. After all, the absolute majority of its parameters belong not only to its object, but at the same time to other entities of Being. (2. 10. 5. ) 239


And already within a certain interval of changes (measure) of a certain physical parameter (or a number of parameters) of a material object, in fact, there is one or another of its quality. Moreover, all internal quantities of an object are internal causes of this measure, and external ones are external causes (conditions). Despite the differences between the internal causes of a measure and its conditions, all internal and external quantities of a certain state of a material object are included in one state matrix.

The full wording of this law is presented here, while a short version was formulated in paragraph 229. There was another topic, but the essence of the law is always primary to any topic, since the laws are written by nature, and we only have to rewrite them in principles.





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