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P578. The principle of manual thinking


Intellect is the psychic organ of an animal that carries out both the higher forms of mental activity that precede behavior and the higher forms of direct control of behavior. Only intellect is inherent in thinking and objective perception. The basis of intelligence is the programs of subject perception (complex skills), which are formed as a result of experience. Human intelligence is called reason. (3. 11. 1. ) 576


Complex logical organs and diverse skills form the basis of intelligence and intellectual activity. Like no other system of the psyche, intelligence depends on experience. The reason for this is quite simple: complex programs of intellectual perception (skills) are not inherited, so the intellect must form them itself and in large numbers. Objective perception requires this, otherwise it will not be able to carry out its functions. In addition, thinking activity is impossible without intellectual skills.  

Complexity has to be paid for, so the intellect is forced to accumulate experience (ideas) throughout its life and create on its basis more and more complex skills of object perception and thinking (concepts).

Without thinking, neither lasting experience nor the skill of objective perception can arise. The trial and error method of the higher vertebrate can be easily attributed to the process of visual thinking. In this process, the animal creates each unit of its experience, and each of its intellectual skills, and each model of the current situation, and each model of its possible development.


Each skill of the intelligence of an animal is a kind of " concept", so it is characterized by the following:

• subject perception, since it has many sensitive features and contains in the core the image of " its" subject;

• stimulus perception, since this “concept” has a set of sensitive features; it responds adequately to a set of features of the image of perception of " its" object, as to a complex stimulus known to it that requires an appropriate response;

• emotional perception, since any intellectual skill must include those emotional instincts that were involved in its emergence;

• formation of associations with other related (having several similar characteristics) skills;

• participation in thinking, since only in thinking new skills are created from units of experience;

• participation in " manual thinking", where the object belongs to the perceived situation.


  The first feature of the intellect is that, unlike the subconscious, it is capable of object perception. The sophisticated intelligence skills of the higher vertebrate distinguish not only stimuli, but objects as well. If lower vertebrates react only to certain signs of perceived objects and for them each object is only a qualitative stimulus that requires a certain reaction and action, then higher vertebrates distinguish whole complexes of signs in objects and form their images in their perception.

 The fine line between an object and a stimulus is that an animal, which possesses only stimulus perception, distinguishes in the object only the stimulus known to it. In reality, the perceived object, as it was, remained so. After all, it cannot turn into a stimulus only from the fact that the animal sees and understands it that way.


The second feature of the intellect is that it is capable of complex forms of preliminary orienting activity. The experience of such activities arises only from the results of previous activities. This experience can take the form of complex diagrams of not yet performed actions. By themselves, these schemes do not arise, but arise only as a result of thinking and on the basis of existing experience.


Only the intellect is inherent in the ability to create complex programs of possible actions (programs of intentions) based on existing experience and skills. (3. 11. 1. ) 577


The peculiarity of the intellectual behavior of animals lies in the fact that the process of solving the problem proceeds not by means of motor tests, but precedes them. This process stands out as a special form of preliminary activity. This feature is manifested in the ability of animals to perform complex logical operations, despite the fact that they pass within the directly perceived field.


P578. The principle of manual thinking

The intellect of the higher vertebrate, in contrast to its subconscious, has the ability to carry out complex logical operations, despite the fact that they take place within the directly perceived field. This is called manual thinking.

                                                                                                       (3. 11. 1. ) 578

And only a person is able to think both within the directly perceived field (contemplation) and abstracted from this field (abstract thinking). Moreover, a person can think even in such objects that he has never seen (abstract thinking).

 For an animal, only visual planning is possible, while for a person it can be visual, and abstract, and abstract.

In other words, so preliminary activity and thinking are one and the same.



The third feature of intelligence is its ability to form a complete visual-shaped model of the observed situation. And higher vertebrates develop extensive schematic models of certain situations. However, the ganglionic structure of the memory carrier is completely powerless here. The memory fields are already needed here. Actually, only the fields of associative neurons inherent in the cerebral cortex can cope with this task. Moreover, the animal remembers certain situations and their development for a long time in its non-speech ideas, then it uses them in both its perceiving and its preliminary activities.



The fourth feature of the intellect consists in the presence of mental organs that carry out complex logical operations. There are already organs here that in many ways resemble the corresponding organs of the human mind. In any case, the physical carriers of human intelligence and primate intelligence have striking similarities.



The fifth feature of intelligence is the emergence of new forms of memory, which allows you to save and use not only experience, but complex images and complex patterns of behavior in possible situations. For this, instead of ganglionic memory carriers, new associative constructions appeared in the intellect, which are vast fields that can be carriers of systems consisting of hundreds of millions of neuron rules.



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