Principle of development of psyche
PRINCIPLE OF DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHE His experience is formed not only by the mind, but also by other systems of the psyche. Moreover, these systems of the psyche can encode and transmit part of such successful skills to descendants at the genetic level as instincts.
P421. The principle of the development of the psyche Perception is the only and necessary source of experience for any system of the psyche. Units of experience are the necessary basis for the emergence of each new skill, and therefore, each new instinct. For each new instinct is necessarily a stable skill, but passed on to descendants by genetic means. (3. 6. 3. ) 421 This is what perception gives. 2009-10-20
1. The psychic organ is one of the main instruments of any system of perception. If we consider the levels of the structure of the psyche, then the lowest are active rules. The next level of the psyche is made up of simple programs consisting of dozens of active rules. The next level of mental organization is the level of complex programs (skills and instincts). Next is the level of mental organs. This is a high level of organization of the psyche, since such an organ is capable of including hundreds of thousands of complex rules. The volume of such an organ can be very different, for example, the memory of the mind is billions of elementary rules, and the nerve knot of the somatic system of the psyche is only millions and even less. At the highest level of its organization, the psyche consists of systems. There are five of them: the reception system, the autonomic system of the psyche, the somatic system, the subconscious and the mind.
Elements of any level of the psyche are essential, the main ones, but it is the psychic organs that play a special role in the process of perceiving an object. After all, the psychic organ is a real " production workshop" for processing perception images. The mind, first of all, is a mental system of intelligent perception, but it is not capable of independent visual perception. For this, the mind must form a connection (system) with the psychic organ of vision. And the psychic organ of vision belongs to the receptive system of the psyche. The mind must form the same with the psychic organ of hearing. As a result, it turns out that the mind participates in five circuits of intelligent perception. In addition to the mind, three more systems carry out their perception: the subconscious, the vegetative and somatic systems of the psyche.
The reception system participates in the processes of perception of other systems of the psyche as their " eyes and ears".
P422 Each of the five systems of the psyche always and necessarily simultaneously participates in several modal circuits of perception. (3. 6. 4. ) 422
And in this situation, the psychic organ comes out on top, since perception works with images, and not with individual data. And the image is already hundreds of thousands of data. This is a completely different scale. 2. The psychic organ is a complex multilevel system, consisting at the lower level of the rules of its neurons.
P423 The psychic organ is an informational entity. This is part of the soul. It is a multilevel system of highly specialized active rules. Each psychic organ in its basis always and necessarily consists of the elementary active rules of its neurons. (3. 6. 4. ) 423
After all, the bearer of each active rule is a neuron.
P424 Neuron is a substantial element of the nervous system. And the active rule of the neuron, accordingly, is a substantial element of the psyche. (3. 6. 4. ) 424 According to its content, the psyche is a complex multi-level system of active rules of its own neurons. This applies equally to the psychic organ.
P425 Neuron is a substantial element of any organ of the nervous system. And the active rule of a neuron is, accordingly, a substantial element of any mental organ. (3. 6. 4. ) 425
3. The mental organ is primary in relation to its carrier, since it consists of the rules of its neurons. And the rule of a neuron is necessary primarily in relation to its carrier (neuron), since it controls its material carrier, and not vice versa. Indeed, in the material World there is no such physical process that would be called control.
P425. Psychophysical control law for the neuron rule The rule of a neuron is a necessary informational side of its neuron. It corresponds to the main physical function of a neuron: to react in a certain way to a certain type of signal it receives. The rule of the neuron is essential in relation to its material carrier, since it always controls its material carrier, but not vice versa. (3. 6. 4. ) 426
The rule of a neuron always comes into an excited state together with its carrier, since it is the informational side of its carrier. Here, the action of the principle of the psychophysical law of the receptor rule is simply expanded (324).
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