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 P570. The principle of the orienting reflex

 P570. The principle of the orienting reflex

 The emotion of curiosity and its data is an orienting reflex. (3. 10. 8) 573


The range of values ​ ​ of the emotion of curiosity:

familiar situation (+1); known situation (+0. 5); nothing interesting (0); something new, but not so important (- 0. 5); something important and completely new (-1).

The latter arouses increased attention to a curious subject.



 6. The quality of perfection corresponds to the emotion of one's own prestige. It is the cause of the difficult and continuous intraspecific struggle for prestige. The range of values ​ ​ for the emotion of one's own perfection:

 chapter status (+1); strong status (+0. 5); middle status (0); status is below average (-0. 5); last status (-1).

 The same quality lies at the heart of the emotion of perfection. The range of values ​ ​ for the emotion of perfection:

perfection itself (+1); perfect (+0. 5); indifferent (0); unpleasant (-0. 5); ugly (-1).

The quality of perfection is at the heart of the sense of beauty. But this feeling is not the product of only an emotional instinct, since the concept is brought up by cultural experience that is not at all genetically transmitted. The range of values ​ ​ for the sense of beauty:

very beautiful (+1); nice (+0. 5); indifferent (0); an unpleasant sight (-0. 5); disgusting (-1).



7. The quality of possession is at the heart of the emotion of possession. It is about the extent to which the item is or should be yours. For example, predators mark their territory.

This same quality is at the heart of the emotion of envy. If others possess something that is very necessary, but not available, then the emotion of envy arises. The extreme manifestation of this quality is called egoism. But love for an individual of the opposite sex is not an emotion, but a strong manifestation of the reproductive instinct. The manifestation of this instinct, as a rule, is joined by: the emotion of perfection, and the emotion of pleasure, and the emotion of prestige.




Simple emotions add up to a complex emotion. If a person can have about twenty types of simple emotions, then in their combinations they are capable of generating hundreds of types of various complex emotions. (3. 10. 8. ) 574





 The subconscious mind controls the actions of any animal, including humans.


D574. The principle of the foundations of behavior

The subconsciousness (like the intellect) of the higher vertebrate, in addition to instincts, has skills to a greater extent. The former are a necessary basis for instinctive behavior. The latter are the necessary basis for individually changing behavior. (3. 10. 3. ) 550



The totality of actions of an animal in the environment is called behavior.

                                                                                                      (3. 10. 9. ) 575


For example, the behavior of the simplest vertebrates has a pronounced sensory-motor character. That is, in response to direct external influences, such an animal reacts with the necessary reflex movements.

But the subconscious behavior of higher vertebrates, in addition to the sensory-motor component, also has a strong component of individually changeable behavior. In this kind of behavior, subconscious skills play a major role. And in the formation of skills, the orienting reflex and its response play a leading role, because they are the main stimuli in the formation of a new skill. After all, the response of the orienting reflex is a strong stimulus for high attention to an incomprehensible subject.    

Psychology says a lot about attention and the orienting reflex. But the exact answers about the essence of these objects so far are given only by our philosophy.


D574. The principle of the orienting reflex

 The emotion of curiosity is an orienting reflex. (3. 10. 8. ) 573


Of course, this principle was discovered by accident. But it did not come about without a reason, as it turned out to be quite obvious in the study of the emotion of curiosity.

                                           Accidental is not accidental



Lecture 15

The psychic reflex is endlessly thought.

I. M. Sechenov


• The fifth element of the soul

• At the beginning of the mind there was a word

• Reasonable perception

• Reasonable contemplation

• Intuition

• Thinking

• Reasonable involuntary behavior

• Social behavior

• Speech communications

• Place of mind


The fifth Soul Element is the intellect of the higher vertebrate. This is a part of the soul that carries out the highest in its complexity behavior and preliminary activity, consisting in modeling the possible development of a particular situation.

Human intelligence is called reason, therefore human intellectual activity is his intelligent activity. Nothing complicated.



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