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 The next stage in the development of programs of the emotional type was the emergence of complex stimulus programs of perception and control.


  The language of emotions necessarily arose from the language of sensations. (3. 6. 10. ) 481  


Emotions are very close to sensations, so the language of emotions inherited a lot from the language of sensations. And programmers must understand this feature, otherwise they will never teach devices to feel or feel.



3. Further development of emotional language is its quantitative and qualitative development. And if the receptor is able to sense only one thing. One sign. Then the program for recognizing two or three features of the image that make up an emotional stimulus turns out to be not much more complicated than the receptor rule.


Is stimulus perception only emotional perception? Most likely not. The first perception defines a specific stimulus that requires a specific response. Whereas the second type of perception determines the type of attitude to the stimulus, which completely simplifies the decision-making on the content of this specific reaction.

For example, motion control programs inherent in the somatic system of the psyche are already purely stimulus programs. Everything is automated there. And in general, what emotional feelings can there be when walking?



 The next stage in the development of programs of the emotional type was the emergence of complex stimulus programs of perception and control.

                                                                                                       (3. 10. 6) 565                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

  The stimulus program is always emotional, but not always the other way around.



4. Recognizing programs of the intellect of the higher vertebrate. They recognize in the image of reception an object as an object of a certain type. The " name" of such an object is a set of sensitive features of the recognition program corresponding to the supporting features of this object. Actually, thanks to their sensitive features, such programs distinguish objects of sensation. They master the “art” of subject perception.


Most importantly, the forerunners of such programs were complex stimulus programs. As the number of sensitive features of the recognition program increased, it was able to distinguish not only stimuli, but also objects. For example, ten attributes are enough to classify an object as its type. Intelligence programs capable of realizing objective perception did not appear out of nowhere.



5. All subject intelligence programs are skills only. Their complexity does not allow for their genetic coding. The transmission of such programs by inheritance is completely excluded. Of course, they arise by instinct. Thus, copies of these instincts remain forever in their content. That is why all recognizing intelligence programs not only recognize their objects (more precisely, their images), but at the same time they also " see" complex stimuli and emotional stimuli in these objects. There are already three types of perception in one.



The next stage in the development of complex stimulus recognition programs is the emergence of complex skills capable of realizing object perception. (3. 10. 7. ) 566                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

6. Recognizing programs of the mind (concepts). They differ from the objective recognition programs of the animal's intelligence only in that they also carry out speech activity. However, despite its complexity, the concept defines the image of a known object in much the same way as the simplest stimulus program does. It does this with the help of its sensitive characteristics.



 The next stage in the development of skills capable of realizing objective perception is the concept. (3. 10. 7. ) 567


Of course, an animal can create a kind of " concept" about a perceived object based on its visual image. It also creates such " concepts. " But how is it able to use this knowledge in communication? Only at the level of emotional instincts. Here the role of human words is played by the terms of emotional instincts, translated into the languages ​ ​ of sounds, gestures and postures.

Try to explain something only with emotional exclamations, as it becomes immediately obvious what perfect mechanism of intelligent perception and communication a person possesses! And only because he has concepts for all relations and processes, the names of which designate these relations and processes.

Any concept already realizes four types of perception at the same time. In each of its objects, it recognizes not only the object, but also its name, and a complex stimulus, and an emotional stimulus.

This is how evolution turns out.


P568. The principle of common emotional background

 The similarity of the emotional languages ​ ​ of various systems of the psyche allows you to create a general emotional background, understandable to each system. (3. 10. 7) 568


The similarity of the emotional languages ​ ​ of various systems of the psyche is far from accidental.


7. The emotional language of conscience. The mind carefully evaluates the social behavior of its body and its soul. However, he also carefully evaluates the social behavior of other people. Reason accomplishes this by means of concepts. A person must form moral concepts. The system of such concepts (concept) is called conscience.

Any concept includes those emotional instincts that were involved in its creation. The concept understands. It is a feeling of understanding. But any concept also feels emotions. And the emotional feelings of the moral concepts of reason are already moral emotions.




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