P277. The law of primary data. Signal. P279. Signal law. Cosmology. (dialectical physics). Lecture 1. All things are fire compensation.
P277. The law of primary data Data that arose directly as a result of the act of material interaction of their source and their carrier, this is the primary data. They are about their source. (2. 12. 6. ) 277
P278. Secondary data law Data that arose directly as a result of the act of material interaction between their carrier and their next carrier or transformer, this is already secondary data. They are about their original source. In this interaction, the primary data usually perishes. (2. 12. 6. ) 278
Secondary and primary data are information about their primary source, despite the completely different mechanisms of their occurrence. SIGNAL Data can move in space, but only on its material medium. Their spatial changes have absolutely no effect on their discreteness and internal immutability. Internal data states are always unchanged, otherwise they die.
A group of photons reflected from a source of information in some of its states is called simultaneous signal quanta. Why simultaneous? Because they are about one specific state of the source, which corresponds to only one moment in time. Simultaneous quanta of sound and other signals also belong to this kind of objects. Here is just a quantum of a sound signal is an oscillating material particle. But this is a split second. Further, it is no longer it, but transfers the vibration energy to another particle of the same kind. But a quantum of light is capable of carrying data for millions of years, and there are many examples of this. P279. Signal law Signal is a material process of data transfer. Signal quanta are material particles of any level of organization of matter. Simultaneous signal quanta are data carriers about a certain specific state of their source. (2. 12. 7. ) 279
We can say that we were present here when the theory of the given was born. And this means that at the birth of a new materialistic theory of information. There are no ambiguities in this matter. It's even very simple. But that's why no one wrote this, even a hundred years ago? After all, it was for this.
2007-09-30 V. N. Starovoitov, Brest, August 2005 - December 2008 ADDITION TO SECTION TWO COSMOLOGY (Dialectical physics) Lecture 1 All things are fire compensation. Heraclitus
THE BOTTOM OF THE MICROCOSMOS • Dialectical physics of the microcosm - a reliable foundation of science • Levels of structural organization of matter
• Substance zero level • Substance e / m. radiation • Photon • Photon model • Dark matter and dark energy • Phase transitions of corporeality
DIALECTIC PHYSICS OF MICROCOSMOS – A RELIABLE FOUNDATION OF SCIENCE The creation of a unified theory of the surrounding World should begin with true knowledge about its foundation (about material and bodily substance), otherwise any reasoning about the cosmos, even if they are based on facts, will lead us only to a distorted picture of the World. Therefore, the construction of any ontology and cosmology, like the construction of any building, should start only from the very foundation. This research and its results are a reliable foundation and foundation of our ontology, our cosmology, and all fundamental physics.
We invite everyone to the very, very depths of the microcosm. Believe me, it is no less interesting there than in the depths of ordinary space. This journey is useful in that knowledge of the truths of the microcosm will open our eyes to many truths of deep space. And it is possible that these truths will soon help bring this deep space closer to an arm's length!
Star Gates? Yes. The idea of this design is based on the creation of a tunnel in space by means of electric and magnetic fields. This tunnel, perhaps, will be an empty cylinder, but the void itself (space) there will have a completely different metric. The head part of such a structure can be located from its final electromagnetic part (the UFO itself) at a distance of several light years. Indeed, in such a structure, the distance of one light year (9, 46 × 1015 m) can be compressed to a value of several meters! The main thing is a controlled process... But do not rush to go through this Gate. Most likely, they are, in principle, passable only for radiation. So, any UFO is, most likely, only the final part of a kind of space " telescope". But such a " telescope" may have another purpose: it will be possible to transmit any radiation and any power through it, and this is already a formidable weapon. However, on the other hand, they can easily draw energy from any star, but then this is eternal life for any inhabited planet or for any man-made space island. But for the breakthrough technologies of the future, we need a reliable foundation of knowledge about how the real foundation of our Universe is arranged. And it is arranged in the most incredible way, otherwise physics would have understood it long ago.
The most incredible thing here is that it took the author of this philosophy only a few days to discover the graviton, zeuston, their fields and hyperspace. It's just that these discoveries were completely obvious from the standpoint of our materialistic philosophy.
A brief summary of these discoveries: • The fundamental principles of all material in Existence are structureless quanta of corporeality: graviton and zeuston. These are the smallest quanta of submatter. All matter consists only of these quanta.
• At the speed of light, quanta of corporeality no longer exist. They " boil" and decay into radiation quanta. And portions of radiation are quantized only in terms of energies. • Corporeality, and hence all matter consisting of it, necessarily exists only in three-dimensional physical space. • All physical fields are the same corporeality, but existing only in hyperspace, and already only in the form of fields of quanta of corporeality. • Material interaction of quanta of corporeality at a distance is carried out only through their own fields, and only by distorting the intensities of each other's fields in different directions. The source of the forces of interaction here are deformed by each other (different from the sphere) proper equipotential surfaces of the fields of these quanta. • The interaction of material bodies at a distance is determined by the fields of quanta of corporeality of these bodies. There are no other sources of fields. • The essence of the field of any quantum of corporeality is the full flow of the intensity of its field. All these discoveries are true. They significantly change the previous physical picture of the World and are reliable bases for new true discoveries. And then there will be new and true physical models of the microworld and space, then there will be new sources of energy and new types of engines. This is tomorrow, and today we, first of all, need to truly understand the essence of quanta of mass and electric charge, since they are the only primary sources of their own physical fields. And only knowing this first principle, we will be able to confidently further orient ourselves according to the levels of the structural organization of matter.
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