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P350. Natural selection law (Heraclitus's law)

P350. Natural selection law (Heraclitus's law)

 War is the father of all. Therefore, today there are only those species whose individuals have achieved such perfection in their adaptive activity, which turned out to be sufficient for a successful struggle with the surrounding factors of natural selection. (3. 3. 4. ) 350


Heraclitus called war what we call today the struggle for existence. " War ( Polemos ) is the father of all, the king of all: she declares some as gods, others as people, some creates slaves, others free" (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 202) Interspecies and intraspecific competition, as well as unfavorable external conditions, all these are factors of natural selection. The adaptive activity of any individual is aimed at successfully countering these factors.



Active rules have arisen with life, for they are the necessary basis for any form of a living organism. Indeed, even in any microbe, there is genetic information, which is presented in the form of a rigid sequence of elementary " prescriptions" for the construction, structure and life of this organism.


 Any genetic information always and necessarily has its own structure in the form of chains of active rules. Genetic information data is stored only in the rules. (3. 3. 4. ) 351


The activity of a genetic rule is completely different from that of a neuron rule. The reaction of the receptor rule is thousandths of a second, while the active rules of genes respond much more slowly, since they operate at the biochemical level.


The very first active rule arose as the information side of the random reaction of the synthesis of a complex organic molecule following the pattern of another molecule. And those, in turn, also showed and developed a similar skill. If you ask " why",  they will not answer.

In general, the dispute about which arose earlier, an egg or a chicken, can be considered over here.

P352. The law of the beginning of life

The first rule arose by chance as the informational side of the successful structure of a complex protein molecule capable of growing and being the beginning of its many copies. (3. 3. 4. ) 352


A complex protein molecule is a material object, and its rule is its informational side.




 The active rule is the foundation of all living things. An active rule is also a necessary foundation for knowledge-based devices (based on active rules). There is a cybernetic approach that establishes the decisive role of information in any control systems, regardless of their nature. " Wiener and his colleagues gave an idea of ​ ​ the general principles of the construction and functioning of control systems, of the decisive role of information in all these systems, regardless of their nature" (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 105)

-- Absolutely correct idea. But then the question naturally arises: Can a machine, arranged as a multilevel system of active rules, possess mental properties?


 It is difficult to overestimate N. Wiener's idea of ​ ​ the decisive role of information in all systems, regardless of their nature.


P353. The principle of the cybernetic approach (Wiener's Idea)

The similarity of the principles of construction and functioning of control systems, regardless of their nature, has a necessary basis in the fact that the laws of information do not depend on the nature of material carriers of information. (3. 3. 5. ) 353


In fact, what difference does it make whether it is a silicon or a protein form of the carrier of the active rule? The absolute similarity of the protein elements of the nervous system and the silicon elements of the device based on active rules is not at all necessary here. There are many examples when the achievement of high results is carried out not by copying the inventions of nature, but by fundamentally new engineering solutions. And the car goes faster than the horse, and the plane flies faster than the bird.

Our idea of ​ ​ an artificial psyche is that devices may well have many human abilities, for example, the ability to sense and other senses. They may well possess the ability for ethical behavior and rational perception, for thinking and intuition. Moreover, programs of receptive, perceiving, emotional, creative and ethical activities can be created today. And there is nothing complicated here.

But how can cybernetics create programs for the mental activity of a device, if indeed it does not yet know many elementary things? She does not know what a sensation is; nor what a feeling is; nor what perception is; nor what understanding is; nor what intuition is; not what creativity is; nor what emotion is. By the way, psychology itself does not really know this today.

That is why our epistemology today is engaged in a difficult and unusual routine of applied questions of cybernetics and psychology, without which it is absolutely impossible to obtain true answers to strategic questions of cognition.


Many new principles? But these are the answers to previously unsolved questions that psychology and cybernetics had to solve yesterday and the day before yesterday.

Lots of new objects of the psyche and mental activity? But after all, these objects existed before, they were created by nature, and we only have to truly describe them in principles and theories. And since here we are talking about an artificial psyche, the true principles of the human psyche and the device are largely the same. Actually, this is the principle of the cybernetic approach (353)

Here are just some examples of these " new" objects of the psyche and mental activity:

· Instinctive assessments are data on the reactions of instincts to a perceived object.

·  Emotional ratings are data on the responses of emotional instincts and emotional skills to a perceived object.

·  Skill assessments are reaction data (ready-made answers) of skills (programs that are not inherited, but formed as a result of experience). A variety of skill assessments are reasonable assessments.

· Instinct is active knowledge (active program) transmitted in a genetic way. All instincts are inherited only.

· Skill is active knowledge (active program), arising from experience.

· A skill response is a conditioned reflex.

· The instinct reaction is an unconditioned reflex.

· Emotions are a kind of feelings. They are mainly created by emotional instincts and emotional skills.

· Emotional reactions are actively involved in management. All emotional assessments are necessarily stimuli in the organization of mental activity. It's like a stick and a carrot.

· Reasonable assessments are the results of understanding a perceived or conceivable object in terms of concepts.

· Recognition of an object is its assignment to the number of known objects.

· Understanding of a subject is knowledge about its content, properties and connections.

· Reasonable assessment of a comprehensible subject is knowledge of some quality of it. There can be several such assessments, because the subject has many qualities.

· Emotional assessment of an item is the assignment of an item to a type of emotional stimulus, for example, a type of dangerous item.

· Emotional language is very short, but it has the advantage that it is universal for all systems of the psyche. Moreover, it is universal for animals of various species.

· The mind has an inner speech. He considers himself to be the main one in management, but he himself does not know that his management activities are mainly in the nature of preliminary activities. That is, the mind, like the intelligence of any higher animal, is mainly intended for planning operations.

· The subconscious mind is not engaged in such planning. Its tasks are reduced to direct operational management. Instant emotional assessment of a critical situation, given by the subconscious, is often the trigger for many defensive reactions. Here, the subconscious simply does not have time for a meeting with the mind.


                  Who researched this? Who wrote about this?


Here was a list of only some of the basic subjects of the psyche, the true principles and theories of which we have already created. The main thing is that these principles are universal both for any living psyche and for the psyche of any device.

 Our philosophy successfully develops the theory of the human soul, relying on the positive experience of psychological science and on our true theory of information. A huge role in the creation of this theory was played by the true ideas of Sechenov and Pavlov, Wiener and Pospelov. There are three approaches at the same time: psychological, materialistic and cybernetic. Therefore, we understand enough not only the human psyche, but also the psyche of the future device. The principles and laws of the psyche are the same both there and there.



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