the language of emotions. 1. The essence of emotional language. After all, what is a living language? It is a set of active coding programs. And these programs include emotional instincts. It is as if concepts are not only a set (rather a system) of rec
THE LANGUAGE OF EMOTIONS This is perhaps the most universal kind of language that only exists in nature. In any case, " the manifestations of this language in communications are of a universal nature. " (D. Myers " Psychology". Mn., 1997. р. 345) The language of emotions is especially clearly manifested in the behavior of higher animals. And this is a clear indication that he necessarily has a leading place in the mental reactions of their subconscious
1. The essence of emotional language. After all, what is a living language? It is a set of active coding programs. And these programs include emotional instincts. It is as if concepts are not only a set (rather a system) of recognition programs, but they are also a set of notation programs. It is precisely the concepts that they designate, since, for example, there is no inscription " fence" on the fence. P479. The principle of emotional language Types of emotional instincts and the corresponding types of emotions and emotional responses, necessarily constitute the language of emotional relationships. Where the role of coding programs is performed by these instincts, and the role of terms is the responses they produce. Complex emotions are decomposed into simple components. (3. 6. 10. ) 479
The term for emotional instinct is its response.
P. The principle of emotional evaluation The data of the response of the reflex of the emotional instinct are an emotional characteristic of the image of a recognizable or conceivable object. (3. 6. 10. ) 475
This answer is about what feeling the instinct experienced when perceiving an object (more precisely, a stimulus). So, what is this subject from the standpoint of this instinct. The number of types of terms of emotional instincts is a thousand times less than the number of types of terms of concepts. But simple emotional terms make up complex terms, and thus, the number of types of emotional terms increases significantly.
And if you look at the very root, then any language is a unified system for encoding input data into secondary, output data. It is based on the “if A - then B” implication rule. Any receptor must have such a rule, otherwise it is not a receptor. The basis of the language of emotions is not one rule, but a program consisting of dozens of elementary rules of neurons. However, its essence remains the same. For example, if the program receives data corresponding to the stimulus (object) A, then this program goes into an excited state of feeling. She responds automatically and selectively. This program will no longer respond to stimulus data of type D.
Further, in a brief state of reaction of feeling, such a program outputs its response B in the form of data of a simple emotion. The rule of correspondence between the data of the perceived stimulus A and the response B is the program itself. Any program is a complex rule consisting of a system of simple rules. The rules of the receptors and the concepts of the mind work in a similar way. It's all about the complexity of the coding programs.
P563. The principle of the basis of the language The basis of any language is only and necessary an active coding program. This program is at the same time the carrier of its own meaning of the encoded primary data. All secondary data of this program necessarily correspond not only to the primary data, but also to its meaning. (3. 10. 7. ) 563
The sense of the emotional instinct is himself The feeling of emotion is brief, but the data (response) of this feeling can exist and be used by psychic organs for an indefinitely long time. The recipient of such data feels the same as the emotional program felt when it perceived “its” stimulus. And this recipient forms a response that is adequate to the stimulus. More precisely, a response adequate to the response of the instinct to this stimulus.
2. The emergence of emotional language. The simplicity of the stimulus clearly indicates that the so-called stimulus perception had reception as its predecessor. And in terms of the evolution of the psyche, special attention should be paid to this circumstance. The point is that simple rules of neurons are capable of their complex combinations. It's like any complex algorithm needs to consist of only a dozen types of simple rules. The receptor rules are not adapted to such schemes. Otherwise, they will simply interfere with each other. Therefore, the receptor is only responsible for itself. But a receptor is not much different from a neuron, which is not a receptor. This is the same neuron, but with a different device for receiving the input signal. Of course, it can be assumed that once the rules of receptors, due to random mutations, " tried" such a scheme and therefore turned into the rules of the ganglia of the subconscious. However, the laws of evolution relieve us of all assumptions, and directly indicate that there was simply no other evolutionary path for the emergence of the first programs of the subconscious and could not be.
P564 The first programs of life activity once arose as a result of the complication of the activity of the rules of reception. Some of the rules of receptors, for reasons of random mutations, " retrained" to the rules of recognition programs. And thus, the first ganglionic programs arose that were able to analyze the data of receptors and issue, adequately to the stimulus, control commands to the body. (3. 10. 7. ) 564
And as it was already defined earlier.
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