P559. The principle of mood. The general emotional background is created by all systems of the psyche, with the exception of the reception system. This background is called mood.
P558 When a person laughs, first of all, it is a child who lives in every person throughout his life. (3. 10. 5. ) 558
Emotions are inherent in all systems of the psyche, except for the reception system, therefore, all four parts of the soul, in the process of perception, create a general emotional background. This is possible only because the language of emotions is universal for any system of the psyche. Moreover, it is universal for all higher animals.
The subconscious mind is a slave to the perceived situation. And his emotional background correlates with the objects of the perceived situation. Reason in this respect acts much more broadly, and its emotional background also applies to experienced or possible situations.
The emotional background of the Moving Soul is minimal, but it must be eaten. A person with healthy muscles and joints feels differently than a person with a sore leg. A rather strong emotional background of good or bad health is created by the Plant Soul. Moreover, it creates a general mental tone. And all this merges in the general emotional background of a person.
P559. The principle of mood The general emotional background is created by all systems of the psyche, with the exception of the reception system. This background is called mood. (3. 10. 5. ) 559 It is usually difficult for a person to distinguish the emotional background of the subconscious from the emotional background of the mind. 2009-12-25
EMOTIONS AND ECOSTASIS The Greek word oikos means home, homeland. At the same time, this word is at the heart of the word ecology, denoting a section of biology about the relationship of a plant or animal with the environment.
The main function of the subconscious is the operational management of the animal's life in the environment (oikos). The subconscious mind controls the body with respect to a variety of directly perceived objects in the environment. And here, as in homeostatics, there must be a problem of multiobjective optimization. This is when you have to agree on criteria that may contradict one another. True, in homeostatics this contradiction is not so much eliminated as used to bring the system to the desired state. But in ecostatics, unlike homeostatics, direct control of environmental objects is impossible. The objects of the environment are indifferent to the commands of the subconscious. This is done only through direct control of your own body.
P560. The principle of ecostasis Ecostasis is an equilibrium state of the “body - perceived situation” system. Management of ecostasis is reduced to controlling the behavior of an animal and is necessarily based on multi-criteria optimization, where the criterion is always and necessary is the emotional fact of the perceived object. (3. 10. 6. ) 560 The response data of each emotion are emotional facts and form the " terms" of the language of emotion.
P561. Emotional facts are necessarily internal stimuli participating in the control of attention of any system of the psyche, with the exception of the reception system. (3. 10. 6. ) 561
Are there too many coincidences here? Therefore.
P562. The principle of attention management The mental organ for controlling the attention of the subconscious must be an organ for multi-criteria optimization of its activity. Where each emotional fact is always and must be at the same time: both the qualitative criterion of the perceived object, and the internal stimulus, and a kind of term of the type of attitude to the perceived object. (3. 10. 6. ) 562
And the main coincidence is that attention is the quality of perception, and the emotional fact is a qualitative criterion of the perceived object.
What a coincidence!
The ray of high attention of our subconsciousness brightly illuminates the perception of only a small number of objects, the rest are perceived with a low degree of attention. This ray is controlled by a specific psychic organ. The necessary connection between the priority activity of the subconscious and the priority perception is quite obvious. “As an orchestra conductor, we cannot focus on everything at once. We direct the ray of our attention to the individual irritations that come to us, as well as to the memories that we extract from our long-term memory. [Cowan, 1988] ". (D. Myers " Psychology". Minsk, 1997. р. 232)
The subconscious mind does not direct its attention to the memory, as the mind does, but otherwise everything is almost the same.
The psyche does not just leave an " important subject" of perception or thinking without its own special reaction. It's just that she is not able to perceive everything at the same time and with the same high quality.
P482. The law of attention The reaction of the high attention of the psyche in relation to some external or conceivable object consists in the implementation of the first-priority (priority) and the most qualitative research of it. Attention is the quality of perception and thinking. The level of attention to the subject of perception or thinking is the degree of this quality. (3. 6. 11. ) 482
That is, attention is necessarily present in thinking, but then already in the form of the quality of thinking of this or that conceivable object. True, there can be no question of thinking in the subconscious or in another system of the psyche other than the mind. Everything there is based on trial and error. 2009-12-26
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