P343а. Psychophysical Law of Control
P343а. Psychophysical Law of Control Active programs of the psyche necessarily control the mental processes and their carriers. They control because, on the one hand, control is a purely informational process, on the other hand, because any elementary rule is necessarily the logical side of its active material carrier. (3. 3. 3. ) 343 a
The material itself knows absolutely nothing, for knowledge is informational entities. There is no material knowledge. There is no material control either, since there is no such kind of material interaction in the material World. There is also no information that independently exists outside of its material carrier. In addition, all information processes are associated with coding, which does not exist for material processes. That is actually the whole " dualism". 2008-09-13
LIVING NATURE OF THE ACTIVE RULES OF HUMAN PSYCHE The human nervous system is part of a living organism. The psyche belongs only to a living person. Therefore, a person's body is not only alive, but also the soul. She is alive. And all living things are composed of living elements. Therefore, the soul consists of many living active rules capable of forming the most varied configurations. Such a rule can be both in an excited and in a passive state. There are receptor rules, there are switch rules, there are rules specialized for elementary logical operations, etc. There are also systems of living rules capable of complex logical actions. In general, there are many types of living rules and, consisting of them, types of living programs of mental activity. Active rules and active programs consisting of them are usually called active knowledge. This is accepted in cybernetics and it suits us quite well.
P344 In the psyche, all knowledge is active in its living nature. (3. 3. 4. ) 344
Billions of rules of receptors and other rules of our psyche themselves (automatically) are activated and make their decisions.
P345 Mental activity of a person only and necessarily has its basis in the mental activity of the elementary rules of neurons. (3. 3. 4. ) 345
And there can be no question of any control of the mind over the activities of each element of the psyche, since they perform several billion elementary logical operations in just one second.
P346 A receptor is a material automaton tuned to a certain type of received signal. And his rule is already a logical automaton tuned to a certain data type of the same signal. The first is both a material carrier and a necessary condition for the second. (3. 3. 4. ) 346
This is a special case of the Psychophysical Law.
MAIN LIFE CODE Informational mental processes really control material processes. The basis of any mental process is indeed the acts of coding, but coding is absolutely unnecessary for the material World. He's not there. But in the World of Information, coding is the main process, such as material interaction in the material World. The material carriers of active rules encode the signal only because they are governed by their rules. At first glance, it seems like the shadow controls the object casting it, or like the tail wagging the dog. But in reality, everything is somewhat different, since material bodies, not being carriers of active rules, by themselves are not capable of coding.
Coding is the basis of the vital activity of any organism, therefore, all living things widely use a wide variety of coding processes in order to live.
P346 a Living must live - this is the main code of life. (3. 3. 4. ) 346 a
P346 b The accidentally arisen rule of a protein molecule creating its copy is the first rule of life. (3. 3. 4. ) 346 b
It both arose by chance and was accidentally fixed. A random life reaction to the action of the environment, carried out by one of the copies of this molecule, is the second rule of life. It both arose by chance and was accidentally fixed. And further development, evolution.
P347 Informational entities in the form of active rules are a necessary basis for all living things. (3. 3. 4. ) 347
This is an addition to the law of life (281), because there is nothing living that does not possess genetic information. Even any virus is alive because it has mastered genetic activity. Ask him why he lives? - Oddly enough, but he knows it.
P348 The process of existence of a living object is its life. The goal of life of any creature is the successful and eternal development of its species and subsequent species. It's in his genetic code. (3. 3. 4. ) 348
Adaptive activity is the interaction of a living subject and the environment.
P349 One of the necessary conditions for the life of the subject is his successful adaptive activity. It is necessarily based on active rules. (3. 3. 4. ) 349
Man constantly carries out his adaptive activity. We are accustomed to the fact that a person exercises it only at the level of rational or physical activity. No, all five systems of the psyche (the psychic system of reception, the vegetative and somatic systems of the psyche, the subconscious and the mind) constantly carry out this activity.
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