P569. The principle of conscience
P568 a Moral concepts are the moral skills of the mind. They are formed on the basis of the perception of the historically established cultural experience of the people around them. (3. 10. 7. ) 568 a
And the morals of different peoples are basically different. What are the peoples? Every person has his own unique moral “passport”. Where moral emotions, in general, are the same (instinct is instinct), but moral skills are not at all. Moreover, morals (moral habits) change rapidly. It's kind of a moral fashion. Compare the people of the 60s and our contemporaries. They are strikingly different in their morality. All this is said in order not to confuse moral skills with emotional instincts, despite their certain similarities. P569. The principle of conscience Moral emotions are the manifestations of emotional instincts in the moral skills (concepts) of the mind. They always and necessarily belong only to the rational reactions of moral concepts. The system (concept) of moral concepts is called conscience. (3. 10. 7. ) 569
Conscience understands, but it is a moral sense of understanding. In addition, conscience still displays a gamut of moral emotions, and this happens only due to the activity of emotional instincts included in any concept. 2009-12-31
TYPES OF SIMPLE EMOTIONS The types of simple emotions correspond to the types of emotional instincts, for every emotional instinct produces only an emotion of its own type. She can be strong or weak, but always of the same type. For example, “Carol Izard states that there are 10 main types of emotions (joy, interest, surprise, embarrassment, sadness, anger, disgust, pride, fear, shame and guilt), most of which are observed in childhood. All other emotions, in his words, are a combination of the main ones. Love, for example, is a fusion of joy, interest, and excitement. [Izlard, 1977] ". (D. Myers " Psychology". Minsk, 1997. р. 347) There is no doubt that dogs have almost as many types of simple emotional instincts as humans.
P570 All emotional reactions are always and necessarily in their basis are unconditioned reflexes of emotional instincts. These instincts are necessarily included in the recognizing programs of the psyche, and thus their feelings are necessarily included in the feelings of any recognizing program. (3. 10. 8. ) 570
Emotion is only about what the subject is from the point of view of the emotional instinct. This is his reaction. That is, a simple emotion and its data reflect only the qualitative aspect of the perceived object. And every quality necessarily has its own degree and its own measure.
P571. The principle of quality in emotion Emotion always and necessarily reflects the qualitative characteristics of the perceived object. And any quality always has its own measure (quantitative interval of its existence) and its degree. It is the qualitative aspect of the subject that is the stimulus for the emotional instinct. (3. 10. 8. ) 571
It is from this that we must proceed in determining the types of simple emotions. This is the only way to objectively study them. In turn.
P572 Any quality always and necessarily has its opposite poles. Items with opposite values of a certain quality are one in that they have one type of quality. (3. 10. 7. ) 572 Naturally, some " tension" arises between such objects.
1. The quality of pain and pleasure. This is one type of quality, but with opposite poles of its range of values. Any emotion should be approached as a qualitative assessment by the emotional instinct of " one's" stimulus. And any quality must have a range of meanings and its own name. The range of values of the emotion of disgust and pleasure: feeling of pain (-1); unpleasant (- 0. 7); discomfort (- 0. 3); nothing (0); not bad (+0. 3); good (+0. 7); pleasure (+1). However, simple emotions are simple feelings that make up one complex sense of the perceived object. And words cannot always accurately describe them.
2. The quality of strength and weakness. This corresponds to the emotion of the same name. The range of values of the emotion of strength and weakness: a sense of strength (+1); feeling of health (+0. 7); feeling of cheerfulness (+0. 3); neutral feeling (0); feeling tired (-0. 3); feeling of weakness (-0. 7); feeling of illness (-1. 0).
3. The quality of good and evil corresponds to the emotion of joy and sadness, which is not much different from the first emotion, but unlike it, it is also applied to external objects. The range of values for the emotion of good and evil: delight (+1); satisfaction (+0. 7): pleasant (+0. 3); neutral (0); unwanted (-0. 3); unpleasant (-0. 7); disgusting (-1). Animals usually live in communities, so their friends and enemies, as a rule, are their good neighbors. The range of values of the social emotion of good and evil: care and responsibility (+1); friendship (+0. 7); sympathy and interest (+0. 3); neutral (0); distrust, resentment (-0. 3); enmity, anger (-0. 7); revenge is more precious than life (-1).
And many animals, realizing that there is no way to retreat, boldly take extreme measures. Sometimes it helps. And positive experience is passed on to other generations through instincts.
4. The quality of fear corresponds to the emotion of fear and courage. The perceiving program recognizes the perceived object as dangerous. The range of values for the emotion of fear and courage: horror (-1); fear (- 0. 7); anxiety (- 0. 3); neutral (0); cautious confidence (+0. 3); courage (+0. 7); triumph of the winner (+1). You can evaluate fear as a premonition of pain. There is nothing like this in the reception. She knows neither fear nor courage.
5. The quality of novelty corresponds to the emotion of curiosity, (Emotions of Cognition). This is one of the main emotions of higher animals, since the animal carries out changeable behavior according to environmental conditions. He needs to know the situation to survive.
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